marmalade mkb send user defined parameter - marmalade

I am using MKB to develop an app for ios and android.
I need to send a user define parameter/symbol that I can conditionally set other stuff in the MKB.
Currently only assets and deployments can be "platformized" by deployargs.
but I would like to define a symbol based on if it is iOS or android.
and then use that symbol within the MKB file itself.
e.g. how do i set ios or android from the command line
if {{ defined ios }} {
message "iOS defined"
elif {{ defined android }}
message "android defined"
else {
message "nothing was defined"


Need help on using flutter sign_in_with_apple package

I am trying to implement apple login through my flutter firebase app.
I've done all the process for apple sign in such as appple app id registration, service id registration, ios set up, and firebase hosting.
So I used sign_in_with_apple: ^4.1.0 for my app and I am trying to use example code from the package description. However, if I run the code there are 2 errors to solve
Error: Error when reading 'lib/presenter/firebase/auth/html_shim.dart': No such file or directory
Error: Undefined name 'window'.
i will leave the package link below

Flutter Error (E/LB: fail to open file: No such file or directory) - Flutter

first of all these errors just appears when i run the app on a real device
the app runs perfectly on android studio emulator
i'm using android studio and Getx package for my flutter project
right after running the app on real device this error appears
E/LB ( 4438): fail to open file: No such file or directory
and after opening the drawer in the app => this error appears
V/MiuiFrameworkFactory( 4438): get AllImpl object = android.common.MiuiFrameworkFactoryImpl#71c94b4
W/MirrorManager( 4438): this model don't Support
and the app doesn't change to the dark mode when i press the change theme button i made
anyone can explain these errors for me , and how can i fix this ??

unable to resolve product type '' for platform 'iphoneos' (in target 'watchVersion' from

i want to create flutter app for apple watch after Enabling bitcode in Xcode and Adding an Apple Watch target
but app is not running ,
get me this error
error: unable to resolve product type '' for platform 'iphoneos' (in target 'watchVersion Extension' from project 'Runner')
You need to change your project's Xcode Build Settings for your Apple Watch app target (extension also) Base SDK and Supported platform to watchOS. Make sure that the Runner app stays on iOS.
Faced a similar problem with Azure pipeline, the solution was to update sdk which was being passed as sdk:'iphoneos'.
Just passed empty string sdk: ''

Can my Flutter project have a different version number for Android and iOS?

Is it possible to use pubspec and the flutter build tools to create release versions of my app with a different version for each platform? Eg iOS could be 1.0.1+10 and Android 5.2.3?
This is wrong but I'm thinking something like like the below
name: myapp
description: my app description
ios_version: 1.0.1+10
android_version: 5.2.3
Currently the apps in the stores have different version numbers. Would we need to bump them both to the same version, say 6.0.0? Is it possible to have a pubspec for each version?
For iOS find the file name Generated.xcconfig and change the following parameter
Otherwise, default version getting from pubspec.yaml from the following line :
version: 1.0.0+1 // default version set
For Andriod edit the file inside android folder when you are building.
For iOS edit the Generated.xcconfig file inside ios/FLutter folder or update from Xcode when you are building.

Flutter - Target file "–flavor" not found

I'm following this tutorial to manage different Firebase environments.
However, when trying to run the app with a specific flavor, it doesn't work.
I do :
flutter run -flavor dev
flutter run --flavor dev
But I get this error message:
Target file "–flavor" not found.
Here is the relevant part of my
flavorDimensions "default"
productFlavors {
dev {
dimension "default"
applicationIdSuffix ".dev"
tst {
dimension "default"
applicationIdSuffix ".tst"
prd {
dimension "default"
Sadly, I cannot find anything related to my issue on the internet.
EDIT: I don't know what kind of black magic it is, but after doing
flutter run -h
flutter run --flavor dev
It worked... Time to go to sleep
The reason why you're getting the error initially is that you're running flutter run -flavor dev - flavor needs to be --flavor. On the other hand, running flutter run -h unlikely helps since it just prints out the usage information for flutter run. Setting up flavors in Android, the config should be set in the Android build's app/build.gradle as mentioned in this guide. Separate steps are needed if you'd like to configure one for iOS as well.