How to make NuGet pack not overwrite an existing version - nuget

When building a NuGet Pack to an output directory, I do not want it to overwrite an existing version
Existing command:
".nuget\nuget.exe" pack "some.csproj" -output "c:\~packages"
I have looked through the documentation and cannot seem to find a switch that does it. I tried using a if exists "c:\~packages\some.nupkg" exit 1 but the problem is I do not have access to the version number in that context, so I cannot predictably provide a version to check for

This is not currently possible using NuGet.exe.
The options are:
Modify NuGet's source code to allow an extra command line option to support not overwriting the existing NuGet package if it exist. The PackCommand could be changed to support this.
Write a utility to generate the correct package version, then check the package exists before running NuGet.exe. The package version information is read from the AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute taken from the project's output assembly if you are using nuget pack projectfile.


Using Cake (C# Make) to always get latest NuGet package version

Is it possible to use Cake to always get the latest version of a specific NuGet package? I know NuGet itself only allows you to set that at the base Nuget.config level. There are some internal packages that we would like to always get the latest version of (some of our database entities), while other internal packages we don't want to force a latest (our extensions package, for example). Right now we have to go through and manually update projects that rely on those packages, and I would like to automate those "always get latest" at build.
I don't see anything using any of the NuGet add-ins, but I am new to Cake so I'm hoping I am just missing something.
Has anyone had any luck using Cake to always retrieve the latest version on the feed for specific named packages, and just use the current packages.config version for the rest?
The short answer is that you can do anything that you want.
Cake out of the box will attempt to adopt established best principles for reproducible builds.
With the preprocessor directive, you could simply omit the version information, and Cake/NuGet will fetch the latest version. However, once downloaded to the tools folder, Cake/NuGet will not fetch it again. What you could do is add a custom step in your bootstrapper to clear the tools folder each time before build, and then the latest version will be downloaded each time.
Note: This is NOT a recommended approach, but rather something custom for your setup.

Expanding a NuGet Package (nupkg) From the Command-Line

I have access to the NuGet command-line tool but not to any unzip tools. Is it possible to install a package already saved locally?
After doing a number of searches, I've come up with nothing that handles such a simple requirement. I've also looked at the code but it's far too lengthy/dense to quickly come to a definite conclusion, though, by all indications, it doesn't support the direct install of a local file.
Since it's really just a zip file.
mv ~/path/to/package.nupkg
This will change the file extension to be a zip file. Then:
unzip -d ~/Output/dir
If you have the .nupkg stored locally in a directory and all you want to do is extract the files you could use NuGet.exe and do something like:
NuGet.exe install -o extract-directory MyPackageId -source /Full/Path/To/Directory/Containing/NuGet/Package/NuPkgs
The -source parameter allows you to define a new source. In this case the directory where the .nupkg file exists.
The -o parameter defines the directory where you want the NuGet package extracted to.
The above seems to work on the Mac with NuGet 2.12.

How to use paket from command line

I installed paket from nuget in Nuget Package Manager Console with:
Install-Package paket
I then tried to run paket convert-from-nuget. It stalled out on a user prompt (it wouldn't let me type into the package manager console). My next thought was to run it from command line, but how to do so is not documented.
Just putting paket convert-from-nuget into a standard dev command prompt results in an error saying "paket" is not recognized.
How do I run paket from the command line or powershell, and how do you specify which solution to work against?
The way to setup paket in your repository is as follow:
1 Download a release of paket.bootstrapper.exe
This is a lightweight utility which obtains and updates paket.exe, pick stable release from official release page:
2 create a .paket folder
md .paket
3 put the downloaded bootstrapper in this folder and invoke it
cd .paket
now you have an up-to-date paket.exe ready to ease your handling of dependencies.
4 convert from nuget
cd ..
.paket\paket convert-from-nuget
Please checkout the also for Visual Studio plugin to help you authoring paket.dependencies and paket.references file
Please also join if you have any questions.
The Chocolatey package modifies the PSModulePath envivornment variable. I've observed that sometimes that modification isn't picked up until the system is restarted (or at least not until the user logs out and back in again). In the meantime, you can import the module using:
Import-Module <path-to-packages>\Paket.PowerShell\Paket.PowerShell.psd1
The packages path is usually something like C:\Chocolatey\lib. OTOH, re-reading your question, are you referring to the Nuget inside of Visual Studio? If so, that downloads from and that pkg puts paket.exe in $(SolutionDir)\packages\Pakget.1.18.5\tools\paket.exe. Your version number may varying.
Unfortunately the fact that PowerShell V5 introduces Install-Package (which downloads from Chocolatey by default) is going to get a little confusing vis-a-vie the NuGet Package Manager Console's Install-Package in Visual Studio.

nuget restore fails on build but works manually

VS 2013 fails to restore a package - the package contents are not materialized - although VS/nuget appears to think that it did restore the package successfully.
If I manually uninstall and re-install the same version of that package, it works as it should.
A bare-bones repro can be downloaded as a zip. This repro has a
single solution with a
single project with a
single file, "packages.config", specifying a
single package, "breeze.edmbuilder -version 1.0.4", containing a single file, edmbuilder.cs
single folder, "App_Start", contains nothing but
the .csproj says it should have "edmbuilder.cs" which is ok because
it WILL have "edmbuilder.cs" when the package is restored.
When I build, VS reports that "edmbuilder.cs" is missing ... and indeed it is missing.
However, the package was downloaded; I know this because the build produces a "packages" folder that contains "Breeze.EdmBuilder.1.0.4" wherein I see that "edmbuilder.cs" is present and in the right place.
When I issue the command install-package breeze.edmbuilder -version 1.0.4, nuget reports
'Breeze.EdmBuilder 1.0.4' already installed. NugetRestoreFail already has a reference to 'Breeze.EdmBuilder 1.0.4'.
There is nothing wrong with this package AFAIK. For when I uninstall-package breeze.edmbuilder and then reinstall with install-package breeze.edmbuilder -version 1.0.4, the install works and the missing edmbuilder.cs appears in the "App_Start" folder where it belongs.
The failure is repeatable in place.
close the solution
delete edmbuilder.cs from "App_Start"
delete the "packages" folder
optionally delete the .suo and bin and obj directories
re-open the solution and re-build
You'll get the same failing behavior ... and the same ability to manually uninstall and reinstall.
FWIW, removing the reference to edmbuilder.cs from the .csproj has no effect.
No matter what I do, I have to manually uninstall and re-install the package.
p.s.: I am using VS 2013 Update 2 RC. I doubt that the "RC" matters as this problem came to my attention from a customer. You never know.
p.p.s: This is not about the build failing and I don't care that this solution would never run. What you see here is a stripped down version of a real app that would have worked. The only question is "why no restored file?"
Package Restore is NOT the same as installing a package. What you are seeing is by design. It simply downloads any missing packages in the packages folder. No more. No less.
Package Restore was added so you wouldn't need to commit the packages folder to source control.
It is expected that you would install a package then commit the changes made to your project files as well as any files that may have been added like your edmbuilder.cs, essentially anything inside your project folder. You would exclude the packages folder.
Now when you get the source from source control everything would be present except for the package files. Package Restore would download those and now your working copy is complete.
See NuGet's Restore Package insists on specific package versions
Is this stupid or what?
Thanks to #Kiliman for explaining that my horrible experience is "by design".
So how do you actually get the content you thought was being restored? Do you install each package one at a time. That's insane.
I was going to observe that there is no nuget equivalent of an npm install that would fetch all the packages you need ... when I discovered that there actually IS an almost-equivalent. It's just not obvious and I wonder how many people know it exists.
It's a two step process:
FIRST restore the missing packages ... THEN
Issue the command: Update-Package -Reinstall
This re-installs all packages in every project in your solution.
If you only want to re-install for a specific project, try:
Update-Package -ProjectName 'YourProjectName' -Reinstall
In both procedures, the -Reinstall switch strives to install the exact versions of the packages spelled out in your package.config ... and not newer "updated" packages which may or may not work for your project (but see the documentation for exceptions).
Read about update-package -reinstall in the official nuget documentation entitled, "Reinstalling Packages and its Pitfalls".
Do not miss the cautionary remarks. Clearly this technique is but an approximation of what you'd expect from other package managers.
Good luck, peoples.

How to include current package version in NuGet transformation files?

I would like to include a content file into the package that should refer to the current version of the package being installed (more precisely to the package folder, but the only varying part is the version).
Is there a special syntax (e.g. $packageversion$ - does not work) to include the version number into a transformed (.pp) content file?
Alternative: I can access the version from the install.ps1 and I can also invoke Add-Content (i suppose that will also apply the transformations), but how can I extend the replacement placeholders?
The variables you can use (like $rootnamespace$) are the ProjectProperties so you won't be able to access the version number.
As a workaround, you could try naming the file as part of your build step that creates the NuGet package.
If you think it'd be good to see this added to NuGet, it's worth starting a discussion on the NuGet site, the developers are pretty active there :-)