jssor: undocumented t3 d3 properties - how to - jssor

I found the t3 and d3 properties in the caption samples of jssor. how are these properties used? What are the possible values (i.e. 'B').
Are there other (undocumented) properties?

Attribute 't' specifies transition for 'play in', 't2' is for 'play out'
't3' is for 'play out immediately'. 't' and 't3' are in the timeline of 'play in', but 't' is 'play in' to appear, 't3' is to 'play out' to disappear.
Attribute 'd' specifies time delay to animate in the timeline. 'd' affects 't', 'd3' affacts 't3'.
d: a numeric value in milliseconds means delay of animation
du: a numeric value in milleseconds means duration of the animation
x: a numeric value in ratio means the caption will fly horizontal by distance of
parent container width
y: a numeric value in ratio means the caption will fly vertical by distance of
parent container width
z: a numeric value in ratio means the caption will zoom by
r: a numeric value means the caption will rotate by, 1 equas 360 degree.
f: a numeric value (from 0 to 1) means the caption will fade by.
b: a numeric value (in milliseconds) indicates an explicit begin time to start
animation. By default, captions play in one by one. But if a caption specified
with 'b' explicitly, it breaks the streamline.
Note: 'du', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'r' and 'f' can be percentage value, if a percentage value
is specified, the final behavior is a percent of original transition.


conditional color coding of a textbox in SSRS Report based on date range

I have below columns in my report body and I need to fill background color in a ProviderNextContactDate textbox based on below condition
ProviderContactDate ProviderNextContactDate
2/3/2022 8/3/2022
1/6/2022 7/6/2022
11/18/2022 5/18/2022
if ProviderNextContactDate is past due then Red
if ProviderNextContactDate is within 30 days then yellow
otherwise transparent
Assuming past due means past on or earlier than today and your colums are Date or DateTime data types, then just set the backgroundcolor property of the textbox to an expression something like this...
Fields!ProviderNextContactDate.Value >=Today(), "Red",
DateDiff("d", Fields!ProviderNextContactDate.Value, Today()) <=30, "Yellow",
True, Nothing
The final 'True' acts like an else. 'Nothing' is the default backgroundcolor for textboxes which is effectively transparent.
You may need to adjust the numbers of days or the >= and <= depnding on your needs. For example, DateDiff returns the number of boundaries crossed, in this case the number of days (denoted by the "d").

Flutter CupertinoPicker initial value from a previous CupertinoPicker's last chosen value

I have a UI with multiple pickers on the screen. The first one being select an age from the list. When I pass to the second picker where we pick a weight with an initial value of 65 kg, it takes as an initial value last chosen index from the age picker. If the age was chosen 21 years, then an initial value of the weight picker becomes 21 kg. Is there any solvation for it? Because third is sex picker, where I have just two values, but an initial value appears empty because on previous was chosen 75 kg.
Found a solution to add key property to widget, so rebuild will run correctly.
return Container(
key: ValueKey(someUniqueValue),
child: ...

Trying to align text in center of rectangle while drawing freeText annotation but text goes in top left corner

I am trying to free text Annotation string align in center of rectangle but always set in top left corner
PdfContentByte pcb = stamper.getOverContent(page);
PdfAnnotation annotation = PdfAnnotation.createFreeText(stamper.getWriter(), rectangle, "Mayank Pandey", pcb);
annotation.put(PdfName.Q, new PdfNumber(PdfFormField.Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE));
Text showing left top corner in pdf:
You set
annotation.put(PdfName.Q, new PdfNumber(PdfFormField.Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE));
The constant Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE is defined as
* A possible value for vertical alignment.
public static final int ALIGN_MIDDLE = 5;
But the value of Q in free text annotations is specified as:
(Optional; PDF 1.4) A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that shall be used in displaying the annotation’s text:
0 Left-justified
1 Centered
2 Right-justified
Default value: 0 (left-justified).
Thus, value 5 you used is not a valid Quadding value at all!
Furthermore, FreeText Quadding does not even support what you want to achieve, to align in center of rectangle, it only allows to select horizontal alignment, not vertical alignment.
For your objective, therefore, you'll have to use a custom appearance (which takes precedence if present).

Need to count a running value percentage top 80 percentile number of rows

I have a running value expression that color codes (Yellow) when it reaches 80%. The remaining 20% are then without color. I need to count the number of rows that comprise that 80%.
Here is the expression that's placed in the Background Color properties:
=IIF(RunningValue(Sum(CDbl(Fields!qtr_total.Value)), Sum, "Data8020") <
(Sum(Fields!qtr_totalValue.Value, "Data8020") * .8), "Yellow", "Transparent")
I just need to count the number of rows that are marked in yellow.
Add a column with the following expression:
=IIF(RunningValue(Sum(CDbl(Fields!qtr_total.Value)), Sum, "Data8020") <
(Sum(Fields!qtr_totalValue.Value, "Data8020") * .8), 1, 0)
and then sum this column to get to the count value. You can hide this column so that it wont mess the looks of your report.

Regarding Jasper report bar chart

I'm using jasper ireport 4.0.1 for developing. And I need to realize a bar graph being shown according to the imported 2 parameter one is for the used and the other is the total value. I want the left part of this bar represented in red color and the length will be changed according to the proportion of the used value out of the total also the used value need to be shown on this part of bar and the rest of the bar in green colour with the length regarding the total minus by the used value. How can I realize that, any help will be appreciated!
Let say the total value is 45
If the used value is 24 then the bar graph will show as follow
If the used value is 44 then the bar graph will looks like this
You can achieve that by defining 2 parameters:
max: maximum value
proportion: value when it should switch between blue and green.
Then you add a stacked bar chart with 3 series:
Series1: series expression: "RED", category expression $F{<field>}, value expression $F{<value>}
Series2: series expression: "BLUE", category expression $F{<field>}, value expression $F{<value>} < $P{proportion} ? $P{max} - $F{<value>} : 0
Series3: series expression: "GREEN", category expression $F{<field>}, value expression $F{<value>} >= $P{proportion} ? $P{max} - $F{<value>} : 0