Maven Multiple module project in Eclipse issue - eclipse

I have multiple module maven project which i imported in eclipse.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
and it shows child modules as following.
problem is it is not recognizing any of the child modules java files. if hover objects it does not show up any thing and consider as plain text files. it complains that it is not in build path ???
any idea how to fix or how to import multip modules maven project in eclipse.

Maven support is included in Eclipse Kepler. You can find it in the File -> Import screen as Maven -> Existing Maven Projects.
Selecting a directory with a parent POM in it will prompt you to import all its children as well.

If you really want to go down thatroad check out this old school method with eclipse:eclipse and multi-module import plugin.
But I have a different suggestion. Remove all eclipse:eclipse generated files, download m2e (new versions of Eclipse already include it). Then just use m2e Import Maven Project feature. It will recognize nested pom.xml files and let you create separate projects out of the ones you choose to work with.
Source: m2eclipse-book


Maven modules projects no longer showing as maven project inside the parent project

I have this parent Maven project and inside it I have 6 modules, It was created on Eclipse Neon and there everything is showing correct regarding the project structure.
The problem is after putting the project on a SVN repository and importing in another Eclipse, in this case, all the modules inside the parent project no longer show as maven project but just a normal folder.
What could be wrong? Anything on Eclipse? Any plugin? This Eclipse with the wrong view is the latest one, java-2019-09.
I need ideas :)
Edit 1:
Edit 2:
To import the nested projects use File > Open Projects from File System... and choose as Import source the directory of the (already imported) parent project.
By the way, the parent project should be a General Maven project instead of a Java Maven project.

Eclipse project facets in Maven projects

I'm starting to work with Maven in Eclipse but when I create a Maven project with several children projects, let's say:
-Maven project
-Web project
-EJB project
-JSF project
Each of the children projects has a different set of facets in order for Eclipse enable the corresponding tooling.
The problem is that, when I import the Maven project, the children projects exists in the workspace (under the Maven project) as simple folders, so, no specific-tooling is available.
What is the correct way to work with Maven in Eclipse?
You need to "Import...>Existing Maven project". The import wizard will recursively discover all child modules (assuming they all have a pom.xml) and import them properly as separate Eclipse projects

Maven eclipse - mutli project dependencies not appearing

I have a bunch of maven projects which all are part of a parent project. When I import the parent project into eclipse, I was expecting the child projects source folders to be listed in my parent project, however they are not. They also don't appear in the "Maven Dependencies" section.
Is this the correct behavior or am I missing something. If it is the correct behavior, then what is the best practice around doing this?
Should I be importing each project into eclipse and then editing the build path for my parent project to include them all? I really don't like this approach because I want to do everything through maven.
Note: I am not using mvn eclipse:eclipse to generate my project files, I am using the maven plugin directly in eclipse IDE as: Import existing maven projects
Import your parent project then close it (right click on the project in the package explorer > close project). Select it and go to file > import > maven > existing maven projets here you should see the list of the child projects, select the wanted ones then finish.
Now in your package explorer you should have :
A project parent-project where you work on the pom-parent and eventually on the src-parent
One project per child-project where you work on the corresponding pom-child and src-child
If some dependencies are missing try to update the projects (right click on the projects in the package explorer maven > update project)
Normally you don't have to edit the build path in eclipse it must be handle by the maven nature of the project (the maven nature is often represent by a M on the icons of the projects)
Normally, if you don't import "dependencies" projects, Eclipse simply uses the jars presents in your local repo (.m2).
However, I don't get what you mean by "I have a bunch of maven projects which all are part of a parent project".
Projects are not part of each other. And the child projects sources should not be listed in the sources folders. You only uses the bytecode.
If you want to "see all your sources" :
However, you can have a complete "view" of the code if you export your sources as sources jars.
If you want to be able to debug across your projects :
You then have to import all your projects in Eclipse. If a project is closed, Eclipse will use the jar like if the project was not there. If the project is open, it will use the project (not sure exactly how, but it works smoothly).

Importing projects into Eclipse

I have this simple question how to import whole project source into Ecplise so I can browse it easily? Specifically, I have downloaded Maven source code and I just want to view it same as other projects in my Eclipse.
I've tried to import it with use of two possible options (as archive and as a project) without luck.
Thank you in advance!
Maven itself is a Mavenized multi-module project, Generally there are two ways to import a Mavenized project into a IDE like eclipse:
Suppose you have installed Maven 3 and setup environment variable
if you use Eclipse, you also need add M2_REPO to you
Build Path -- Classpath Variable, check out here for how to
setup. this tells Eclipse where to find jar dependencies stored in
local maven repository.
Option 1 -- Import as Java Project:
Open a command prompt and go to the extracted source folder, run mvn eclipse:eclipse
and waiting for it finish, make sure it doesn't popup any message start with [ERROR], this
will download all required jar dependencies from internet to you
local maven repository and create .project and .classpath for Eclipse
to use when doing import.
In eclipse, go to File -- Import -- General -- Existing Project into
Workspace, select the extracted source folder as root directory. This
will import a group of projects into Eclipse as bunch of regular java
projects (i.e. project icon inside Package Explorer watermarked with a
capital J).
Option 2 -- Import as Maven Project:
Alternatively, if yo got m2e plugin installed in Eclipse, you can
directly import the extracted project folder, go to File -- Import --
Maven -- Existing Maven Projects, select the extracted source folder
as Root Directory. This will import a group of projects into Eclipse
as bunch of Maven projects (project icon inside Package Explorer
watermarked with a Capital M).
Hope this helps.
The maven repository versions are not uploaded in the exact format they are on disc (from where the the mvn deploy goal is run. I can think of 3 options assuming I understand your question correctly:
You can find the open source project if it exists and get all the
source and project from there.
On an existing project, you go the dependencies, right click on one
and select browse source. Not the same as having the show project
here you can build and run however.
You can download the sources from the maven repo and then
reconstruct the project. I'm not not sure how feasible this
actually is and I have never tried it. I would probably find other
ways before trying this.

Maven integration into eclipse, Problems with Dependencies vs. Referenced Libraries

he fellas, i need your help again.
Im trying to develop a new part for an existing software. The parts are all done using Maven. I have to work in several projects at once, which are all continously opened in Eclipse. In Eclipse i use M2E, but i tend to edit the poms directly in xml.
So, now I can build (clean install) the projects individually, works ok. But Eclipse now has problems with the online help: It shows me errors. Eclipse cant seem to see classes which are placed in the same project, but different packages. Note that it works fine when i compile it!
Also after I run the pom the dependencies dont show up as "Maven Dependencies" but as "Referenced Libraries".
This persists after I run mvn eclipse:eclipse from outside and refresh.
Thanks so much for your help!
"Do not ever do mvn eclipse:eclipse", only do mvn eclipse:clean from command line first and then import "as maven projects" using your eclipse M2E plugin.
M2E Plugin knows how to handle Maven Dependencies, whereas mvn eclipse:eclipse knows how to handle Referenced Libraries, and they are NOT compatible with each other. You can always do mvn update project in Eclipse after mvn eclipse:clean.
I had to delete the maven-project, too, after using eclipse:eclipse. It added the references as "Referenced Libraries".
Manually deleting the .project and .settings files in the project folder and importing the project again helped. I used the M2E import. Afterwards it displayed the libraries within the "Maven Dependencies". Subsequently I was able to run it on my local webserver.
I do not really know the reason for the behavior, but deleting the project and reimporting it solved it.
I agree with kisna. As an alternative to fix the project if already contains both "Referenced Libraries" and "Maven Dependencies", you can do the following:
Right-click on the project and select Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries tab -> Find the entry in the list of libraries called Shared Library [] or/and all libraries that starts with 'M2_REPO/', and then select it/them and remove.