In IPython every shell command is run by prefixing it with "!" but few commands run without that, What is the reason behind it? - ipython

In case of "ls" command it runs with and without the prefix "!". In case of "cat fileName" it's the same, but when you consider "wc -l fileName" it works only with "!" prefix.
When you combine cat and wc command "cat fileName | wc -l" executed successfully without "!" prefix.
I don't understand the logic behind this prefix "!" in ipython.
Thank you in advance
(I am new to python programming, if it sounds silly question please forgive me.)

IPython tries to make interactive programming as comfortable as possible. Some shell builtins like ls, cd or cat are basic commands to navigate in unix shells. IPython, as a "Python Shell" provides the same functionally for convenience. Along with features like colored output, etc.
The !command is for executing arbitrary shell code and is much more powerful. It can be used to run any command you can type in a normal shell and can also catch its output.
Compare ls with !ls. The former will print the content in your current directory with nice coloring. The latter will print the same list, but just plain text.
But note that you can do really cool things with !command:
files = !ls
for f in files:
print("I like this file:", f)
Which reads the output of ls into a python array files which you can use in your code just like any other array.
To sum up: if you just want to navigate, you usually use the standard commands, if available. If you need to capture the output or run programs you have to use the !command syntax.


Terminal prompt disappears when a named pipe is used

I'm trying to use named pipes in a project. I have two terminals open, Terminal A and Terminal B.
In terminal A, I issued this command:
mkfifo myFifo && tail -f myFifo | csh -s
It seems as if standard out is being redirected somewhere else, though, because my prompt disappears and some commands aren't reflected in terminal A.
For example, if in terminal B I begin a python session via issuing echo "python" > myFifo, then echo "print 'Hello, World'" > myFifo, I don't see Hello, World in terminal A.
However, if I issue echo ls > myFifo within terminal B, I see the correct output from ls in terminal A.
Does anyone know why sometimes the output appears and sometime it doesn't?
I'm running on CentOS 6.6
You read from the FIFO with csh, if you start an interactive Python shell in csh, then it won't be reading from the FIFO because it's busy running python.
Python doesn't somehow automagically do a REPL on the FIFO. How should it even know about the FIFO? It has no knowledge of it.
You could, perhaps, tell Python to read commands from the FIFO with something like:
>>> import os, sys, time
>>> fifo = open('myFifo', os.O_NONBLOCK), 'r')
And then:
$ echo 'print(42+5)' > ! myFifo
Will give you:
>>> eval(
Perhaps there's also a way to tell Python to read commands from myFifo by overwriting sys.stdin, but I can't get that working in my testing.
It's a bit unclear to me what exactly you're trying to achieve here, though. I suspect there might be another solution which is much more appropriate to the problem you're having.

How do I get Perl to run an alias I've defined in BASH?

I have a script that opens up different files at the same time.
My problem here is that when I run system() on the alias I've defined in bash which points to /home/user1/Software/nc, perl tells me that it can't execute the alias because there is no file/directory at the current location.
I know that the alias works because when I invoke it directly in a shell, it opens fine.
Funny enough, I can do system("firefox") within my script fine, but not the alias. How do I use this alias in this script without it breaking?
Perl won't run bash, it will execute the command directly. You can call
bash -c your_command
instead of calling the command itself in Perl.
As it is, this doesn't load your aliases. You need to open an interactive shell, as in #MortezaLSC's answer. There supposedly is a way of loading aliases correctly in a non-interactive shell, but I can't figure it out.
But why don't you just use the command you have aliased to directly in perl? The only reason I could see not to do this, is if your alias is going to change in the future, but you will still want to run whatever command it points to. This seems weird and dangerous to say the least.
Aliases are designed to reduce the typing you do if you invoke commands with the same options etc all the time. They're not all-purpose macros for bash. Bash has functions for doing more complicated stuff, but why would you want to call non-trivial bash code from a perl script? It doesn't seem like you really need this here. Keep the complexity, and the potential for modification and failure, in one place (the perl script).
See a couple of answers to similar questions:
If you're smart, you made it so your alias is only defined for interactive shells, so you'll have to launch bash and specify that you want an interactive shell using -i.
system('bash', '-i', '-c', 'shell command');
Is it working?
system 'bash -i -c "your alias parameter"';

Run Coffeescript Interactive (REPL) with a script

In python, I can run a script and enter interactive mode in the context of that script. This lets me mess with global variables and what not to examine program state.
$ python -i
Can I do this with Coffeescript? I've tried the following:
$ coffee -i
doesn't load It's equivalent to coffee -i
$ cat | coffee -i
runs the script line by line in REPL but ends REPL after the EOF.
I've recently started a project to create an advanced interactive shell for Node and associated languages like CoffeeScript. One of the features is loading a file or string in the context of the interpreter at startup which takes into account the loaded language.
# Load a string
nesh -c -e 'hello = (name) -> "Hello, #{name}"'
# Load a file
nesh -c -e
Then in the interpreter you can access the hello function. Also a good idea to create an alias in bash:
alias cs='nesh -c'
cat - | coffee -i
tells cat to first output your code and then output stdin, which gives you what you're looking for I think.
I am confronted with this problem as well. The one provide by #int3 doesn't solve this problem, for CoffeeScript is one indentation based language. stdin will pass the code line by line, but the repl is not smart enough to realize this. Since you post this question, I suggest you create one issue (feature request) on CoffeeScript

How can I find out what script, program, or shell executed my Perl script?

How would I determine what script, program, or shell executed my Perl script?
Example: I might want to have human readable output if executed from shell (customized for each type of shell), a different type of output if called as a script from another perl script, and a machine readable format if executed from a program such as a continuous integration server.
Motivation: I have a tool that changes its output based on which shell executes it. I'd normally implement this behavior as an option to the script, but this tool's design doesn't allow for options. Other shells have environment variables that indicate what shell is running. I'm working on a patch to support Powershell, which has no such special variable.
Edit: Many of these answers happen to be linux specific. Unfortuantely, Powershell is for Windows. getppid, the $ENV{SHELL} variable, and shelling out to ps won't help in this case. This script needs to run cross-platform.
You use getppid(). Take this snippet in
my $ppid = getppid();
system("ps --no-headers $ppid");
If you run it from the command line, system will show bash or similar (among other things). Execute it with system("perl"); in another script, e.g., and you will see that perl executed it.
To capture just the name of the process with arguments (thanks to ikegami for the correct ps syntax):
my $ppid = getppid();
my $ps = `ps --no-headers -o cmd $ppid`;
chomp $ps;
EDIT: An alternative to this approach, might be to create soft links to your script, make the different contexts use different links to access your script and inspect $0 to build logic around that.
I would suggest a different approach to accomplish your goal. Instead of guessing at the context, make it more explicit. Each use case is wholly separate, so have three different interfaces.
A function which can be called inside a Perl program. This would likely return a Perl data structure. This is far easier, faster and more reliable than parsing script output. It would also serve as the basis for the scripts.
A script which outputs for the current shell. It can look at $ENV{SHELL} to discover what shell is running. For bonus points, provide a switch to explicitly override.
A script which can be called inside a non-Perl program, such as your continuous integration server, and issue machine readable output. XML and/or JSON or whatever.
2 and 3 would be just thin wrappers to format the data coming out of 1.
Each is tailored to fit its specific need. Each will work without heuristics. Each will be far simpler than trying to guess the context and what the user wants.
If you can't separate 2 and 3, have the continuous integration server set an environment variable and look for it.
Depending on your environment, you may be able to pick it up from the environment variables. Consider the following code:
/usr/bin/perl -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(\%ENV);' | grep sh
On my Ubuntu system, it gets me:
'SHELL' => '/bin/bash',
So I guess that says I'm running perl from a bash shell. If you use something else, the SHELL variable may give you a hint.
But let's say you know you're in bash, but perl is run from a subshell. Then try:
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/perl -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(\%ENV);'" | grep sh
You will find:
'_' => '/bin/sh',
'SHELL' => '/bin/bash',
So the shell is still bash, but bash has a variable $_ which also show the absolute filename of the shell or script being executed, which may also give a valuable hint. Similarily, for other environments there will most probably be clues left in the perl %ENV hash that should give you valuable hints.
If you're running PowerShell 2.0 or above (most likely), you can infer the shell as a parent process by examining the environment variable %psmodulepath%. By default, it points to the system modules under %windir%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\modules; this is what you would see if you examine the variable from cmd.exe.
However, when PowerShell starts up, it prepends the user's default module search path to this environment variable which looks like: %userprofile%\documents\windowspowershell\modules. This is inherited by child processes. So, your logic would be to test if %psmodulepath% starts with %userprofile% to detect powershell 2.0 or higher. This won't work in PowerShell 1.0 because it does not support modules.
This is on Windows XP with PowerShell v2.0, so take it with a grain of salt.
In a cmd.exe shell, I get:
whereas in the PowerShell console window, I get:
where E:\Home\user is where my "My Documents" folder is. So, one heuristic may be to check if PSModulePath contains a user dependent path.
In addition, in a console window, I get:
in the environment. From the PowerShell ISE, I get:
!C:=C:\Documents and Settings\user

UNIX: Physical Location of "wc" command. It ain't "/bin"

This has be stump. I wrote a shell program in C that allows the user to execute several commands. Based on my research so far, all the commands such as "ls" and "cat" are located in "/bin/".
The "wc" is not listed in this directory - "/bin". If I fire up a terminal, I can type "wc fileName" and it works. I ran "find . wc" from the "/" directory, and I still can't find the "wc" command.
Does anyone know where "wc" is hiding?
Try typing which wc into your shell...that should tell you where it is.
On my machine it is in /bin/.
However, if you just want the path resolution to be done on it's own, you can use the system() function (see man 3 system for more information). As you can read in the documentation, that's really the same as invoking the Bourne shell (or wherever the symlink for that points to) for the path resolution, so if you don't want that overhead, you will want to stick with whatever method you are currently using.
I tried whereis wc and I get it in /usr/bin/wc
If you don't want to worry about where individual utilities are, but you do want to avoid the overhead involved in calling system, then you should try the middle-level function execvp, or one of its friends (also listed on that page). Sadly, there is no execvpe.
You can try whence, which, or whereis to find any program in your exec path, depending on which shell you're using.
Utilities like wc are usually located in /binor /usr/bin, or in places like /usr/local/bin or /usr/site/bin.