Informatica sending E-Mail on a condition - email

So here's a scenario. I have a table say X with the below structure
1 T
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
I want to send an E-MAIL to a specific mail-id saying 'PASS' if there is no 'F' in COLUMN2 and an E-MAIL saying 'ALERT' if there is even a single 'F' in column2.
TIA!! :)

If you must do this in Informatica PowerCenter, below is a possible solution:
Create a mapping with a mapping variable (say var_m_F_COUNT(int)). Using a aggregator transformation count the number of Fs and set the variable with the count.
Now create a workflow as follows:
start ---> assignment task ---> session ---condition---> email task
Create a workflow variable (say var_wkf_F_COUNT). In the assignment task set var_wkf_F_COUNT = 0.
In the session, in Pre-session variable assignment, assign var_m_F_COUNT=var_wkf_F_COUNT. In post-session on success variable assignment, assign var_wkf_F_COUNT=var_m_F_COUNT.
Now, double click the link to the email task(for 'ALERT') and write the codition var_wkf_F_COUNT>0
You can create another email task with the link condition as var_wkf_F_COUNT=0 for 'PASS'


anylogic selectblock on 'true' returns same agent

I am simulating last-mile delivery and I want to iteratively evaluate the co2 emissions between stops. The numbers of the first route evaluation add up i.e. it correctly counts/removes each stop embedded within the route. The problem is that when the first route is finished, the model should consider the next route embedded in a new agent of type 'Order', in 'toConsumer' but it does not. From what I can see, is that the order agent is not updated after the condition in the select block has been met. I am not sure however, why it does this. When the condition is satisfied the agent does continue to the sink. Does anybody know how i can ensure this updating of the agent?
The anylogic model looks as follows:
In the source block I create agents following optimization results via:
int r = 0;
agent.routeVeh = (int) parVehicle.get(r);
agent.route = (List) parRoute.get(r);
agent.routeDep = (int) parDepot.get(r);
And in the select block i have:
The to consumer block:
If you are doing this operation in the Main agent, you need to define routeCount and consumerCount inside your Order agent (or if you have a Vehicle agent defined, inside that). Because they are defined for each order. Then in the routeFinished you need update the variable as agent.consumerCount++;

Google Apps Script - Email when row in Google sheet is updated

I am a teacher and new to programing script. I have a sheet named 'Scores' in a Google spreadsheet that has a list of emails in column A and an array of data in the following columns. When any data in B:R is changed I would like to automatically send an email to the address listed in column A of the row that changed in this sheet that includes the data in that row and associated column headers.
Send Email to address in 'A4'
Subject line: Undated Scores
A string of text as a greeting.
Create a table with 'column headers' and 'Row Data'
B1 - B4
C1 - C4
D1 - D4 last column
You will have to compose the subject and the message with the information found in data. The index for data is one less than the column number. If you wish to learn more about the onedit event object try adding console.log(JSON.stringify(e)) to the second line and it will print in the execution log. I like to use Utilties.formatString() when composing text mixed in with merged data.
//function will only run with you in the correct sheet and you edit any cell from b to r or 2 to 18
function sendEmailWhenBRChanges(e) {
const sh=e.range.getSheet();
const startRow=2;//wherever your data starts
if(sh.getName()=='Your Sheet Name' && e.range.columnStart>1 && e.range.columnStart<19 e.range.rowStart>=startRow) {
let data=sh.getRange(e.range.rowStart,1,1,18).getValues()[0];//data is now in a flattened array
//compose subject and message here if you want html then use the options object
on edit event object
Note you will have to create an installable trigger because sending email requires permission. You can create the trigger programmatically using ScriptApp.newTrigger() or go to the triggers section of the new editor or the edit menu in the legacy editor and don't forget to put the e in the parameters section of the function declaration.
Also please note that you cannot run this function directly from the script editor because it requires the event object that it gets from the trigger.
I know this is what you asked for but your not going to like it because it will trigger the email to be send whenever to edit any of the columns. You will probably prefer changing it later to accommodate putting a column of checkboxes which can be used as buttons for sending the emails.

Get SOST database ID of sent emails

I have an ABAP program that sends emails. A sent email is stored in SOOD table. After sending an email I would like to get some ID of the email to be able to check its status later (in SOST table). I have seen more functions/methods to send email (e.g. cl_bcs/send, SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1), but none of them returns any ID. Is there a reliable way to get it?
Function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 create and export a new OBJECT_ID for every new message sent, As you can see in here -
This NEW_OBJECT_ID stored at BCST_SR table in SCOM_KEY field. From BCST_SR table you've to get DOC_OID, using DOC_OID you can get details from SOOD table. (Reference field in SOOD is - IF_DOC_BCS ) Then use the Object number OBJNO to get the details from SOST table.
Also you can refer t-code SBWP to check your mail status.
For class CL_BCS, you can check the send_request object's method doc_wrapper_id. This will return the sood structer.
Two other answers gave me together valuable clues to get it done (+1). But both missed some accuracy and code snippets, so I sum it all up in my answer.
using cl_bcs
DATA gr_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs.
DATA emailid LIKE soodk.
gr_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
" ...
CALL METHOD gr_send_request->send(EXPORTING i_with_error_screen = 'X'
RECEIVING result = gv_sent_to_all ).
IF gv_sent_to_all = 'X'.
emailid = gr_send_request->send_request->doc_wrapper_id( ).
SOODK (not sood) is structure containing three components (OBJTP, OBJYR, OBJNO) which are together the key in SOOD table.
new_object_id = lt_objectid
" ...
lt_objectid (SOFOLENTI1-OBJECT_ID) is char(17), that contains concatenated SOODK structure OBJTP+OBJYR+OBJNO. When divided to parts, it can be used to lookup a record in SOODK table. (I didn't find it in BCST_SR-SCOM_KEY, but it was not necessary.)

How to instantiate local variables in decision tables

I am pretty new to drools and am given the below task.
I am inserting a few POJO into my KieSession object and am retreiving them into variables in my decision table as follows.
abc: classABC xyz: classXYZ lmn : classLMN
var1 == $param var2 == $param
1 2 3
As far as I understand, the above table would yield the following rule
some action
What I want is to get the following.
fgh:classFGH($var:var4) // I think this step is creating a new variable to hold value of var4
some action
How do I get this on a decision table ?
I tried just adding a condition column with the variable declaration as fgh :classFGH, but since there is no data to be provided in the data row, this column would be ignored. If I do, give some data, there is an error at compile time "no code sinppet at xyz column". All I need is to declare a variable that can hold the value of the object that I have passed in my main method and use that object later in a different column of my decision table.
I'm not sure I get the requirement around the decision table, but you can 'use' the firing of a rule to create new facts and insert them, with parameters from the original events. These can then be used to trigger further rules, like so (assuming var4 is boolean):
declare AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent
#role (event)
extraCheese : boolean
rule "Some Rule"
... some action using `$var`, `$abc` etc
AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent myEvent= new AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent();
myEvent.extraCheese = $var;
rule "With Extra Cheese"
$moonsAligned:AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent(extraCheese == true)
rule "Without Extra Cheese"
$moonsAligned:AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent(extraCheese == false)
You can get X($y:y) into a spreadsheet in two ways. First, in column 4
X($y:y /*$param*/)
and fill the column with any character you like. The other way might be in column 3 (!)
fgh:classFGH($var:var4) lmn:classLMN
These tricks are always a bit iffy. Rules requiring the simple "grab" of a fact aren't typical for spreadsheets and could be the first indication that you aren't pursuing the best approach.
Comment cell

SQL Report Builder 3.0 Multi Value Parameter

I have a report that is required to accept number ranges and comma delimited values in a text field parameter. The parameter is for 'Account Type' and they want to be able to enter "1,2,5-9" and that will take integer values of 1,2,5,6,7,8,9. I know how to do this with a single value but never with a range.
The example code I would use for a single value is:
arcu.vwARCUAccount.AccountType = #AccountType
Any information would be extremely helpful. Someone on my team already estimated it and said it could be done without even realising that they wanted a range so now I am stuck figuring it out. I bet everyone here has been in my position so I thank everyone in advance.
There are several things you want to do.
A. Set up a parameter that is data type 'integer' and ensure you select the checkbox 'Allow multiple values'. Set it's value to be 'Ints'. Hit okay for now.
This essentially set up an array available list of a data set that you define for that type of data type that can be passed more than one dataset.
B. Create a simple dataset called 'values' that is like so
declare #Ints table ( id int);
insert into #Ints values (1),(2),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)
C. Go back to your variable in step one and open up it's properties. Select 'Available Values' on the side pane. Choose radio button 'Get values from a query'. List your data set as 'values' and your value and label to be 'id'.
You have now bound your parameter array to values you specified. However a user DOES NOT have to just choose one or all of these but choose one or many of them.
D. You need to set up your main dataset(which I assume you already did before coming here). For the purpose of my example I will make a simple one up. I create a dataset called person:
declare #Table Table ( personID int identity, person varchar(8));
insert into #Table values ('Brett'),('Brett'),('Brett'),('John'),('John'),('Peter');
Select *
from #Table
where PersonID in (#Ints)
The important part is the predicate showing:
'where PersonID in (#Ints)'
This tells the dataset that it is dependent on the user to select a value in this array parameter.
I'm not completely proficient with tsql but what about using reg expressions?
See LIKE (Transact-SQL)
Such as:
arcu.vwARCUAccount.AccountType like '[' + replace(#AccountType, ',','') + ']'
This could work. As a broud brush try:
Remove the filter of the account type from the tsql.
Create a vb function that inputs a number, this being the account type, and tests to see if it is in the parameter string supplied by the user and outputs a 1 or 0. Vb Functions
Function test(byval myin as integer, byval mylimits as string) as integer
'results as 1 or 0
dim mysplit as string()= Split(mylimits, ",")
dim mysplit2 as string(1)
'look through all separated by a ","
For Each s As String In mysplit
'does there exists a range, i.e. "-"?
if s like "%-%" then
mysplit2 = split(s, "-")
'is the value between this range?
if myin >= mysplit(0) andalso myin <= mysplit(1) then
return 1
end if
'is the value equal to the number?
elseif s = myin then
return 1
end if
Next s
return 0
3. Create a filter on the dataset using the vb function with the account type as the input equal to 1.
=code.test(Fields!AccountType.Value, Paramaters!MyPar.Value)