Why am I getting Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025 when passing Method to where? - entity-framework

I have a method that takes a generic TEntity which is overriden. It's signature is as follows:
public virtual Expression<Func<AclProject, bool>> ProjectFilter(params TEntity[] objs)
return (p) => objs.Select(o => o.ID).Contains(p.ID);
I then filter a query based on this:
from p in db.SomeDbSet where db.AclProjects.Where(ProjectFilter(p)).Any() select p
This results in a 1025 error. (note that it doesn't matter what the body of the ProjectFilter is, the error still occurs.
Any ideas why?


Non-recognized member in lambda expression of EF Core ThenInclude in Extension method

I'm trying to write an extension method to include a certain property (text element, themselves containing a collection of translations) that are present in many of my entity models.
I had no problem with the .Include function:
public static IIncludableQueryable<T, IEnumerable<Translation>> IncludeTextBitWithTranslations<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TextBit>> predicate) where T: class
var result = source.Include(predicate).ThenInclude(t => t.Translations);
return result;
And tests proved successful.
Now, in some cases, I have entities that have all their texts in a child - for example Article entity has an ArticleInfo property that contains a few text elements. So I figure I just needed to do another extension that was a ThenInclude instead. With a few differences I finally get this :
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<Translation>> ThenIncludeTextBitWithTranslations<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TextBit>(this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TextBit>> predicate) where TEntity: class
var result = source.ThenInclude(predicate)
.ThenInclude(t => t.Translations);
return result;
And now I get this error:
'TextBit' does not contain a definition for 'Translations' and no extension method 'Translations' accepting an argument of 'TextBit' type was found
This error appears on the last lambda expression t => t.Translations.
This error is extremely weird for me, I've been looking all over the internet for some help on the matter but I was unsuccessful.
I tried forcing the type to the ThenInclude by adding them manually :
var result = source.ThenInclude(predicate)
.ThenInclude<TEntity, TextBit, ICollection<Translation>>(t => t.Translations);
but without success.
Does anyone have some clues as to why?
I'm very much at a loss here
You have extra type parameter TextBit in second one (ThenIncludeTextBitWithTranslations<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TextBit>), so it is considered as a generic type, not an actual one, remove it:
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<Translation>> ThenIncludeTextBitWithTranslations<TEntity, TPreviousProperty>(this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TextBit>> predicate) where TEntity: class
var result = source.ThenInclude(predicate).ThenInclude(t => t.Translations);
return result;

EF code first and Paging

we are using EF 6.1 and code first along with the Unit of work and repository pattern.
the confusion we are facing is that at many places its written that if we use Skip & Take on a Dbset, the paging is automatically handled.
but when we see the query being created, it does not contain any clause for paging.
kindly assist what is the possible case , the sample code is as follows:
public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> GetSorted(Func<TEntity, Object> order,int skip, int take, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet;
foreach (var include in includes)
query = dbSet.Include(include);
IEnumerable<TEntity> data = dbSet.OrderBy(order).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
//IEnumerable<TEntity> data = query.OrderBy(order).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
return data;
any help appreciated..
Your order parameter needs to be of Expression<Func<TEntity, TSortBy>> type in order to match the signature of Queryable.OrderBy(). When you're passing a delegate (Func<TEntity, Object>), the only OrderBy() overload that will match this argument is Enumerable.OrderBy() and not the Queryable.OrderBy() that you're expecting (both are extension-methods of course).
When the sorting is being done by Enumerable.OrderBy() (Linq-to-Objects), the query must be executed first (since Linq-to-Objects is meant for working with objects that are already in memory).
However, when Queryable.OrderBy() is invoked, the order-by expression is being passed to the Linq provider that is then capable of parsing and translating it to a store query (SQL in this case).
So, when you're passing Func<TEntity, Object> to OrderBy, you're getting IEnumerable<TEntity> in return, and further (chained) calls to Skip() and Take() are no longer intercepted by Linq-To-Entities.
This is how your method signature should look like:
public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> GetSorted<TSortedBy>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TSortedBy>> order, int skip, int take, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)

Can you use Lambda expressions against ObjectSets in Entity Framework?

I am using EF5, although I am sure it is a more general EF Question.
I cannot get the following to work. I keep getting casting error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery`1[StdOrgUser]' to type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectSet`1[StdOrgUser]'.
For the code:
public ObjectSet<StdOrgUser> StdOrgUser
if ((_StdOrgUser == null))
_StdOrgUser = base.CreateObjectSet<StdOrgUser>("StdOrgUser");
_StdOrgUser = (ObjectSet<StdOrgUser>) _StdOrgUser.Where(r => r.IsActive == false);
return _StdOrgUser;
It compiles fine. Intellisense enables me to choose LINQ operators etc. It is when I run it, that I get the above runtime error.
Where am I going wrong?
Many thanks for any help.
The ObjectSet class implements (amongst other things) IQueryable and IEnumerable, both of these interfaces have an extension method Where, see here and here. Neither IQueryable nor IEnumerable (which are the respective return types of the extension methods) can be cast back to ObjectSet.
The following line of code cannot be evaluated until run time:
_StdOrgUser = (ObjectSet<StdOrgUser>) _StdOrgUser.Where(r => r.IsActive == false);
but if you remove the cast the code will not compile:
_StdOrgUser = _StdOrgUser.Where(r => r.IsActive == false);
For querying you could change the return type of StdOrgUsers from ObjectSet to IQueryable but you lose all the other methods such as Add, Attach etc. You can't apply a standard filter using this technique. You could have an extension method called ActiveUsers()
public static IQueryable<StdOrgUser> ActiveUsers(this ObjectSet<StdOrgUser> users)
return users.Where(r => r.IsActive == false);
what you need to do is remember to use it in each query (not very pretty but it does clearly show intent)
var results = myContext
.Where(//some filter);

Combining Includes with Entity Framework

I generally use a generic repository to boilerplate my EF queries so I have to write limited code and also use caching. The source code for the repository can be found here.
The backbone query within the code is this one below. FromCache<T>() is an IEnumerable<T> extension method that utilizes the HttpContext.Cache to store the query using a stringified representation of the lambda expression as a key.
public IQueryable<T> Any<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression = null)
where T : class, new()
// Check for a filtering expression and pull all if not.
if (expression == null)
return this.context.Set<T>()
return this.context.Set<T>()
Whilst this all works it is subject to the N+1 problem for related tables since If I were to write a query like so:
var posts = this.ReadOnlySession.Any<Post>(p => p.IsDeleted == false)
.Include(p => p.Author);
The Include() will have no effect on my query since it has already been run in order to be cached.
Now I know that I can force Entity Framework to use eager loading within my model by removing the virtual prefix on my navigation properties but that to me feels like the wrong place to do it as you cannot predict the types of queries you will be making. To me it feels like something I would be doing in a controller class. What I am wondering is whether I can pass a list of includes into my Any<T>() method that I could then iterate though when I make the call?
ofDid you mean something like...
IQueryable<T> AnyWithInclude<T,I>(Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate,
Expression<Func<T,I>> includeInfo)
return DbSet<T>.where(predicate).include(includeInfo);
the call
Context.YourDbSetReference.AnyWithInclude(t => t.Id==someId, i => i.someNavProp);
In response to extra question on as collection.
I realised late, there was an overload on Property. You can just pass a string
This might work but call is not easy. Well I find it hard.
IQueryable<T> GetListWithInclude<I>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate,
params Expression<Func<T, I>>[] IncludeCollection);
so i tried
public virtual IQueryable<T> GetListWithInclude(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate,
List<string> includeCollection)
{ var result = EntityDbSet.Where(predicate);
foreach (var incl in includeCollection)
result = result.Include(incl);
return result;
and called with
var ic = new List<string>();
var res = context.DbSte<T>.GetListWithInclude( t=>t.UserName =="fred", ic);
worked as before.
In the interest of clarity I'm adding the solution I came up with based upon #soadyp's answer.
public IQueryable<T> Any<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression = null,
params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeCollection)
where T : class, new()
IQueryable<T> query = this.context.Set<T>().AsNoTracking().AsQueryable<T>();
if (includeCollection.Any())
query = includeCollection.Aggregate(query,
(current, include) => current.Include(include));
// Check for a filtering expression and pull all if not.
if (expression != null)
query = query.Where<T>(expression);
return query.FromCache<T>(expression, includeCollection)
// The second, third, fourth etc parameters are the strongly typed includes.
var posts = this.ReadOnlySession.Any<Post>(p => p.IsDeleted == false,
p => p.Author);

Unit of Work, LazyLoading Disabled, Generic Repository, IncludeMultiple<T>, Http 500 error

I have a Vehicle with an association to Model, Model has an association to Make.
Here is my Generic Repository as pertaining to associations as LazyLoadingEnabled = false in my project:
public IQueryable<T> IncludeMultiple<T1>(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] associations) where T1 : class
var source = (IQueryable<T>)DbContext.Set<T>();
if (associations != null)
foreach (Expression<Func<T, object>> path in associations)
source = DbExtensions.Include<T, object>(source, path);
return source;
In my api controller, I am using Unit of work pattern. Here is my GetAll method:
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> GetAll()
var vehicles = Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel).ToList();
return vehicles;
Everything works fine and Json retrieves the Vehicle class data as well as the related VehicleModel class data.
However, Vehicle has no direct association to VehicleMake, only VehicleModel does. Now, if my GetAll method has this:
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> GetAll()
var vehicles = Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel, c => c.VehicleModel.VehicleMake).ToList();
return vehicles;
while I see in debug that vehicles does indeed have the vehicles and their relevant VehicleModel and VehicleMake data, it returns a Http 500 error in Fiddler.
Added another association in Vehicle called "Test", with the GetAll method being:
(c => c.VehicleModel, c => c.Test)
No error, all data was returned via fiddler. So, it appears that a "Non-direct association" (ie Vehicle -> VehicleMake) is the cause of the error.
What would be the correct way to retrieving the relevant Vehicle data and its associated classes' data and return it to Json while not getting a Http 500 error?
This works:
public HttpResponseMessage GetAll()
var vehicles = from data in Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel,c => c.VehicleModel.VehicleMake)
select new
VehDesc = data.Description,
VehVIN = data.VIN,
VehTransmissionType = data.TransmissionType,
VehFuelType = data.FuelType,
VehYear = data.Year,
VehMileage = data.Mileage,
VehCylinderSize = data.CylinderSize,
VehEngineSize = data.EngineSize,
VehVehicleModel = data.VehicleModel.Name,
VehMakeName = data.VehicleModel.VehicleMake.Name
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, vehicles);
1. I used an HttpResponseMessage as my return type;
2. I used projection to create an anonymous type;
Why did I have to do this?
As near as I can tell, the issue centered on JSON receiving a "circular" return with VehicleModel and VehicleMake. That is, VehicleModel had a association to VehicleMake and VehicleMake has a collection of VehicleModels. When I looked in my debug code I could see a cascade of VehicleModel to VehicleMake to VehicleModel, etc, etc, etc, so to me that meant it was circular.
If anyone knows a better way w/o using anonymous type nor removing the virtual keyword from my navigation properties, I would certainly like to know it. But this does truly work.
FinalNote: Be sure NOT to use the model's property names in anonymous type, ie replace property "TransmissionType" with something like "VehTransmissionType".