Access oracle database from another system? - oracle10g

Is it possible to access my oracle database from a separate system, other than the one on which the database is stored?
If yes, then how?

You can access the tables of a distant database by using your_table#your_database if you configured it properly.

Yes you can access your database which is on one machine( SERVER) from other machine (CLIENT). You need to install oracle client software on the CLIENT machine and then you can establish a connection to the server database through network . You have to use sqlplus to connect or if you are using windows then you can use tools like toad which will establish a connection between your client machine and database server machine .


DNS ODBC Driver configuration for SSH RDS

I´d like to know if it is possible to connect to my rds database from my local machine (windows) using windows odbc data source. My problem is that I use SSH and i don´t know how can I input the parameters in odbc data source. I need this type of connection because I want to access RDS via vba excel. My database is Postgresql.
If you have a publicly accessible database (not recommended by AWS) and your IP address is allowed, then the normal ODBC connection will work.
By the sound of your setup, you have a private database. In which case, your options are:
Use a different ODBC driver that supports tunnelling.
Devart ( and Cdata ( both have ODBC drivers that support SSH tunnelling.
Neither are free.
Use a VPN and point your driver at localhost

Firebird local vs remote connection

I have a cloud-service based on firebird databases. Every customer has his own database file. So many connection-definitions are loaded into my service at startup. This works all well.
Currently the load for the server is ok so the database files are on the same machine as the service itself. Later I could extend it by another server.
My question is:
Does it matter if I use a local firebird connection or should I prefer a remote connection (via TCP/IP). Although I am on the same machine.
Are there advantages / disadvantages or any limits? I got a lot of requests to this server.
I am using Firebird 2.5.7 (64Bit).

JBOSS AS 7 Database internal

1 and i'm connected to intern database java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS
i want to browse the data like sql in tables etc. in the administration console of jboss
but there is no such option in Administration menu or can someone help me on how to browse data? Or is there some other tool on this?
Database has nothing to do with application server. First you have to find out what database server is datastore ExampleDS using. Then connect to that server. Example: if ExampleDS uses Mysql on you have to use some Mysql client (Mysql workbanch) to connect to that server. There you can see actual tables.

How to check remote Oracle server is up and running

I have my Oracle server installed in a remote machine and I want a script at my local machine which will check whether Oracle server is up and running or not. I know this can be check by creating a connection through sqlplus or JDBC. But in this case oracle client won't be present and I am saving JDBC approach as my last option. So is there any other simpler way to check this, which can be easily implemented in a shell script???
Not really. The only way to be certain that the database is responding to queries is to run a query on it, such as the venerable:
select dummy from dual

aspnetdb.mdf and Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0

I'm trying to run my application on a windows machine (XP SP3, Vista, 7) which has only Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 as the database engine installed and need to connect to the standard aspnetdb.mdf user database.
Does any one know it is possible to use a connection string that works with mdf files in such a condition? I used connection strings like this but no success yet:
connectionString = "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true";
Try one like this:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;
For more connectionstrings, go to
EDIT: It's not possible to connect to a Sql Server database using OleDB. Install SQL Server (Express) instead.