Get records from this week - tsql

I'm a bit puzzled on how to get all records from my table where CheckInDate (datetime) occurred THIS WEEK. As in, since Sunday morning at midnight.
To get THIS MONTH was easy:
and year(eci.CheckInDate) = year(getdate())
and month(eci.CheckInDate) = month(getdate())
...but there is no "week" function similar to MONTH() and YEAR(). Can someone give me a code example on how to do this?

Got it:
AND eci.CheckInDate > cast(dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw, getdate()), getdate()) as date)

Here is a solution that can be used to do what you want:
declare #WeekStart datetime = dateadd(week, datediff(week, 0, GetDate()), 0)
select #WeekStart
It's simpler than it looks. Here's what it is doing:
Add to week 0 the number of weeks from 0 to now.
Simple yet effective.
By the way, you can use the same method for truncating to second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, etc.


I got one problem in SQL,i need to get start of next minute value

I need to get the start of next Minute value, that means suppose I got the output for GETDATE() is 19.11.2019 12:52:51 but I need to get 19.11.2019 12:53:00
This is my code:
SET #date = GETDATE()
DECLARE #increase int = 1;
SELECT DATEADD(mi, #increase,#date) as nextminutedate;
You want to round the date down. One method in SQL Server is:
select dateadd(minute, 1+datediff(minute, 0, getdate()), 0)
This is a little inscrutable. The datediff() calculates the number of minutes from a time of 0 for the current date/time. The dateadd() adds this back in.
Note: This works for minutes. You might have overflow problems with seconds or milliseconds.
For this reason, I rather prefer:
select dateadd(minute, 1+datediff(minute, '2000-01-01', getdate()), '2000-01-01')
I find this is clearer in the intention.

SSRS expression, iif statement with date conditions

So my default values for startDate and endDate in SSRS were set up with the following ssrs expressions.
first day of previous month ssrs expression
=DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1))
last day of previous month ssrs expression
=DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1))
But that won't work alone in my case unless I want to go in on the 16th of every month and generate this report for the people requesting it for the first 15 days of the current month.
So in my default value expression for start date i am trying this iif statement...
= iif(
DatePart(DateInterval.Day, Today() <> "20",
DateInterval.Month, -1, DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1),
DateInterval.Month, 1, DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1)
Not working out so well. So what i'm trying to do is.....
Change the default start and end date based on what day of the current month it is, So if current day of the current month equals 16, make start date 1 of current month and end date 15 of current month, if current day of the month isn’t 16 make start date first of previous month and end date last day of previous month. So then the only thing needed is to get subscription emails and what day to send them out on.
Untested, but what if you try this? (for your start date parameter):
= iif(
DatePart(DateInterval.Day, Today()) <> "16",
DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1)),
DateSerial(Year(Date.Now), Month(Date.Now), 1)

Count differnce of two Date's with Respect that every month has EXACT 30 days

I thought it was clear, but doesn't seem so.
This question is about T-SQL (since it's tagged with tsql :) )
So I couldn't find any out-of-the-box solution to calculate my problem.
Let's assume you have these two dateTimes:
DECLARE #start DATETIME = '2011-01-01',
#end DATETIME = '2011-04-15'
The difference of these two datetimes in Days should be quivalent to 105.
The calculation works as follows: For every full month add 30 days, for the rest add the days till the date is achieved.
I could program this, but it would be an enormous SQL-statement, which I find find kinda ugly.
Is there any simple solution for this, like a built-in function or something short?
Thanks in advance.
Does this do the trick?
;with dates as
CAST ('2011-01-01' AS DATETIME) as start_date
,CAST('2011-04-15' AS DATETIME) as end_date
,CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM,start_date,end_date) = 0 THEN DAY(end_date) - DAY(start_date)
WHEN DAY(start_date) = 1 THEN (30 * (DATEDIFF(MM,start_date,end_date))) + DAY(end_date)
WHEN DAY(start_date) <> 1 THEN 30 * DATEDIFF(MM,start_date,end_date) + (DAY(end_date) - DAY(start_date))
END AS gap_in_days
FROM dates
Short Answer
There's no built in function, but you could pretty easily create your own to handle converting a datetime to an int. From there, the SQL you would have to write would be trivial.
Long Answer
There's no built in function that will do this, probably because every month doesn't have 30 days. :)
You can start with this:
DECLARE #start DATETIME = '2011-01-01',
#end DATETIME = '2011-04-15'
DECLARE #endConverted INT
SELECT #endConverted = DATEPART(month, #end) * 30
WHEN DATEPART(DAY, #end) <= 30
THEN datepart(DAY, #end)
DECLARE #startConverted INT
SELECT #startConverted = DATEPART(MONTH, #start) * 30
WHEN DATEPART(DAY, #start) <= 30
SELECT #endConverted - #startConverted
This isn't beautiful SQL, but it works. Note that it returns 104 (because 15 days - 1 day = 14 days), but simple enough to tack on a + 1 to the end of the final select if you want to handle the boundry days differently.
Note that the math here could pretty easily be moved into a function, which would allow you to clean your SQL up. Let's assume you created a function called GetDateTimeAsInt which holds the math; your SQL could be as simple as
DECLARE #start INT = GetDateTimeAsInt('2011-01-01'),
#end INT = GetDateTimeAsInt('2011-04-15')
SELECT #end - #start -- may need to add 1 here
In my testing, this seems to work. It will return the same result as the DATEDIFF function for the date range you specify in your post, but this is because there are 2 days with 31 days and 1 day with 28, so effectively, Jan - April have 30 days each. If you use it with a wider date range, you'll begin to get different results with my code vs. the DATEDIFF function.
Hope this helps.
I use PERIODDIFF. To get the year and the month of the date, I use the function EXTRACT:
SELECT DATEDIFF(dd, "2011-01-01","2011-04-15")

TSQL DateTime Comparison

What I am trying to do is get a result from sql where the dates are in a certain range but its not working correctly, here is my query.
SET #CurrDate = GETDATE()
SELECT dbo.ProductDetails.PartnerID
FROM dbo.ProductDetails
INNER JOIN dbo.Products
ON dbo.ProductDetails.ProductID = dbo.Products.ProductID
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,111) <= #CurrDate
AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EndDate, 111) >= #CurrDate
but when the Enddate = #CurrDate the row does not show, but if i make that date just one day higher it gets displayed. Am i doing anything wrong? Any advice will do, thanks.
GetDate() returns date and time, while your conversion to varchar strips away the time part (I'm suspecting that's all it's actually supposed to do). So you would need to do the same conversion for #CurrDate.
If what you want is to simply consider the date only (ignoring the time part), you could use DATEDIFF instead of converting to varchar (see here); example:
SET #CurrDate = GETDATE()
SELECT dbo.ProductDetails.PartnerID, dbo.ProductDetails.ProductID,
dbo.Products.ProductName , StartDate, EndDate
FROM dbo.ProductDetails INNER JOIN
dbo.Products ON dbo.ProductDetails.ProductID = dbo.Products.ProductID
-- where StartDate is on the same day or before CurrDate:
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, StartDate, #CurrDate) >= 0 AND
-- and where EndDate is on the same day or after CurrDate:
DATEDIFF(day, EndDate, #CurrDate) <= 0
If you want only DATE comparison, without time use the
cast(CONVERT(varchar, StartDate, 112) as datetime)
I am quite sure that the comparison takes into account the time as well as the date, in which case if the dates are the same but the current time is greater than the time being compared to you won't get that row as a result.
So, what you need to do is just extract the date part and compare those.
GETDATE() gives you date and time
if yours column have only date
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,111) <= #CurrDate
can give you unexpected result
19.12.2011 14:41 > 19.12.2011 00:00
If you are using SQL 2008 or later, and wanting to compare only the date, not the time, you can also do:
Cast(StartDate as Date)
(This avoids having to convert to a string.)

How can I compare two datetime fields but ignore the year?

I get to dust off my VBScript hat and write some classic ASP to query a SQL Server 2000 database.
Here's the scenario:
I have two datetime fields called fieldA and fieldB.
fieldB will never have a year value that's greater than the year of fieldA
It is possible the that two fields will have the same year.
What I want is all records where fieldA >= fieldB, independent of the year. Just pretend that each field is just a month & day.
How can I get this? My knowledge of T-SQL date/time functions is spotty at best.
You may want to use the built in time functions such as DAY and MONTH. e.g.
SELECT * from table where
MONTH(fieldA) > MONTH(fieldB) OR(
MONTH(fieldA) = MONTH(fieldB) AND DAY(fieldA) >= DAY(fieldB))
Selecting all rows where either the fieldA's month is greater or the months are the same and fieldA's day is greater.
select *
from t
where datepart(month,t.fieldA) >= datepart(month,t.fieldB)
or (datepart(month,t.fieldA) = datepart(month,t.fieldB)
and datepart(day,t.fieldA) >= datepart(day,t.fieldB))
If you care about hours, minutes, seconds, you'll need to extend this to cover the cases, although it may be faster to cast to a suitable string, remove the year and compare.
select *
from t
where substring(convert(varchar,t.fieldA,21),5,20)
>= substring(convert(varchar,t.fieldB,21),5,20)
WHERE MONTH(fieldA) > MONTH(fieldB)
OR ( MONTH(fieldA) = MONTH(fieldB) AND DAY(fieldA) >= DAY(fieldB) )
I would approach this from a Julian date perspective, convert each field into the Julian date (number of days after the first of year), then compare those values.
This may or may not produce desired results with respect to leap years.
If you were worried about hours, minutes, seconds, etc., you could adjust the DateDiff functions to calculate the number of hours (or minutes or seconds) since the beginning of the year.
WHERE DateDiff(d, '1/01/' + Cast(DatePart(yy, fieldA) AS VarChar(5)), fieldA) >=
DateDiff(d, '1/01/' + Cast(DatePart(yy, fieldB) AS VarChar(5)), fieldB)
Temp table for testing
Create table #t (calDate date)
Declare #curDate date = '2010-01-01'
while #curDate < '2021-01-01'
insert into #t values (#curDate)
Set #curDate = dateadd(dd,1,#curDate)
Example of any date greater than or equal to today
Declare #testDate date = getdate()
WHERE datediff(dd,dateadd(yy,1900 - year(#testDate),#testDate),dateadd(yy,1900 - year(calDate),calDate)) >= 0
One more example with any day less than today
Declare #testDate date = getdate()
WHERE datediff(dd,dateadd(yy,1900 - year(#testDate),#testDate),dateadd(yy,1900 - year(calDate),calDate)) < 0