FindBugs skipping various bugs - eclipse

I've got findbugs in eclipse enabled with everything and at the lowest setting. It is only finding some of the bugs instead of all of them.
String b = "bob";
b.replace('b', 'p');
In the above code, I thought findbugs should flag the issue of not using the return value (a case which plenty of other websites show findbugs detecting) but it doesn't flag this case.
I also figured it would find a null bug or possible out of bounds.
ArrayList<String> test=getList();
String c=test.get(10);
private ArrayList<String> getList() {
return null;
Why aren't these being detected?

For the second issue, you must annotate the method getList with #CheckForNull so FB knows the method may return null.


Why does calling AutoFake.Provide() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()?

Why does calling fake.Provide<T>() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()? Is this a bug?
I'm trying to understand a problem I've run into with Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy (aka AutoFake). I have a partial solution, but I don't understand why my original code doesn't work. The original code is complicated, so I've spent some time simplifying it for the purposes of this question.
Why does this test fail? (working DotNetFiddle)
public interface IStringService { string GetString(); }
public static void ACallTo_before_Provide()
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// FAILS. The result should be "Test string",
// but instead it's an empty string.
Console.WriteLine($"ACallTo_before_Provide(): result = \"{result}\"");
If I swap the order of the calls to fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo(), it works:
public static void Provide_before_ACallTo()
// Same code as above, but with the calls to
// fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo() swapped
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// SUCCESS. The result is "Test string" as expected
Console.WriteLine($"Provide_before_ACallTo(): result = \"{result}\"");
I know what is happening, sort of, but I'm not sure if it's intentional behavior or if it's a bug.
What is happening is, the call to fake.Provide<T>() is causing anything configured with A.CallTo() to be lost. As long as I always call A.CallTo() after fake.Provide<T>(), everything works fine.
But I don't understand why this should be.
I can't find anything in the documentation stating that A.CallTo() cannot be called before Provide<T>().
Likewise, I can't find anything suggesting Provide<T>() cannot be used with A.CallTo().
It seems the order in which you configure unrelated dependencies shouldn't matter.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It isn't that the Fake's configuration is being changed. In the first test, Resolve is returning different Fakes each time it's called. (Check them for reference equality; I did.)
Provide creates a new scope and pushes it on a stack. The topmost scope is used by Resolve when it finds an object to return. I think this is why you're getting different Fakes in ACallTo_before_Provide.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It's not clear to me. I'm not an Autofac user, and don't understand why an additional scope is introduced by Provide. The stacked scope behaviour was introduced in PR 18. Perhaps the author can explain why.
In the meantime, if possible, I'd Provide all you need to before Resolveing, if you can manage it.

Changing jasper report parameters in runtime

I know, but we really need it.
We have a clear division of labor.
They create templates, I fill them in runtime according to some rules.
Can't teach my business to insert something like this and be sure they really did it ok(so can't move any logic to templates):
$P{risk_types}.get($F{risk_type}) ?: "UNDEFINED"
Also can not fill from files hardcoded in some adapter hadwritten by god-knows-who and unchangeable in runtime. It's a web app. Best option is to find a way to replace that file source from adapter to a ByteArrayStream.
Need to substitute contents of parameters(also default ones) at runtime.
Like this unsolved thread.
Really hope not to work on xml level, but xml also can't solve my problem as far as I tried.
Thank you!
The easiest and cleanest way we did this(bypassing usage of tons of deprecated documentation and unfinished bugged undocumented static antipatterned new features):
Create context with repository extension
SimpleJasperReportsContext jasperReportsContext = new SimpleJasperReportsContext();
jasperReportsContext.setExtensions(RepositoryService.class, Collections.singletonList(new MyRepositoryService(jasperReportsContext, yourOptionalParams)));
Fill this way(after compile and other usual actions)
JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.getInstance(jasperReportsContext).fill(compiled, new HashMap<>());
Now your repository must extend default one to be hack-injected(cause of hodgie coded "isAssignableFrom") successfully
public class PrintFormsRepositoryService extends DefaultRepositoryService {
public InputStream getInputStream(RepositoryContext context, String uri) {
// return here your own good simple poj inputStream even from memory if you found source
// or pass to another repository service(default one probably)
return null;

Issue with eclipse: Potential null pointed analysis

May be, This has been discussed many times. But, I am not clear on how #javax.annotation.nullable and notnull works in Eclipse. I have the below code in eclipse.
if(null != getApplicant()){
name = getApplicant().getName(); //Potential null pointer access
Wherein, getApplication() is annotated with #Nullable.
In the above code, I have verified against null before accessing it. But, still I get error here by compiler. The same code works fine Intellij. (Most of the developers in my team use this :().
Kindly tell me how can I get this #javax.annotation.Nullable and #javax.annotation.Notnull worked in eclipse in similar way to Intellij. I dont want to change my IDE just for this different behavior.
There's no assurance to the compiler that calling getApplication() the second time returns a non-null result as it did the first time. Store it in a local for the test and then use that within the if block.
Eclipse warns you, that the second method access could potentially return null. Example code to reproduce nullpointer:
public class A {
int numberCalls;
Applicant getApplicant() {
if (numberCalls++ > 3)
return null;
return new Applicant();
I would suggest to implement your call like this:
Applicant applicant = getApplicant();
if(null != applicant){
name = applicant.getName(); //not anymore Potential null pointer access

FindBugs shows only the first occurrence of a bug

FindBugs seems to show only the first occurrence of a particular bug in each method. This occurs in Eclipse as well as in the FindBugs stand-alone client.
How can I configure FindBugs to show all occurrences?
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class Bar
public void meth(#Nonnull final String pArg) {
public void foo() {
String s = null;
meth(s); // <<== bug marker here (NP_NONNULL_PARAM_VIOLATION)
meth(null); // no bug marker here
meth(s); // and none here either :-(
Im am using the latest FindBugs 2.0.2 Eclipse plugin (with Eclipse 3.6).
The problem appears to depend on the bug pattern. For example, I see more than one hit per method with DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE, but not with NP_NONNULL_PARAM_VIOLATION. The latter is shown above.
It seems that Findbugs only checks those lines of code for this specific error, which can actually be reached according to a control flow analysis. With your 3 method invocations, the first one leads to a NPE, therefore the second and third will never be reached.
There have been similar bug reports for previous versions:

Suppress Errors in JavaScript validation

I'm currently developing an eclipse plugin. This plugin contains a project nature which depends on the javaScript nature of jsdt.
Now at a few details the JavaScripts that the projects of my nature can contain are somewhat special.
They can contain "compiler hints" which are basicly statements beginning with #
They can contain return statements outside of functions
But at this two points the standard validation of jsdt come in and marks them as errors (which is normally right). I already managed to get this errors filtered out in the properties of the JavaScript validator (manually).
My question is, how can i exclude these errors from the validation of jsdt automatically for the projects with my nature?
JSDT uses concrete syntax parser which generates syntax errors.
You can't disable this. Only semantics error or warnings can be configured.
However you can disable entire validation of JSDT.
Below solution will suppress errors ands warnings which are generated while we save some changes on java script files. (Auto Build, Build)
Open Properties Dialog of Your Project.
Choose Builders item.
Uncheck "JavaScript Validator". And Press OK button.
Remove current errors and warnings from Problems View
This solution can't eliminate error or warning annotations in editor while you edit. They will show up on editor temporarily only when you edit it.
After a lot of research, hours of deleting markers and debugging i finally managed to delete the errors i wanted. In a bad bad way of course but i've come to a point where i just wanted this to work no matter how it's done.
If you ever want to delete existing problems that had been created during the validation process of jsdt you need to do the following (and you must not ommit anything):
Create a class extending org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.ValidationParticipant
Override isActive(), buildStarting() and reconcile() methods.
So there are two things you basicly have to care about.
The actual problem markers that will be created or had already been created at the end of the validation process.
The Problems created by the validation process. They are of the type CategorizedProblem and can be obtained by the ReconcileContext object that is passed to the reconcile() method.
It seems to me that the CategorizedProblems will be translated to problem markers after the validation process.
So what you need to do is:
Delete all unwanted problem markers of all files in buildStarting (this removes problem markers from all files in your project that are about to be validated)
Iterate the CategorizedProblem objects of the ReconcileContext (getProblems())
Create a new Array containing only the CategorizedProblems you want to keep
Set this new Array to the ReconcileContext with putProblems()
Delete the unwanted markers again for that file (i don't know why this is needed, please don't ask, i don't care anymore :-/)
An example implementation of such a validationParticipant could look like this: (this one will filter out problems complaining about return statements outside of methods:
[...ommited imports ...]
public class MyValidationParticipant extends org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.ValidationParticipant{
public boolean isActive(IJavaScriptProject project) {
return true;
public void buildStarting(BuildContext[] files, boolean isBatch) {
super.buildStarting(files, isBatch);
for(BuildContext context : files){
IFile file = context.getFile();
public void reconcile(ReconcileContext context) {
IResource resource = context.getWorkingCopy().getResource();
CategorizedProblem[] newProblems = new CategorizedProblem[0];
ArrayList<CategorizedProblem> newProblemList = new ArrayList<CategorizedProblem>();
CategorizedProblem[] probs = context.getProblems("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.problem");
if(probs != null){
for(CategorizedProblem p : probs){
if(!(p.getMessage().equals("Cannot return from outside a function or method."))){
context.putProblems("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.problem", newProblemList.toArray(newProblems));
public static void deleteUnwantedMarkers(IResource resource){
try {
IMarker[] markers = resource.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
if(markers != null && markers.length > 0){
for(IMarker m : markers){
Object message = m.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE);
if(message.equals("Cannot return from outside a function or method.")){
}catch (CoreException e) {
As i said, this is kind of a bad solution since the code relies on the String of the error message. There should be better ways to identify the problems you don't want to have.
Don't forget to add a proper extension in your plugin.xml for the ValidationParticipant.