JBoss 7.1 doesn't work after installation and configuration - jboss

JBoss doesn't start
and it shows the following error message after trying to connect:
Server JBoss 7.1 Runtime Server was unable to start within 450 second. if the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor
When I increase the timeout, it shows the same error message. I tried to change the server and the host name to ''
Can anyone help me get past this problem or even guide me to a keyword so I can search?


weblogic server is goes in warning state

I am connecting 2 different application using web-logic jms bridge.
But when I check for bridge its showing in warning state and error is fail to connect target. and after some time server is go in warning state.
Can anyone help me in this?
Exception [JMSException045028] the message threshold for jms server
***** has been exceeded more than one hour.
using weblogic 12c

Wildfly stops when running in debug mode in Eclipse

I installed Eclipse and the Jboss Tools plugin with Wildfly.
I can run Wildfly in Eclipse in non-debug mode with no problems. But when I start Wildfly in debug, I can use it for a few minutes, and then it suddenly stops processing, the server ends.
I checked the log and there's nothing. What could be wrong?
Please note the JBoss Tools 4.9.0 is validated against 2018-09 but not against 2018-12.
Do you see something in the server log when the server dies ?
We had this issue and it was because we changed our config to close the management port, which had been used to detect that the server had started. Eclipse could no longer detect that the server had started, so it shut down the process after a set time (450 seconds)
To resolve the issue, we did the following in the Eclipse's Overview panel for our JBoss Server:
Changed the Start Timeout to 30, so it would only fail if it actually couldn't start in 30 seconds rather than waiting for 450
Changed our "Server State Detectors" to detect a Web Port for Startup Poller and Process Terminated for Shutdown Poller.
Changed the Server Ports to match our new configuration
Excerpt from JBoss Community Archive
The tooling was unable to verify your server started. Our tooling has several methods to see if your server is up or not. The two most-often used methods are either "Web Port Poller" or "Management Poller".
You can see which your server is using by opening the server object (In Servers view, double-click your server) and on the right side you'll see a section on polling.
If your server adapter (fancy word for the tooling's representation of your server) is using the Management Port Poller, you should make sure your server is actually exposing the management port. For local servers this shouldn't be an issue, since local servers should automatically expose the management port. You may want to verify in the Ports section (also in the server editor) that the management port is correct. To check if the server is up, we run a management command against the server. If the server responds properly, we declare the server to be started.
If you're using the web port poller, then you may want to verify your web port is correct. To verify the server is up, the Web Port Poller opens a URL connection on {serverHost}:{webPort} and sees if we get a valid connection.

JBoss EAP 7.0 check startup

I want to check whether my JBoss EAP 7 is started via jboss-cli.
With JBoss EAP 6 I could use the following command
jboss-cli.bat -c --commands="read-attribute server-state"
While the server is starting, the response is starting. When the server booted successfully, the response is running.
After migrating to JBoss EAP 7.0, the same command returns the following message, while the server is starting. Failed to connect to the controller: Timeout waiting for the system to boot. When the server started successfully, the usual message running is returned.
My question is: Why can't the jboss-cli connect to the server until it started?
In EAP 7.x and EAP 6.3.0 or later, you can configure jboss.as.management.blocking.timeout system property to tune timeout (seconds) waiting for service container stability.
Try setting this parameter once connected via CLI.
Since EAP 6.3.0.ER8 there is a new class in jboss.as.controller: BlockingTimeout. This class loads the value of system property jboss.as.management.blocking.timeout or defaults to 300 (seconds).
Note: This property is not a timeout per deployment but a timeout on container stability and if jboss.as.management.blocking.timeout is reached during startup then all applications will be undeployed and the container shutdown. The reasoning behind this is that having a half-working server is potentially dangerous as you may not notice major failures.
Thus if your application is unable to load within the given timeout value,CLI will throw the errorFailed to connect to the controller: Timeout waiting for the system to boot
jboss-cli.sh --connect --controller=IP:PORT --timeout=40000 configure timeouts value to be more then the amount of time your server takes to start.
Actual command line is
./jboss-cli.sh --connect command=":read-attribute(name=server-state)"

JNLP server returned 503 error

I found some posts on this error but i can't get my JNLP to work.
I try to access a JNLP located on server by the command :
javaws http://:8081/jnlp/Composer.jnlp
The problem is that the server keeps returning 503 error even though my collegue is accessing it with not problem.
I understood that 503 error is a temporary unavailability of the server, but the previous point shows that the server is running fine (we tried several times).
The exact encapsulated error is :
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http:///jnlp/Composer.jnlp
What i tried to do is
allow the adress of the server in the exception sites
use the option to use IPV4 adress by default for JVM (i saw a post saying that there can be a bug using jre7 if u dont set the option -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true)
restart server
disable firewall.
My problem is that as my collegue can access it, it looks like a client configuration bug, not server.
Does somebody have an idea?
Thanks for your support.

Tomcat : Unable to connect for remote debugging

I am trying to debug server side code (running on Tomcat) using eclipse's remote debug option. This issues is showing up intermittently and rest of the times it works just fine. I have made sure
1) Server side has got the latest Jars - I copied the .war file and redeployed.
2) Tomcat is running on debug mode and firewall settings have been modified to allow connections on the debug port.
3) Verified that before the attempt to connect, on the server its listening on the debug port and afterwards it shows that connection has been established.
but Eclipse is throwing an error popup saying "Its unable to connect to the remote VM" and sometimes it times out waiting for a packet #
Should I be checking for some more things? Are there any more log files by eclipse that throws light on what went wrong? Please help
This is can be a solution sometimes if your debugger fails to connect to debugger with an error something like "timed out while waiting for a packet #packetnumber" then it could be because of the low timeout setting and slow network. One can increase the timeout value using debug setting in the eclipse preferences.