How to get text of elements in a custom listview? - android-activity

I have an adroid app where one actrivity cotains Custom listview in which each item or element is implemented as a separate linearlayout textview. I want to get the text of each element.

I'm taking a guess here as your information is lacking a little detail. What you are going to need to do is loop through each element in the listview and then find the text view within the linear layout.
If you look over at the answer I have given over here
you will want a method like:
ListView list = solo.getCurrentListViews().get(0);
for(int i=0; i < list.getAdapter().getCount(); i++){
View view = getViewAtIndex(list, i, getInstrumentation());
//do something with the view here
Where the comment is you will want the code that moves you from the top view (linear layout) and gets you to the text view. This will probably involve casting the returned view to a view group and then using getChildAt(x) where x is the correct index (I cannot tell you that as i do not have you application to tell!)
Hope this helps.


How do I arrange a list of buttons into rows of 4

I am trying to display the same game object in a table form of 4 columns and 2 rows so it would look like this:
G0 - gameObject
My gameObject is a button that can be pressed and has a text element on it to display the name of the profile on the button.
I have a List of strings of the names that i need to display on these GO buttons in the table form but i am struggling to position them correctly.
At the moment i have gotten to the point where i can Instantiate them so they all appear on the screen when the game is running, now i just need some advice on how i can position them properly in the format mentioned above.
How do i do this?
This is my code that i used to get the names and add them to the List:
private void GetProfiles()
List<string> profileNamesList = new List<string>();
if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(filePath);
foreach (var file in files)
string name;
name = file;
int index = name.IndexOf(filePath + "/", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (index >= 0)
int pathIndexEnd = index + filePath.Length + 1;
int stringLength = name.Length - pathIndexEnd - 5;
name = name.Substring(pathIndexEnd, stringLength);
private void DisplayProfiles(List<string> names)
I have tried using a for loop with in another for loop but i just end up instantiating multiple of the same game object.
This is what i get now:
And this is what i want it to look like:
This is kind of two questions, and I just realized that Unity has a built in component that will do this automatically, so I'll leave the three answers below.
How do I arrange UI gameobjects in rows?
Since it seems like you want to do this for UI elements there's actually a very easy solution. Add an empty GameObject as a child of your Canvas and add a Vertical LayoutGroup component. Add two children to that with horizontal layoutgroups. Add four placeholder prefabs of your gameobject to each horizontal layout group. Arrange them and configure the settings to get them looking the way you want (and make note of what happens if you add fewer than four items!)
Once you have it all set up, delete the placeholders. Then you can add your gameobjects to the horizontal group using Instantiate(Object original, Transform parent) (link) to parent them to the layout group, which will keep them arranged neatly. You can keep a list of those groups and each time you add four, switch to the next parent.
A neater way that seems to fit your use case (assuming there can potentially be more than 8 profiles) is to make a Scroll View that holds horizontal layout groups, which will each be a row of entries. That way instead of tracking which parent you want to add gameobjects to, you can just instantiate a new row every time you pass four entries.
If you're sure there will only ever be eight or fewer, the easiest thing to do would just be arrange eight blank buttons in the UI however you want them to appear. Then keep a list of the eight buttons and edit the text/image on them, no instantiation or looping necessary.
How do I split up a list of gameobjects into rows?
The actual code to process the list is below. This is just an example and there are plenty of different ways to do it, but I thought this demonstrated the logic clearly without depending on what UI elements you choose. As a rules of thumb, make sure to figure out the layout elements you like in Unity first using placeholders (like scroll view etc) and then figure out the code to fill them in. In other words, instantiating and laying out UI elements at runtime is a great way to give yourself a headache so it's best to only do it when you need to.
List<string> profileNamesList = new List<string>();
public int entriesPerRow; //only public so you can edit in the inspector. Otherwise, just use the number per row in your prefab.
public GameObject profileRowPrefab;
public GameObject scrollViewLayout;
private void DisplayProfiles(List<string> names)
int i = 0;
while( i < names.Count ) //"while the list has more names"
//create a new row as a child of the scroll view content area
//and save a reference for later
GameObject go = Instantiate(profileRowPrefab, scrollViewLayout);
for(j = 0; j < entriesPerRow; j++) //"add this many names"
if(i < names.Count)
//instantiate a button, or edit one in the row prefab, etc.
//depending on how you're doing it, this is where you'd use the go variable above
//we've finished the list, so we're done
//you can add empty placeholders here if they aren't in the prefab
YourProfileButtonCreationMethod will depend completely on how you want to implement the UI.
I wish I had thought of this an hour ago, but I've never used it myself. Unity has a built in layout feature that will do this for you (minus the scrolling, but you may be able to nest this in a scroll view).
How do I arrange UI elements in a grid?
Instead of making your own grid with horizontal and vertical layout groups, you can use the Grid Layout Group. Then just instantiate each item in the list as a button with the grid layout as their parent (see above). Here's a short video tutorial that shows what the result looks like.

Adding a full width row to a CollectionView two-column structure

I created such a structure with CollectionView, there are two items in one line. The whole structure should go on like this, everything is fine until here, but I must add (only 1) slide at the top. So I want to place one more full width image in 1 line. What path should I follow?
An image of my app
If the full-width image that you need to display is just a first item of the data set you're displaying, make the collection view return a custom size for it based on its index path. In order to do it, assign a delegate to your collection view and implement the UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout protocol, specifically the collectionView(_:layout:sizeForItemAt:) method. Alternatively, if you're targeting iOS 13+, you can do the same with the UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, but the implementation will be different, in that case I encourage you to read its documentation.
If the item doesn't really belong to the data set, better create a section header with just that item inside.

How to save scroll position on an extjs form?

I have a long form with comboboxes and buttons that add element to the form. Every time combobox's value gets upldated or elements get added, it scrolls up to the top of the form. I want the scrollbar to retain its position. I tried saving current scroll position by doing
But I get getScrollPosition is not a function error.
Any help on this?
If you are using extjs there is a way to manipulate the scroll using the Ext.dom.Element class, each component in Extjs inherits from it, then if you add a new component that modifies the height or width of your form, you can first get the height and width of that component using:
var newcompwidth = comboboxexample.getWidth();
var newcompheight = comboboxeample.getHeight();
Later you can modify the scroll value using scrollTo method like this:
myformcontainer.getEl().scrollTo('Top',myformcontainer.getEl().getScroll().top - newcompheight);
myformcontainer.getEl().scrollTo('Top',myformcontainer.getEl().getScroll().left - newcompwidth);
there are other methods like scrollBy or scroll but I didn't test it yet, I guess this will help you.
the docs:!/api/Ext.dom.Element

GWT 2.4 DataGrid automatic scrolling when selecting an item

I am using GWT 2.4's new DataGrid in a project. I configured the DataGrid with a pagesize of 50.
The available screen is not big enough to display all items and thus a vertical scrollbar is shown (this is actually the main purpose for using a DataGrid in the first place).
I attached a SingleSelectionModel to the DataGrid in order to be able to select items.
This works fine so far.
However I also have another widget with which the user can interact. Based on that user action a item from the DataGrid should be selected.
Sometimes the selected item is not in the visible screen region and the user has to scroll down in the DataGrid to see it.
Is there any way to automatically or manually scroll down, so that the selected item is visible?
I checked the JavaDocs of the DataGrid and found no appropriate method or function for doing that.
Don't know if this works, but you could try to get the row element for the selection and use the scrollIntoView Method.
Example Code:
The answer above works pretty well, though if the grid is wider than your window and has a horizontal scroll bar, it also scrolls all the way to the right which is pretty annoying. I was able to get it to scroll down and stay scrolled left by getting the first cell in the selected row and then having it scroll that into view.
Don't have time to try it out, but DataGrid implements the interface HasRows, and HasRows has, among other things, a method called setVisibleRange. You just need to figure out the row number of the item that you want to focus on, and then set the visible range from that number n to n+50. That way the DataGrid will reset to put that item at the top (or near the top if it is in the last 50 elements of the list backing the DataGrid). Don't forget to redraw your DataGrid.
Have you already looked at this? If so, I'd be surprised that it didn't work.
Oh, and since this is one widget talking to another, you probably have some messaging set up and some message handlers so that when the user interacts with that second widget and "selects" the item, the message fires on the EventBus and a handler for that message fixes up the DataGrid along the lines I've described. I think you'll have to do this wiring yourself.
My solution, a little better:
I got a Out of bounds exception doing the above.
I solved it getting the ScrollPanel in the DataGrid and used .scrollToTop() and so on on the ScrollPanel. However, to access the ScrollPanel in the DataGrid I had to use this comment:
As Kem pointed out, it's annoying the "scrollToRight" effect after the scrollIntoView. After me, Kem's solution gives a better behaviour than the base one as usually the first columns in a table are the more meaningful.
I improved a bit his approach, which scrolls horizontally to the first column of the row we want to be visible, by calculating the first visible column on the left before applying the scroll and then scrolling to it.
A final note: Columns absolute left is tested against "51". This is a value I found "experimentally" by looking the JS values in the browser's developer tool, I think it depends on the table's style, you may need to change/calculate it.
Below the code:
public void scrollIntoView(T next) {
int index = datagrid.getVisibleItems().indexOf(next);
NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = datagrid.getRowElement(index).getCells();
int firstVisibleIndex = -1;
for(int i=0; i<cells.getLength() && firstVisibleIndex<0;i++)
if(UIObject.isVisible(cells.getItem(i)) && (cells.getItem(i).getAbsoluteLeft() > 51) && (cells.getItem(i).getAbsoluteTop() > 0))
firstVisibleIndex = i;
cells.getItem(firstVisibleIndex>=0? firstVisibleIndex : 0).scrollIntoView();

Design cell make UITableView slow

Here is my problematique: I design my cell in my UItableView, so I added a title, a little description and an image.
All thoses element are store in my database, so in my UIViewController I calculate every position to have a nice cell, if there is no image in a cell I change the position of the title and the little description.
To check if the image is present or not I do something like that:
if ([fiche linkImg]!=#"") { //draw position of element }
if ([fiche.linkImg length] > 0 ) { //draw position of element }
My problem is when I begin to slide in my tableview its very slow and often very often crash, and the error are sometimes:
[CALayerArray listImg]
[NSCFArray listImg]:
Any idea?
Your description is a tiny bit confusing to see what is the problem.
I would suggest having a look at how to accomplish adding custom stuff to cell.
Have a read of apple's doc on UITableView especially a closer look at Table-View cells, if you scroll down in that section you will find examples of exactly the type of cells you are trying to create (text with pictures).
Try adding like this
if([fiche linkImg]!=nil)
I tried and succeeded