How to add extra columns in multi-series Column Chart in FusionCharts - fusioncharts

I want to show few Bars in the Begining of the graph Which should be excluded in multi-series Column Chart,
Like (A1,A2,A3,A4), Q1(CurrentYear, PreviousYear), Q2(CurrentYear, PreviousYear), Q3(CurrentYear, PreviousYear), Q4(CurrentYear, PreviousYear)
Assuming A1,A2,A3,A4 are Bars to be shown first, Then Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 are the categories as usual for the multi-Series Column Chart.
I'm using the XML code right now as follows,
<chart caption="Sales in Last Two Years" subcaption="Quarter-wise comparison" xaxisname="Quarter" yaxisname="Sales (In USD)" numberprefix="$" theme="fint">
<category label="Q1" />
<category label="Q2" />
<category label="Q3" />
<category label="Q4" />
<dataset seriesname="Previous Year">
<set value="10000" />
<set value="11500" />
<set value="12500" />
<set value="15000" />
<dataset seriesname="Current Year">
<set value="25400" />
<set value="29800" />
<set value="21800" />
<set value="26800" />
I want to display Four columns as first four column , which should not be the part of multi-series Column Chart.
How can it be done?

Is your requirement similar to the attached image?


Office Js: avoid doubling "&" symbol on ribbon button tooltip

I am developing a Word addin with Office-js. I want to create a button in my ribbon. This button's name and tooltip should be AAA & BBB.
So, I developed the following part of the xml manifest.
<Group id="XXX.GrpYYY">
<Label resid="XXX.GrpYYY.Label"/>
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="XXX.BtnYYY">
<Label resid="XXX.BtnYYY.Label" />
<Title resid="XXX.BtnYYY.Label" />
<Description resid="XXX.BtnYYY.Tooltip" />
<Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
<SourceLocation resid="XXX.YYY.SL" />
And this is the relevant part of the Resources in the xml manifest:
<bt:String id="XXX.GrpYYY.Label" DefaultValue="MY GROUP" />
<bt:String id="XXX.BtnYYY.Label" DefaultValue="AAA & BBB" />
<bt:String id="XXX.BtnYYY.Tooltip" DefaultValue="AAA & BBB" />
This is the result:
As you can see the & symbol in the tooltip is doubled.
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to avoid doubling this symbol?

alfresco tag content on create

is it possible to display tag form during document (cm:content) creation in Alfresco 5.2 share ?
I've searched in share-form-config.xml for an example and I've not found an answer.
I've tried with
<config evaluator="model-type" condition="myco:myType">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- tags and categories -->
<show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<field id="cm:taggable">
<control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
<control-param name="params">aspect=cm:taggable</control-param>
<control-param name="createNewItemUri">/api/tag/workspace/SpacesStore</control-param>
<control-param name="createNewItemIcon">tag</control-param>
<!-- ... -->
but it works only during edit forms (with <config evaluator="node-type" condition="myco:myType">, not during creation.
the previous code is right except for
<!-- tags and categories -->
<show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
which should be without the for-mode="edit" during creation of a document.
I can't tell what you are doing because you haven't included the enclosing "" element. If you want to change the form that exists for new nodes use the "model-type" evaluator, like:
<config evaluator="model-type" condition="sc:whitepaper">
The "node-type" evaluator is used for existing nodes.
If that doesn't meet your requirements you might take a look at the Uploader Plus add-on.

Confluence Macro Browser autocompletion for attachments

I am trying to show all attachments (from the current page) in an auto-completed drop-down list. This is the part in the atlassian-plugin.xml which defines the parameters:
<xhtml-macro name="plugin-name" class="" key="macroname-xhtml" icon="/download/resources/${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}/icons/macroname.png">
<category name="formatting"/>
<parameter name="content_input" type="confluence-content" />
<parameter name="space_input" type="spacekey" />
<parameter name="attachment_input" type="attachment" />
The confluence-content and spacekey types work just fine. It shows a textfield which autocompletes Pages and Spaces.
However, the attachment type shows a empty drop-down list (select box) which cannot auto-complete.
The official Confluence documentation says it should work like I do:
I must be missing something here, but I don't know what. Anyone might know what the problem is?
If you want a drop-down list with all the attachments then you may also try the following:
<xhtml-macro name="plugin-name" class="" key="macroname-xhtml" icon="/download/resources/${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}/icons/macroname.png">
<category name="confluence-content" />
<parameter name="page" type="confluence-content" required="false"
multiple="false" />
<parameter name="name" type="attachment" required="false" />
Don't change the names of the parameters
If you want to add a filter, then you need the following:
<web-resource key="macro-browser-smart-fields" name="Macro Browser Smart Fields">
<resource type="download" name="confluence-core-macro-fields.js" location="js/confluence-core-macro-fields.js" />
(function($) {
AJS.MacroBrowser.activateSmartFieldsAttachmentsOnPage("plugin-name", [ "png", "jpg", "gif" ]);
I found that setting the type as attachment (following official documentation) is bugged. I have found a work-around to display attachments in a auto-complete box.
<parameter name="xsd" type="confluence-content" required="true">
<option key="type" value="attachment"/>
<option key="showKeyInPlaceholder" value="false" />
<option key="showValueInPlaceholder" value="true" />

Default route is matched instead specific route

<www type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname">
<index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route">
<defaults module="default" controller="index" action="index" />
<defaults module="community" />
<index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route">
<defaults controller="index" action="index" />
<member type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex">
<defaults action="viewmember" />
As you can see, I use a route with :action/* in to cover the homepages and the basics actions on index controller. => works good. doesn't work. The whole homepage is displayed.
I checked, and the default route is matched.
I tried assemble() on route "www-community-index" and it gives well
I don't see from where comes the problem :(
The first thing you should check is if you deleted the default route.
The second one is....remember that the routes are checked in reverse order. This means that the most specific should be the first and the default the last one.

Show label on the top of bar2d by fusioncharts

How can I show label on the top of the line in the bar2d graphic?
For example:
| This is line!
|================= 70%
| This is line 2!
|====== 30%
Natively, FusionCharts does not support this feature. However, what makes FusionCharts really amazing is the number of workaround or tweaks you can come up with to address an issue (makes my job easier too :)
Please try out the following XML snippet using a Single series Bar 2D chart.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chart caption="Monthly Unit Sales" xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Units" showValues="1" decimals="0" formatNumberScale="0" chartRightMargin="30">
<set label="" value="0" alpha="0.1" displayValue="
Feb" />
<set label="" value="857" />
<set label="" value="0" alpha="0.1" displayValue="
Apr" />
<set label="" value="494" />
What we have done here is used empty and invisible data-plot above the data-plots we want to showcase with the Label on top. Thereby, using the displayValue attribute in the invisible data-plot, we can recreate the visual effect of the Labels being on-top of the data-plot being displayed.
Note: The character &#10; (new line break) has been used to bring the output of the displayValue attribute, i.e. the apparent Label in this case, closer to the data-plot below.
Alternatively, you may also use the Multi-series Bar 2D chart to re-create the above mentioned effect, using the XML snippet quoted below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chart palette="2" caption="Business Results: 2005" yaxisname="Revenue (Millions)" hovercapbg="FFFFFF" toolTipBorder="889E6D" divLineColor="999999" divLineAlpha="80" showShadow="0" canvasBgColor="FEFEFE" canvasBaseColor="FEFEFE" canvasBaseAlpha="50" divLineIsDashed="1" divLineDashLen="1" divLineDashGap="2" numberPrefix="$" numberSuffix="M" chartRightMargin="30" useRoundEdges="1" legendBorderAlpha="0">
<category label="" />
<category label="" />
<category label="" />
<dataset seriesname="Domestic" color="8EAC41">
<set value="0" alpha="0.1" displayValue="Hardware" />
<set value="0" alpha="0.1" displayValue="Software" />
<set value="0" alpha="0.1" displayValue="Service" />
<dataset seriesname="International" color="607142">
<set value="116" />
<set value="237" />
<set value="83" />
I hope this helps. :D