Show category articles inside joomla article? - plugins

Is possible show all the titles with links of all the articles inside a Joomla article?
Is there any module, plugin or component that can do this?

You can create an "Articles Category" module, and then use NoNumer ModuleAnywhere plugin to include that module in your article using the following code:
{module 55}
Where 55 is the ID of the "Articles Category" module you have just created. Again, you will need to have the NoNumber ModulesAnywhere plugin installed.


How to put multiple forms in the same page using joomla?

I'm using CKForms to create 3 forms, so far, they are independent components, I would like to put them in the same page.
This manual could help :
In order to use multiple instances of the same component in a joomla page, you have to check if there is a module or a plugin available.
If there is an option for a module you could publish each instance in a module position.
If there is a plugin, you could create an article (or a module in some cases) and add plugin code to load plugin instance.
Checking CKForms site I could see that there are both options.
Hope this helps

How to download files from tx_news listView?

i'm currently working on a TYPO3 6.2 site using tx_news.
My goal is that a user can use the listView directly to download a related file, like it was possible in TT_news with type download.
The problem is in TX_news is only type news, internal page, external page available.
I dont really want to extend news that much to generate a new news type.
I got two possible solutions:
Use external page as link to file
I dont really want the user to type the external file link
into these fields, since its a bigger project with many files.
Use sys_category and link the "more" field to related file
I need a hardcoded check in the template files for the "File
Download Category" UID. What if this changes, or in a year some new
people need to maintain this.
This is possible with some template like this, but as is said before, this is an ugly hardcoded check in a template file:
<f:for each="{newsItem.categories}" as="category" iteration="catIterator">
Any help is very appreciated, if someone knows a better, cleaner solution.
To clarify: With 'listView' you mean a list of news items?
If so,
You could add a TemplateLayout to display only the URLs of the related files.
tx_news provides the news type "Internal Link", too.
With this type, it is possible to create a direct link to a file (on your webspace), page, folder or email.

How to call a custom code on onblur event of first_name field?

I have to create an addon (installable package) for SugarCRM that will call a custom JavaScript onblur of first_name element in Contacts module.
How to do that?
See SugarCRM Customization: Utilizing Custom JavaScript by Angel MagaƱa for a quick tutorial on adding JavaScript to SugarCRM screens.
Once you have the code written and working, you can package it. Please review SugarCRM's documentation about Module Loader to get general information about packaging your custom code.
In this case, you'll be tempted to package your editviewdefs.php but don't do it. Instead, use a post_install.php script with your package and manipulate the view using the ParserFacotry class, more information on that here: Adding panels to editviewdefs.php via manifest file

Hows tags work in liferay?

I am new to liferay and am a student. I need to develop a portlet in liferay that allows users to pick tags from the tag pool.
The portlet should look like this wiki-page, take a look at the Categorization section.
Can anyone suggest how to develop that?
Liferay is open source. Please download the portal source and have a look into the journal article portlet.
Hint : Please checkout the liferay-ui taglib. There is a tag called asset-tags-selector, just have that in your jsp and you will have tag selector in your portlet.
If you need to make it in "Liferay style", you have to implement your data object as an asset. See this Liferay Asset framework tutorial. In the section "Entering and displaying tags and categories" there is an example of <asset-tags-selector> that Felix suggested.
Otherwise you can try some javascript libraries. Google can help you with this.

How to create an Export Plugin for Confluence

I'd like to create a plugin that exports into a custom document format similar to the way that export to PDF and export to Word currently work in Confluence.
Does anyone have experience creating a custom export plugin for Confluence? If so do you know of any resources or samples that describe what would be involved?
Here are the most useful resources that I've found so far:
Plugin Tutorial - Adding a custom action to Confluence - This shows how to add an action to the "Tools" menu that appears at the top of a confluence page. Additionally it shows how to interact with the Page object to get more info about the page.
Plugin Module Types - The second guide I found helpful was the list of general plugin module types. It was informative to discover that a "plugin" is really a collection of "modules" and seeing this list was helpful to understand how to apply that model to creating a plugin of the type I was looking for. Additionally the Confluence Plugin Guide was also helpful for a breakdown on Confluence specific plugin modules.
The Confluence Developer FAQ - Useful for information on how to convert wiki content from a page into HTML as well as a number of other hard-to-find gems.
Finally, it was hard to find, but in order to understand how to "target" a particular menu or area of the existing UI to extend, I found it very helpful to read about the guide for Creating your Plugin Descriptor.