We have integrated the Jssor banner onto our main page but when you enter the page there is an warning "Outer container 'null' not found". Because of this error the banner is not loading, but when you reload the page the banner works fine. Is there somebody how knows whats causing this problem and how it can be fixed.
The link to the site is: pitstar.com
Thanks in forward.
It seems the following scripts removed all elements in your page.
// This minimizes flickery of the 1st page load!
jQuery && jQuery('#main').empty();
Please remove the scripts to get it work.
I have a problem with smooth scrolling, but only when website is opened with github page link... It's really weird, cause if I open it with live server, smooth scroll works... Does someone know what is it about? Everything is updated, code is the same, both on my computer and on github.
Link to the project: https://github.com/Beko44/M-M-Website .
Github page where smooth scroll doesnt work - after clicking on smth in the menu (left upper corner) it kind of jumps instead of going smooth: https://beko44.github.io/M-M-Website/
If you open the browser console you could see an error:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://beko44.github.io/M-M-Website/' was
loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js'. This request has been
blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Since jQuery is not loaded because of this error your script for smooth scrolling will not work.
To solve your problem just change the src from jQuery to be served by https in your index.html.
I have added a facebook like button to my page, however when it is clicked the flyout appears, and then disappears.
At first I thought it was other elements on the page hiding it, but the problem persisted even on blank pages.
Tried both the iframe and html 5 codes that were generated by facebook and neither seems to work.
iframe - http://jsfiddle.net/aDK95/1/
Html 5 - http://jsfiddle.net/L9nZZ/1/
In both cases it seems to been hidden by the hidden_elem class:
#facebook .hidden_elem {
display: none !important;
It seems very similar to this bug reported at FB that was reported in May. However there doesn't seem to be much movement on it.
Has anyone else come across this? Know of any work arounds?
I came across this bug and it flummoxed me for quite a while. The steps I took to rectify it are as follows:
Ensure that you have put in the Javascript SDK initialization
Make sure that the #fbroot div is not inside a hidden div
In the Open Graph tags on the page, the og:url has to be set to a https protocol
and not a http protocol
Run your page through the Facebook Debugger at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug to check for any errors. Another interesting point which helped me resolve this was that when you put in your "URL to Like" value in the Like configurator, the dynamic like button generated shows whether that url would work well or not.
The "continue" button on the checkout page under delivery details doesn't work. But the ‘billing details’ continue button and all other always seems to work. When click on the button, the waiting GIF is loaded and nothing happen.. When I comment out below script then it seems to be fine in all browsers.
<script type="text/javascript">
I want to show the Terms & Conditions in popup..I didn't get popup when I comment the above code and it shows in another page.
I had a similar problem with the tabs. I resolved the issue by placing the call in a document ready jquery container.(http://api.jquery.com/ready/)
The problem for me was that the JS in IE was trying to load before the element had rendered.
Ey people
i recently designed a popup html file that's being called through fancybox inside my magento-template.
It works fine for all the pages except the homepage where it appears dislocated at the end of the page instead of appearing in the center of the window.
Firebug isnt having any errors for me and i,being a newbie, dont know where to look.
Some pointings,anyone?
You are loading 3 instances of Fancybox :
you only need a single one, may be this:
Working with facebook Javascript-SDK (loaded from its servers asyncronously) gives a strange effect:
after successfully login to FB via SDK the FB-Logout-Button is moving pixelwise from right to left and back.
The login/logout-button is declared as:
<fb:login-button size="large" autologoutlink="true" perms="email,user_birthday,status_update,publish_stream"></fb:login-button>
stopping the script in Firebug results in a javascript-file called M6XESwM2V2D.js and there in the following code lines:
__d("PluginResize",["Log","UnverifiedXD","bind","copyProperties","curry"],function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=b('Log'),h=b('UnverifiedXD'),i=b('bind'),j=b('copyProperties'),k=b('curry');function l(o){o=o||document.body;return o.offsetWidth+o.offsetLeft;}function m(o){o=o||document.body;return o.offsetHeight+o.offsetTop;}function n(o,p,event){this.calcWidth=o||l;this.calcHeight=p||m;this.width=undefined;this.height=undefined;this.event=event||'resize';}j(n.prototype,{resize:function(){var o=this.calcWidth(),p=this.calcHeight();if(o!==this.width||p!==this.height){g.debug('Resizing Plugin: (%s, %s, %s)',o,p,this.event);this.width=o;this.height=p;h.send({type:this.event,width:o,height:p});}return this;},auto:function(o){setInterval(i(this,this.resize),o||250);return this;}});n.auto=function(o,p,event){return new n(k(l,o),k(m,o),event).resize().auto(p);};e.exports=n;});
When halting the code in javascript-debugger, the button movement stops (as expected), and proceeding the code moves it on. In the above printed javascript-Code there is a call to the setInterval-Method. So, this could explain the behaviour. But why do they do something like this?
How can i stop this effect?
Btw - adding style="position:fixed;" to the login-button helped me:
<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true" style="position: fixed;"></fb:login-button>
I'm actually getting the same issue on my website. It appears to be a bug with facebook. I've raised it as a bug at: