Published Workbook or Dashboards takes quite long time to open in Tableau server - tableau-api

I am using Tableau Desktop 8.2 and Tableau server 8.2 (Licensed versions) , the workbook created in Tableau are successfully published to Tableau server.
But when the user want to see the views or workbooks it takes a very long time to preview or open?
The Workbooks are created with Amazon RedShift Database having (>5 million records)
Could somebody guide me on this? like what is it taking a long to preview or open even after being published to Tableau server?

First question, are the views performant when opened using only Tableau Desktop? Get them working well on Desktop before introducing Server into the mix.
then look at the logs in My Tableau Repository which include query strings and timing info to see if you can narrow down the cause. You can also try the Performance Recorder feature.
A typical problem is an overly expensive query just to display a dashboard. In that case, simplify. Start with a simple high level summary viz and the introduce complexity testing the impact on performance. If one viz is too slow, there are usually alternative approaches available

Completely agree with Alex; I had a similar issue with HP Vertica. I had lot of action set on the dashboard. Considering the database structure is final, I did created the tableau extract and used the Online tableau extract in place of live connection. Vola! that solved my problem and the users are happy with the response time as well. Hope this helps you too..

Tableau provides two mode of data refreshes:
Live : Tableau will execute underlying queries every time the
dashboard is referred / refreshed. Apart from badly formulated
queries, this is one of the reason why your dashboard on Tableau Online
might take forever to load.
Extract : Query will be executed once, according to (your) specified
schedule and same data will reflect everytime the dashboard is
In extract mode, the time is taken only when the extract is being refreshed. However, if the extract is not refreshed periodically, the same, stale data will reflect on the dashboard. Thus, extract view is not recommended for representations of live data.
You can toggle Live <--> Extract from the Data Source pane of Tableau Desktop. (refer top right of the snapshot).


Missing features in Grafana

I am using grafana to visualize some data from my InfluxDB-database, that collects data from some sensors. That said, it's the first time for my working with both grafana and InfluxDB, also I'm pretty new to coding so my knowledge is very limited.
As I scroll through threads and forums on the web trying to find guidance, I find a lot of tutorials mostly 2-4 years old that seem to use features in grafana that are simply not available vor me.
For example I tried to set an alert which tells me when my sensor is delivering flawed values (values that I my case cannot physically be true) too often. But when I'm using avg() from the classic condition operations, I can't select a time frame in which I want the average value monitored.
My expression part of the alert settings
Is it a problem that has to be configured via grafana.ini? Is it because these features cannot be used with InfluxDB?
For some background information, I'm using a Ubuntu Server via VirtualBox to run both the database and the grafana server. I'm using a little python script to distribute the sensor data into the database.
If someone could help me out soon that would be great!

How to run the Tableau workbook with .hyper extracts in Tableau Online?

I am familiar with Tableau dev and developed a report that uses 2 .hyper extracts and one Excel file and it is running fine with correct data. This is from Dev environment.
But client need to run from Tableau Online, now I am not aware (in fact no knowledge) on how run a workbook on tableau online with this setup.
I am trying to get answers to the below points:
How to refresh Tableau .hyper extracts?
How to specify Excel location (to pick new one every time workbook is refreshed)
Refresh Tableau workbook to show new data every time.
Currently Tableau Online cannot reach files on a local network.
Tableau Online in the cloud cannot reach data sources that you
maintain on your local network. Depending on the connection, you might
be required to publish an extract and set up a refresh schedule using
Tableau Bridge. Source:
If by "Online" you mean Tableau Server, then there is a way to refresh the data from an Excel data source. Please, check this official link:
Could you give more details about your extracts? If your hyper extracts are from a published datasource, then you can refresh them easily. You just need to create a schedule for the workbook, after publishing it. It is necessary to "allow refresh access" like shown in the screenshot below.

Tableau doesn't shows latest data

newbie to tableau since 2 weeks
i created dashboard in tableau and it shows schedule
i published dashboard but it does not shows latest data in database
so how to show latest data on browser refresh as soon as database is updated ?
Note: not talking about live data streaming
When you use Extract and don't set refresh schedule then you won't be able to see the latest data.
You should keep a Refresh Schedule if you are using an Extract. For example, you can keep a Daily Night Schedule for refresh.
You can check the Last extract status or refresh schedule in server under the specific workbook.
If you have created a data extract then the data will appear on the page after extract has run successfully. Check the schedule status to see if the schedule was successfully completed. You can manually run the task after creating a schedule for it also.
After 5 days found solution buried in tableau documentation
By Tableau Bridge you can maintain fresh data all the time
Tableau Bridge Example Video
To promote their product, Tableau have hidden fresh data documentation deep down, that no one could find

Realtime backend platform for reporting / dashboards?

I will build a dashboard system for my apps, where a page will have several widgets that draw charts, tables and glyphs representing potentially unrelated data.
The client will be HTML5 and I can push for only modern web browser.
My big problem is what backend use for this. I want to store "tables" for use in the charts and in real-time update the widgets.
For example, a invoicing widget will show how much $$ have been collected today. In the "table" will have a row for each total of the invoice:
inv = 1; total = 50
Total: 50
and the widget will draw that. When new data is pushed:
inv = 2; total = 100
Total: 150
The widget will show in realtime the total to the end-user.
The data is private for the user company. Eventually I will need to purge too old data (ie: I only need to keep as much data is necessary to proper evaluation of the info need for the end-user. For example, only keep 1 month of invoicing totals).
I'm thinking in use something like or but I suspect only solve the "notify in realtime" part of the equation. As far as I understand, they not let me get past data (ie: If the data is update in the weekend and the user open his dashboard to see what happened)
Then I see and the possibility to use mongodb.
I wonder which backend/platform will bring me closer to the build of this system. I have experience with python/django/.net/postgress but could accept the use of something else if solve best this kind of app behavior.
Firebase offers both the "notify in relatime" part that you mention, as well as persistent data storage. Take a look at the tutorial, which walks you through building a real-time persisted chat app (the past chat messages are stored in Firebase and are sent back to the client every time you reload). And you can do much more complicated stuff like the real-time charts / widgets that you mention as well.
The big limitation with Firebase right now is that we're in closed beta and the data is currently unprotected (anybody can read and write your data). The security features are coming soon though.
Some other backend platforms you may want to evaluate are: Meteor and Simperium. Firebase and Simperium are cloud services where your data is stored in the cloud and you don't have to manage any servers of your own, while Meteor and DerbyJS are platforms that you have to install and run on your own server.
I would recommend signalR. It's amazing and you can literally do anything with it. Check it out: and if you have any problems simply go to You will find a very helpful community there. I implemented a notification mechanism similar to facebook together with real time monitoring and a small chat in the same web site.

How to prevent Crystal webserver refetching data on each page

We're using Crystal 11 through their webserver. When we run a report, it does the Sql query and displays the first page of the report in the Crystal web reportviewer.
When you hit the next page button, it reruns the Sql query and displays the next page.
How do we get the requerying of the data to stop?
We also have multiple people running the same reports at the same time (it is a web server after all), and we don't want to cache data between different instances of the same report, we only want to cache the data in each single instance of the report.
The reason to have pagination is not only a presentation concern. With pagination the single most important advantage is lazy loading of data - so that in theory, depending on given filters, you load only what you need.
Just imagine if you have millions of records in your db and you load all of them. First of all is gonna be a hell of a lot slower, second you're fetching a lot of stuff you don't really need. All the web models nowadays are based on lazy loading rather than bulk loading. Think about Google App Engine: you can't retrieve more than 1000 records in a given transaction from the Google Datastore - and you know that if you'll only try and display them your browser will die.
I'll close with a question - do you have a performance issue of any kind?
If so, you probably think you'll make it better but it's probably not the case, because you'll reduce the load on the server but each single query will be much more resource consuming.
If not my advice is to leave it alone! :)