how to get doctrine2 entitymanager in slmqueue job? - zend-framework

I'm going to use SlmQueue (
How can I get doctrine2 entitymanager inside job class?

I've managed to make this like this:
class DistributeNewsJob extends AbstractJob implements QueueAwareInterface, ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
use QueueAwareTrait;
public function execute()
// job code
private $entityManager;
private function getEntityManager()
if (null === $this->entityManager) {
$this->entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
return $this->entityManager;
private $services;
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$this->services = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator();
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->services;
public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response = null)

We can also do this :
You can use ObjectManagerAwareInterface from doctrine module
use DoctrineModule\Persistence\ObjectManagerAwareInterface;
use DoctrineModule\Persistence\ProvidesObjectManager as ProvidesObjectManagerTrait;
class EmailJob extends AbstractJob implements ObjectManagerAwareInterface
use ProvidesObjectManagerTrait;
That way you have ObjectManager in your job.


#Inject constructor with parameters

I saw a method of using #inject annotation with parameter constructor. I found no use in #module in all parts of the project. I don't understand how this code injects or provides parameters in the constructor.
Can you help me analyze it?
Where is the datamanager provided?
In the whole project, #module + #provide is not used to provide datamanager. I only know that #inject can only annotate the parameterless constructor. I don't know where to instantiate the parameterless datamanager object. Thank you for your help
public class Scallop extends Application {
private ApplicationComponent applicationComponent;
public void onCreate() {
applicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder()
.applicationModule(new ApplicationModule(this))
public ApplicationComponent getApplicationComponent() {
return applicationComponent;
application module:
public class ApplicationModule {
private Scallop application;
public ApplicationModule(Scallop application) { // 提供类的构造器,传入Applicaton
this.application = application;
Application provideApplication() {
return application;
Context provideContext() {
return application;
Retrofit provideRetrofit() {
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit;
GankIOService provideGankIOService(Retrofit retrofit) {
return retrofit.create(GankIOService.class);
#Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {
Application getApplication();
DataManager getDataManager();
one class:
public class DataManager {
private GankIOService gankIOService;
private PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper;
public DataManager(GankIOService gankIOService, PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper) {
this.gankIOService = gankIOService;
this.preferencesHelper = preferencesHelper;
fragment module:
#Component(modules = FragmentModule.class, dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
public interface FragmentComponent {
void inject(HomeFragment homeFragment);
void inject(GanHuoPageFragment pageFragment);
void inject(XianDuFragment xianDuFragment);
void inject(XianDuPageFragment xianDuPageFragment);
void inject(PicturesFragment picturesFragment);
void inject(MoreFragment moreFragment);
#Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public #interface FragmentScope {
here Can't understand constructor with parameter is #inject
public class GanHuoPagePresenter extends BasePresenter<GanHuoPageContract.View>
implements GanHuoPageContract.Presenter {
private DataManager dataManager;
private Disposable disposable;
public GanHuoPagePresenter(DataManager dataManager) { // here here
this.dataManager = dataManager;
public void detachView() {
if (disposable != null) {
public void getGanHuo(String category, final int page) {
final List<GanHuo> ganHuoList = new ArrayList<>();
Observable<BaseResponse<GanHuo>> observable = dataManager.getGanHuo(category, page);
disposable = observable.subscribeOn(
.concatMap(new Function<BaseResponse<GanHuo>, ObservableSource<GanHuo>>() {
public ObservableSource<GanHuo> apply(#NonNull BaseResponse<GanHuo> ganHuoBaseResponse)
throws Exception {
return Observable.fromIterable(ganHuoBaseResponse.getResults());
}).filter(new Predicate<GanHuo>() {
public boolean test(#NonNull GanHuo ganHuo) throws Exception {
return !ganHuo.getType().equals("福利");
}).subscribe(new Consumer<GanHuo>() {
public void accept(GanHuo ganHuo) throws Exception {
}, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
}, new Action() {
#Override`enter code here`
public void run() throws Exception {
getView().showList(ganHuoList, page);
This is how it is used in V in MVP mode:
#Inject GanHuoPagePresenter presenter
That's constructor injection. By marking a constructor with #Inject Dagger knows about the object and can create it when needed. There's no need for modules, e.g. the following is a valid Dagger setup to create some Foo.
public class Foo {
public Foo() {}
interface MyComponent {
Foo getFoo();
That's not true that #Inject can only annotate the parameterless constructor. From documentation
Injectable constructors are annotated with #Inject and accept zero or more dependencies as arguments.
I found "your" project on Github so let's see where dependencies for GanHuoPagePresenter come from.
public GanHuoPagePresenter(DataManager dataManager) {
this.dataManager = dataManager;
public DataManager(GankIOService gankIOService,PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper){
// gankIOService is provided by ApplicationModule and preferencesHelper uses constructor injection
this.gankIOService = gankIOService;
this.preferencesHelper = preferencesHelper;
public PreferencesHelper(#ApplicationContext Context context){
// context is provided again by ApplicationModule
sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);

How to change base url endpoint for errai jaxrs proxy?

I' need to call different endpoint located on different server, i try to change value of base url of my rest services.
but i found only this method
RestClient.create(MyService.class, otherServiceBaseUrl,
200).doStaf() ;
Any suggestion to more elegant way for setup the base url for all services in my MyService class ?
I found this solution.
I create a abstract class DinamicCaller.
public abstract class DinamicCaller<T> {
public T call() {
T call = getCaller().call();
((AbstractJaxrsProxy) call).setBaseUrl(getBaseUrl());
return call;
public T call(RemoteCallback<?> callback) {
T call = getCaller().call(callback);
((AbstractJaxrsProxy) call).setBaseUrl(getBaseUrl());
return call;
public T call(RemoteCallback<?> callback, ErrorCallback<?> errorCallback) {
T call = getCaller().call(callback, errorCallback);
((AbstractJaxrsProxy) call).setBaseUrl(getBaseUrl());
return call;
protected abstract Caller<T> getCaller();
protected abstract String getBaseUrl();
I create a Concrete Class
public class CallerCORSNegoziService extends DinamicCaller<CORSNegoziService> {
NegozioManager negozioManager;
Caller<CORSNegoziService> caller;
protected Caller<CORSNegoziService> getCaller() {
return caller;
protected String getBaseUrl() {
return negozioManager.getNegozio().getUrl();
On my class I inject the concrete class
CallerCORSNegoziService service;
And I use it
public void testButtonClick(ClickEvent event) {, testCallback).findAllNegozi();
Is ugly but work.

Why does my sub-dependency not get set in Dagger?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to inject CachedRithms into my RithmioManager and CachedKamms into my KamilManager?
I have the following files:
library = true,
complete = false,
injects = {
public class AppScopeModule {
/* package */ static Context sApplicationContext = null;
private final Context mApplicationContext;
AppScopeModule(Context applicationContext) {
mApplicationContext = applicationContext;
KamilManager provideKamilManager() {
return KamilManager.getInstance();
public class KamilApplication extends Application implements Injector {
private ObjectGraph mObjectGraph;
KamilManager KamilManager;
public void onCreate() {
AppScopeModule sharedAppModule = new AppScopeModule(this);
// bootstrap. So that it allows no-arg constructor in AppScopeModule
sharedAppModule.sApplicationContext = this.getApplicationContext();
List<Object> modules = new ArrayList<Object>();
modules.add(new AuthModule());
mObjectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(modules.toArray());
public class KamilManager {
CachedKamms mCachedKamms;
private static KamilManager instance;
private boolean mWearIsConnectedToMobile;
private KamilManager() {
Log.d(TAG, "KamilManager private constructor");
public static void initInstance(Context appContext) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new KamilManager();
.....doing more things here...
public static KamilManager getInstance() {
return instance;
But mCAchedKamms is always blank when I initialize the app. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You need to call ObjectGraph.inject(this) somewhere in KamilManager.
I suggest you to add this code to your KamilApplication class:
public ObjectGraph getObjectGraph() {
return mObjectGraph;
After that you need to somehow get instance of KamilApplication(pass it via constructor maybe?) in KamilManager and call:
after this call every field in class KamilManager annotated with #Inject should be injected.
Just annotate constructor of CachedKamms with #Inject
Avoid of using library = true and complete = false unless you know what are you doing. With this settings you disable some validations at compile time.

How to use provider in Errai IOC?

I have a problem with #IocProvider (), annotation does not work.
The code is very similar to
public interface Test {
String getGreeting();
public class TestImpl implements Test {
public String getGreeting() {
return "Hello:)";
public class TestProvider implements Provider<Test> {
public Test get() {
return new TestImpl();
Then I want use DI in my broadcast service (errai-bus).
public class BroadcastService implements MessageCallback {
Test test;
MessageBus bus;
public BroadcastService(MessageBus bus) {
this.bus = bus;
public void callback(Message message) {
.with("BroadcastText", test.getGreeting()).errorsHandledBy(new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {
return true;
I get a error:
1) No implementation for com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.Test was bound.
while locating com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.Test
for field at com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.BroadcastService.test(
at org.jboss.errai.bus.server.service.ServiceProcessor$1.configure(
If I change the code to
TestImpl test;
It works, but I need the provider. Do you have some idea?
Because you're trying to use #IOCProvider in server-side code. Errai IOC is completely client-side.

Referencing variable set by application in models (a good idea?)

i am using zend framework 1.10 with doctrine 2. i wonder if in my (doctrine) model class, isit a good idea to reference a variable set by my application (bootstrap.php, variable stored in Zend_Registry, i think its something like a global variable)
what i want to access is the doctrine entityManager. also i want the id of the logged in user
I am building a project with similar setup (ZF 1.10 + Doctrine2) and I've used dependency injection to deal with this situation, much like takeshin said. Here goes full project repository URL: Below are some code excerpts.
Here's my controller:
require_once APPLICATION_PATH . "/models/PostManager.php";
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
private $_em;
public function init()
$this->_em = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('doctrine');
public function indexAction()
$pm = new PostManager($this->_em);
$this->view->posts = $pm->getPublicPosts();
My entity manager (or service class):
class PostManager
protected $_em;
public function __construct(Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em)
$this->_em = $em;
public function getPublicPosts()
$query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Entities\Post p WHERE p.visible = true');
$posts = $query->getResult();
return $posts;
Hope this helps!
you should simply use Zend_Auth for the logged-in-userId problem, then could do something like the following in your model
class Model extends BaseModel
public function something()
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$loggedInUserId = $auth->getIdentity()->id;
There is nothing wrong with this approach (unless you are referring to singletons). Use dependency injection where possible.
However I'd create a service (or two) for this.
class Modulename_Services_Servicename
public function getCurrentUser() { ... }
public function getCurrentUserModel() { ... }
public function isLogged() { ... }
public function authenticate() { ... }
public function getSomeData()
$user = $this->getCurrentUser()
$model = new YourModel($user);
$query = ....;
$result = $query->execute();
return $result;
public function getSomeMoreData($usermodel) { ... }