specific track breaking soundcloud api - soundcloud

I'm scanning through recent tracks on SoundCloud but for a certain timeframe of created_at I consistently get a 500 internal server error.
We've been able to pinpoint it to a particular track; i.e. if we use limit and offset to get the track before and after this particular track, the api returns just fine. Requesting data on the particular track also results in a 500 error code: http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/159004781?client_id=xxx (with a correct client_id of course).
Does anyone know of this issue?
Can it be solved?
Is it a more general issue?
If so, is there a suggested way to guard against this issue?
Thanks in advance,
Frens Jan


Facebook graph API response size limiting (error code 1)

Just sharing some information I came across while testing my application.
Facebook Graph API implements rate limiting as described on their documentation page. Today I was trying to retrieve the feed from CNN facebook page and I got the following 500 error:
{"error":{"code":1,"message":"Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request"}}
This is the query I was trying to test:
I tried to set different limit values to reduce the size, and eventually it worked. By inspecting the response size and playing around with it a bit, I found that the error is thrown when the response reaches (roughly) the 200k threshold.
I tested with Graph API versions 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.6
I found no documentation about this response size limit on the facebook APIs documentation, so it's possible that it will be changed in the future.
Just thought it might be useful to share if you are modelling something using their API.
I originally misready the error message Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request and assumed I was getting rate-limited -- i.e. making too many API calls in a short time period. Thanks Dieghito for your answer, which helped me realize the error is about the response size.
In my case it was fetching /comments that was exceeding the response size limit. I had the limit set to 1000, which was fine for most posts. But for posts with a lot of lengthy comments, the response size grew too large. I had paging already setup, so simply requesting fewer comments per page (limit: 50 or 100) solved the problem for me. Just posting that here for people whose problem could be related to comments.

Facebook API call for places with limited results

I'm trying to pull all the Facebook public events in my city through graph-API calls, to do that I believe that first I need to get all the places near by a point and then for each place get the events happening there. Is this correct?
Anyhow, when I try to get the places my API call returns only somewhere between 350 - 450 places depending on the center point. I know there are more than that.
My API call is:
Is there any limits for searching places Im not aware of?
Thanks in advance

In the Soundcloud API, is information about a track still available after it's removed due to DMCA infringement?

I'm building an app that utilizes Soundcloud API and we came across a small problem. We archive playlists on our own servers to cut down on the amount of data needed to display tracks. So, for example, a user can create a playlist with tracks from soundcloud but we strip away the data provided by soundcloud to the minimum required to view and play said track. This data includes it's SC_ID, track name, artist, stream URL, etc. But doesn't provide the full data set SC does.
My question:
When songs are removed due to DMCA Copyright infringement, does SoundCloud keep the track ID and information available or does it remove the track entirely? What I mean by this is, say I have a track with ID 123456 and it was removed due to DMCA. Does this track still exist such that I could GET request [SC_api_url]/tracks/123456.json which would yield the track but it would not be streamable nor downloadable?
Correct my logic if I am wrong. I've searched the documentation and the best answer I can get is if you try and request a resource that is not available it throws a common 404 error but the API is not very clear on what happens when tracks are removed due to DMCA violations.
So I reached out to Soundcloud and they said that they are removed from the public facing API.
This means an error would occur if you referenced it.
This is also true for exceeding quotas.
Hope this also helps someone else too!

In Facebook Graph API - Is LIMIT parameter realy functional?

I'm trying to collect all the posts of my company page with this kind of query
Problem is that I'm not collecting all posts.
I will have a better result with limit=20 and some time with limit=100
Most of the pages (from the pagination mechanism point of view) will not have 100 items.
I know some posts may not be exposed because of privacy settings.
My issue is that a call with limit=20 is not returning once going through pagination the same amount of data as limit=250.
How could it be?
How providers of Facebook Analytics can garanty the quality of data they collect ?
The Facebook graph api only allow the max of 100 items per request, despite you specify more than that.
Afaik the limit parameter is indeed buggy. But 250 would be a very high value, there is a max value for the parameter too - i assume it depends on the API call how high it is, could be fixed too.
Better donĀ“t use limit at all and use paging to get more results: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#paging

I can't use "friends locations" with the Graph api explorer anymore

as the title says, I can no longer use friends locations with the graph api explorer any more(in https://developers.facebook.com). Even if I click all access token checkboxes,(trying to get me/friends?fields=locations.fields(place)) I still get error(
"error": "Request failed"
}). But me/locations?fields=place works, so it must be someting with "friends" that makes it to crash.
I was able use it 2 weeks ago, and I have not done any changes, it just suddenly stoped working. if I login with my test Account I can get all the parameters I request, but not on my primary account. Is there any one that has any idea what the problem can be? or why it occurred? I have done everything that I can think of, from using diffrent web browers, deleting all history, use diffrent computer. I have compared the settings for both my test account and my main account, both have the same settings.
I am sincerely sorry if i have misspelled anything.
It happens for me as well for any of the locations methods, but the location method with out the s works. I don't know if that data is usable for you.
I have figured out the reason to this problem. I has to do with requests from facebook's api, if i lower the Limit per request it works. Then to save the information I use offset.