Remove last n characters of string after the dot with Autohotkey - autohotkey

I am using Autohotkey.
I have a string that looks like this S523.WW.E.SIMA. I want to remove the last few characters of the string after the dot (including the dot itself). So, after the removal, the string will look like S523.WW.E.
This may look like a simple question but I just cannot figure out using the available string functions in Autohotkey. How can this be done using Autohotkey? Thank you very much.

Example 1 (last index of)
string := "S523.WW.E.SIMA"
LastDotPos := InStr(string,".",0,0) ; get position of last occurrence of "."
result := SubStr(string,1,LastDotPos-1) ; get substring from start to last dot
MsgBox %result% ; display result
See InStr
See SubStr
Example 2 (StrSplit)
; Split it into the dot-separated parts,
; then join them again excluding the last part
parts := StrSplit(string, ".")
result := ""
Loop % parts.MaxIndex() - 1
if(StrLen(result)) {
result .= "."
result .= parts[A_Index]
Example 3 (RegExMatch)
; Extract everything up until the last dot
RegExMatch(string, "(.*)\.", result)
msgbox % result1
Example 4 (RegExReplace)
; RegExReplace to remove everything, starting with the last dot
result := RegExReplace(string, "\.[^\.]+$", "")


Why is the key of my Associative Array a reference to a string and not the string itself?

I have the following string that contains product barcodes:
What I want to do is:
Split the string by ;
Create an Associative Array where the key is the barcode and the value is the count of the barcode
Loop through the Associative Array and print the key (= barcode) and the value (= count)
Here's what I am trying:
BarcodesAssArray := Array()
BarcodeArray := StrSplit(fileContent, ";")
Loop % BarcodeArray.MaxIndex() - 1 {
thisBarcode := BarcodeArray[a_index]
; Check if barcode already exists
if (BarcodesAssArray[thisBarcode]) {
BarcodesAssArray[thisBarcode] := BarcodesAssArray[thisBarcode] + 1
} else {
BarcodesAssArray[thisBarcode] := 1
For key, value in BarcodesAssArray
MsgBox, %key% = %value%
But instead of the key being the barcode it is some sort of reference to the barcode. This is what I get:
-333809963 = 1
204486651 = 8
430547597 = 2
430561191 = 1
430584127 = 9
43084165 = 1
What I expect to get is:
4016241030924 = 2
8710624237479 = 1
8710398162939 = 8
What should I do differently?
Try to simplify the code and take it one step at time
BarcodesAssArray := 4016241030924;4016241030924;8710624237479;5900951254741;8710398162939
BarcodeArray := StrSplit(BarcodesAssArray, ";")
MsgBox BarcodeArray(1) BarcodeArray(2) BarcodeArray(3) BarcodeArray(4) BarcodeArray(5)
This will at least get you past the StrSplit statement knowing that you have a valid array
I haven't coded in a while so run at your own risk :)
"Your problem is probably occurring because the keys in your arrays are being treated as numeric. There are limits on the size of numeric keys, depending on whether you are using 32 bit AutoHotkey or 64 bit. The way I would fix this is to cause the keys to be treated as alpha by appending a constant alpha value to the key in the array and stripping it off when displaying, etc the key. This also deals with the case where leading zeros would otherwise be stripped from the numeric keys."
TAC109 -
BarcodesString := "4016241030924;4016241030924;8710624237479;5900951254741;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710398162939;8710624296933;8710624296872;8710624223885;8710624223885;8711000341001;8711000341001;8711000341001;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260415;8710624260453;"
BarcodesString := RTrim(BarcodesString,";") ; remove trailing ;
BarcodesAssArray := {}
Loop, Parse, BarcodesString, `;
switch BarcodesAssArray.HasKey(A_LoopField . "")
case true:BarcodesAssArray[A_LoopField . ""] += 1
case false:BarcodesAssArray[A_LoopField . ""] := 1
For key, value in BarcodesAssArray
MsgBox, %key% = %value%
Xtra -

Looking up data from a file, and storing them as variables

I'm new to autohotkey and I can't figure out how to solve this. Any help is appreciated.
I have list.txt which includes ids and names like this:
123124 - whatever
834019 - sometext
3980 - afjalkfj
I need a function that can do the following
lookup(id, name){
** The function here should lookup for the id inserted
then save ONLY the data related to it in variable x (not the full line)
lookup(834019, x)
%x% = sometext
Please help me to do this. Thanks!
What you need in this case are
FileRead to read the file's contents into a variable.
A parsing loop to parse the text of each line.
The StrSplit() function to split the text of each line into an
array of Substrings using the specified Delimiters.
The second parameter (name) is redundant in this case. You can omit it:
x := lookup(834019)
MsgBox, % x
MsgBox, % lookup(3980)
lookup(id) {
FileRead, Contents, list.txt ; read the file's contents into the variable "Contents"
if not ErrorLevel ; Successfully loaded.
Loop, parse, Contents, `n, `r ; parse the text of each line
word_array1 := StrSplit(A_LoopField," - ").1 ; store the first substring into the variable "word_array1"
word_array1 := Trim(word_array1, " `t") ; trim spaces and tabs in this variable
If (word_array1 = id)
name := StrSplit(A_LoopField," - ").2
name := Trim(name, " `t")
return name
Contents := "" ; Free the memory.
MsgBox, A problem has been encountered while loading the File Contents

How to have "input" (or is it context?) dependent hotstrings/hotkeys ?

I want a hotkey or hotstring (whatever is easier), so I can easily convert e.g.
1:5 into [1,2,3,4,5] or
3:7 into [3,4,5,6,7] etc..
I want this to work for all integers...
So I want "multiple variants of the same hotstring" (or, if easier: a hotkey that works somewhat similar: e.g. pressing strg + h and typing 1:3 should produces [1,2,3] )
It should recognize that I typed a number followed by colon followed by another number, and then expand correspondingly..
I looked into the Input function, but it does not seem to be exactly what I want..
I don't need a working solution. Hints & links or keywords for further googling are already helpful..
After typing +h or pressing strg+h, type two numbers to produce the desired outcome:
nr := "" ; empty variable's content
end_nr := ""
Input, var, L2 ; Length limit=2
; Input, var, L2 V ; V: Visible
If var is not integer
MsgBox, "%var%" is not integer
first_nr := SubStr(var, 1, 1)
second_nr := SubStr(var, 0)
if (first_nr >= second_nr)
MsgBox, "%first_nr%" is greater or equal "%second_nr%"
nr++ ; increase the number in the variable "nr" by 1 in each iteration
if (nr < first_nr)
If (nr = second_nr)
end_nr .= nr . "," ; concatenate the outputs by adding a comma to each one
If (first_nr = 0)
MsgBox, "0,%end_nr%%second_nr%"
MsgBox, "%end_nr%%second_nr%"

Alphabetizing a List

I'm looking for a way to truly alphabetize a list. Assuming it's a list of basic words, such as:BlackGreenThe RedBlueWaxyLivingPorousSolidLiquidVioletIs there a way to modify this code to alphabetize the list where "The Red" comes before "Solid"? Here's what I have so far:
Send ^c
ClipWait, 0.5
Sort clipboard, CL
;Process exceptions
Sort := RegExOmit (Sort, "The")
Send ^v
Sleep 100
Write a custom comparison function that ignores the starting "The " substring.
list = Black`nGreen`nThe Red`nBlue`nWaxy`nLiving`nPorous`nSolid`nLiquid`nViolet`nThe Azure
Sort , list , F Compare
MsgBox, %list%
Compare( a , b )
arem := RegExReplace(a, "A)The " , "" )
brem := RegExReplace(b, "A)The " , "" )
return arem > brem ? 1 : arem < brem ? -1 : 0
Regular expressions are used to remove the substring "The " from the string and the result stored in a temporary string, which is then used for comparison.
The substring must start at the beginning of the string, regex option A), and must include a space immediately after The.

AutoHotKey Script - String Splitting

I have a string that looks like this:
17/07/2013 TEXTT TEXR 1 Text 1234567 456.78 987654
I need to separate this so I only end up with 2 values (in this example it's 1234567 and 456.78). The rest is unneeded.
I tried using string split with %A_Space% but as the whole middle area between values is filled with spaces, it doesn't really work.
Anyone got an idea?
src:="17/07/2013 TEXTT TEXR 1 Text "
. " 1234567 456.78 987654", pattern:="([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)"
RegexMatch(src, pattern, match)
MsgBox, 262144, % "result", % match1 "`n"match2
You should look at RegExMatch() and RegexReplace().
So, you will need to build a regex needle (I'm not an expert regexer, but this will work)
First, remove all of the string up to the end of "1 Text" since "1 Text" as you say, is constant. That will leave you with the three number values.
Something like this should find just the numbers you want:
needle:= "iO)1\s+Text"
partialstring := RegexMatch(completestring, needle, results)
lenOfFrontToRemove := results.pos() + results.len()
lastthreenumbers := substr(completestring, lenOfFrontToRemove, strlen(completestring) )
lastthreenumbers := trim(lastthreenumbers)
msgbox % lastthreenumbers
To explain the regex needle:
- the i means case insensitive
- the O stands for options - it lets us use results.pos and results.len
- the \s means to look for whitespace; the + means to look for more than one if present.
Now you have just the last three numbers.
1234567 456.78 987654
But you get the idea, right? You should able to parse it from here.
Some hints: in a regex needle, use \d to find any digit, and the + to make it look for more than one in a row. If you want to find the period, use \.