How to fix Eclipse Luna Downlaod - eclipse

![When I was trying to download and trying to run but it shows that error is windows 8.I need help or video link that will help me to solve this problem Thanks.][1]
I need help to download Eclipse latest version that was Luna and I tried to install but that error appears.So I need your guidance how to fix this error I have already jdk install and jre 7 also I have already in my Computer.
Error is Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:Program Files(*86)Java\jdk"

I'm going to assume OP had a typo and it's really C:\Program Files (86)\Java\jdk, which would mean there's a 32-bit JDK on a 64-bit Windows, and most likely a 64-bit Eclipse. Like +greg pointed to, get a 32-bit Eclipse. It's the least invasive solution.


Mac OS: can't install Eclipse [duplicate]

I have formatted my Mac due to some storage issues. Before this, I used Eclipse in a proper way. Now i have installed the JDK
Then, i have installed Java
Until now everything seems to be correct but when I open the Eclipse installer...
What can I do to fix this? I need to work with this the soon as possible.
Eclipse on macOS will not start with Java 14 installed, this is being tracked in Eclipse bug 561273.
Installing Java 8 as well does not help. You need to remove the Java 14 install. You could use the Java 13.0.2 release instead.
Eclipse have determined that the root cause of this issue is a change in Java 14 which is described in this bug report JDK-8238225. The fix for this should be in Java 14.0.1
Update: Eclipse runs fine with Oracle Java 14.0.1 so the issue has been fixed.
I also asked this question which was closed, that's why I answer what I have found out: Eclipse will not install on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4, saying the above error message
Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine.
Deinstalling jdk and install an older one wouldn't help on its own because Eclipse is refusing to install in the first place (as mentioned above). What I have done:
i´ve installed an JDK with boost (you can try several, mine worked with Version 13)
I edited the installer:
Download the dmg file
convert the dmg-file with "hdiutil convert /dev/disk3s1 -format UDRW -o devimage"
mount the converted dmg-file with: "hdiutil attach -owners on devimage.dmg -shadow"
Edit the /Volumes/Eclipse/ there is a section which is commented and there you can try the jdk version. You have to give the full path to the java executable, for example:
Then my eclipse started from the (already) mounted Eclipse image without complaining
I had the same issue myself a while back. In your Eclipsepedia it provided an example of what the eclipse.ini file looks like when your trying to specify a JVM. So just change the eclipse.ini file and then make sure that you have all of the correct documents in that path to match the example.

eclipse.exe stop working in windows 10

I recently update my Windows7 to Windows10 by free Microsoft reservation and upgradation.
Before upgradation eclipse started normally and didn't has any problem but since I upgrade my windows I can't run it , when I try to open it I get the "eclipse.exe stop working" error.
I too got the same error. I tried following steps.
Reinstalled JDK (JDK 1.8 update 60 - 64 bit)
Installed fresh copy of eclipse (latest version - Eclipse 4.5 Mars)
Installed 32 bit version of JDK
None of these worked for me.
Finally I opened the eclipse by right clicking and Run As Administrator option - found this option in another forum. This worked for me.
Try to open eclipse via the commandline. (Open cmd, go to the eclipse folder, run eclipse.exe). You might get more information about the crash there and we can try to resolve the error.
I'm also facing this issue between Windows 10 and Eclipse Luna 4.4.2.
It was working just fine for several weeks and one day it begins.
I try to upgrade my JDK to 1.8.66 without success; try older JDK 1.7.80 and same problem.
I was able to run eclipse after adding JAVA_HOME environment variable and launching eclipse ide as administrator, as #Shyamkumar suggested above.
Another really ANNOYING thing is how the moderators of StackOverflow evaluate some questions posted here. Please Do Not downgrade questions if the answers may help other people. It is not about you, but the others !
In eclipse.ini file at VM, if it looks like:
-vm C:/Users/Nitin/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.win32.x86_64_14.0.2.v20200815-0932/jre/bin
try replacing it with the following:
-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe
Note: The folder depends on the JDK version you have installed.
Try this. It worked for me.

Eclipse does not start after download - Ubuntu

I had recently downloaded the Eclipse Platform SR2 Kepler edition from the eclipse foundation website. However after unpacking the tarball I tried to open it by simply double clicking on the "eclipse" file. But it does not start. What could be the problem ?
Please help.
There are many possible reasons:
missing libraries or version mismatch
64/32bit mismatch
bad permissions
lack of disk space
no memory
left directories from a previous installation
For first, try to run it in a terminal and watch the output.
There are also a pre-defined packages from ubuntu. The main package is called just 'eclipse'. Normally, you can assume they work out of the box.

Problems with Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit

I'm using since today Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit. So eclipse is still pretty virgin, i just installed android plugin for it.
And I have many memory problems with it, which I didn't have with a worse computer however on 32-bit-Windows XP.
Did anybody make the same experience and what have you done to fix this out of memory errors?!
I read somewhere, that it's recommended to install beside JRE 64bit also the 32bit-version. Could it be true?
Thanks in advance,
Try to set higher Heap size using following options in your eclipse.ini file:
-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
Here I am setting max heap size as 1024 MB.
eclipse.ini file can be found in eclipse installation directory.
check other VM options here :
I guess, here is the answer:
I can confirm that this is a genuine problem due to an unknown incompatibility between OpenCV libraries and Windows 7 64-bit. I am not going to duplicate a huge amount of explanation why and what I am having trouble with so please follow my question raised in here
If you are running Windows 8 64-bit and you want to run Eclipse, follow these steps:
Unistall Java if you already have it.
Open Internet Explorer and go to the java official website.
Java Official Downloads Page
Click on the 64-bit version of Java to download, and install it.
Download Eclipse 64-bit version from eclipse website.
Eclipse Official Downloads Page
Click on the 64-bit version to download the zip file.
Extract all (you can rename it to simply "Eclipse" for convenience).
Run eclipse.exe inside the "Eclipse" folder and it should run.
Pick your Eclipse workspace and get some coding working. Hope this helps!

Eclipse randomly exits after installation of Blackberry plugin/SDK

Since adding the Blackberry Java classes from their website into eclipse, I've had it where eclipse will randomly close, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, error or reason. Here is the environment/software packages that I am using:
Windows XP SP2
Eclipse v3.5.1
Blackberry Java Plugin v1.1.1.200911111641-15
Blackberry Java SDK
I've tried the usual steps of complete uninstall and reinstallation of Eclipse and the accompanying plugins on multiple systems with the same configuration, including one that had a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. Upgrading to Eclipse 3.6 didn't work (the plugin wont' install as it's the wrong version), nor the downgrade to 3.4 for the same reason. I also increased the heap size to 512 (system has two gigs of memory) as some research into Eclipse doing this type of thing with Groovy was resolved that way, but again, no dice. Eclipse works great when the blackberry plugins are not installed, and no entries of errors or issues in the event log are helping to show what the issue with these plug-ins might be.
So if anyone has ran into this issue, and even better, has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: An additional to my issue, autoComplete with the Blackberry SDK seems to make this extremely unstable, like almost a guaranteed crash. Is this fixable at all?
For anyone that loads this question up trying to find a solution, I've never found a fix. It seems to be a bug with this version of the IDE. If there is a fix, please post.
Did you try to downgrade Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede)? I experienced similar issues when I tried upgrading Eclipse to something greater than 3.4.2.
I think the problem is with the plugin, not the IDE. Eclipse has always been stable for me until I installed the BB plugin. Since then it crashes all the time. Since I've installed the release (non-beta) version of the plugin that was recently released I can't even get my project to build.
This could be a manifestation of this bug in Eclipse. Check your C:\eclipse directory for files like hs_err_pidxxxx.log. The file goes on to explain this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x753ba053, pid=3144, tid=5820
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [USP10.dll+0x1a053]
I've been experiencing this as well. It's completely debilitating. It causes Eclipse to just up and crash out of nowhere (and programming in a language as verbose as Java without Content-Assist is insane).
The bug has been fixed in Eclipse 3.6M7, but unfortunately I can't get the JDE Plug-in to install in the latest release candidate.
This is a known issue with Eclipse 3.5.X and has been fixed for 3.6.0
Bug Ticket link on Eclipse Bugzilla:
Looks like we are stuck with this until the next update to the BB Eclipse plugin.