$PlayOutMode:0 does not work? - jssor

I have set the "$PlayOutMode" to "0", which, as I understand from the docs, should prevent a caption playout animation.
However, the caption playout is still animated...
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the question!
I have just fixed the bug.
Please download the latest version.


The Vscode size and its icons and text have been reduced, what should I do?

As you can see below, my program does not have its actual size and is very small. please guide me.
Be sure to confirm the answer that helped me.
Maybe you have zoomed? To reset the zoom level to default values use (Ctrl+Numpad0)

How to add scale/axisLabel to radar?

I'm developing a radar chart using echarts v4 and I want to add a scale to it.
I already tried to add:
axisLabel: { show: true }
but it doesn't work.
So my question is: is there any solution for this issue.
Here is an example so you can check it for more details: https://jsfiddle.net/skhachoum/k9x5rvn7/15/
Thank you in advance :)
Yeah.. It's a bug of echart 4.0, and this is a bugfix, bug seems haven't release in last version.

How to display a time picker?

I need display a time picker in sencha touch, in a similar way of xtype: 'datepickerfield', any idea how to do it? thanks
Have a look at SenchaTouch-v2-Datetimepicker
It is a bit buggy, but mostly works. A drawback is the license is not set. Guess GPL, but he don't answer on the email about it...
Cheers, Oleg
Sencha Market gives an extension for datetimepicker..Have not tried it but I hope it is useful for you

Custom UIAlertView moved up after upgrading to ipad/universal app

So after upgrading to a universal app, one of my UIAlertViews shifted up, but only for the iOS4.0.
Valid XHTML http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4959/screenshot20100719at156.png.
After (only on iOS4.0):
Valid XHTML http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/4959/screenshot20100719at156.png.
I looked into
alert.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate( alert.transform, 0.0, -100.0 );
to shift it back down, but that does absolutely nothing. Does anyone else have this problem?
I hope by this time you would have found the solution for the problem, nevertheless I found one solution but that was regarding iPhone although would be relevant for your problem as well. The link is this.
Hope t still helps!!

UIAlertView subclass with text fields for iOS 4

Has anyone seen a solution for adding text fields to a UIAlertView (without private APIs)? On 3.x I've been using enormego's EGOTextFieldAlertView, but this doesn't work properly when compiled for iOS 4. Any suggestions?
I found a viable solution:
Use the ModalAlert from Erica Sadun's cookbook.
The solution described here works great for me.
Jose Castillo found a fix for EGOTextFieldAlertView in iOS 4 and can be found here:
It has a bit of a problem with auto-positioning the view, but there are several easy fixes, depending on your project needs.
I highly recommend this code as a start point.