start emacsclient within emacs (like magit does) - emacs

I am looking for ways to start emacs within shell-mode, and I want the client to connect to the enclosing emacs instance so I don't need to switch to the instance running the server to edit the file.
I sense it is doable because magit is already doing something like this: the commit message is edited by emacsclient, and always opened in the enclosing instance. I don't even need to start the server explicitly!
My primary usage is to do git commit from shell-mode. I can't rely on magit because I have to use some customized git version with special command. Anyway I think it would be cool thing to do.
I found the magit function magit-with-emacsclient that does the trick here:
Any help to turn the function into a shell script that can act as the default editor of git will be greatly appreciated! I will also try and post the code if I can make it work.
Here is my solution. It requires start the server beforehand with pid in the socket name and then set your $EDITOR to be emacsclient connecting to that server.
Put this in your init.el
; start a server with a pid
(require 'server)
(defun server-start-pid ()
(when (server-running-p server-name)
(setq server-name (format "server%s" (emacs-pid)))
(when (server-running-p server-name)
(server-force-delete server-name)))
and run server-start-pid before you launch the editor in your shell-mode.
put this script emacsclient-pid in your PATH. It recursively find the parent process until it finds the emacs instance and invoke emacsclient on the right socket:
#! /usr/bin/python
import os, sys
import psutil
def get_pid(name):
pid = os.getppid()
while True:
proc = psutil.Process(pid)
if name in
pid = proc.ppid()
return pid
if __name__ == '__main__':
pid = get_pid("emacs")
# pass the argument to emacsclient
args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
cmd = "emacsclient -s server{pid} {args}".format(**globals())
print cmd
And put this in your .bashrc
if [[ $EMACS"x" == tx || $TERM"x" == dumbx ]]; then
export PAGER=/bin/cat
export EDITOR='emacsclient-pid'
export PAGER=/usr/bin/less
export EDITOR='emacs -q -nw'

I have split the code responsible for client-server interaction into a separate library with-editor. It's part of git-modes' next branch. Magit will start using that once I merge its next branch into master. You should study that instead of the old implementation in magit itself, because it puts all things related to this in one place and because it is also improved in many ways. E.g. it also works when using tramp.
with-editors can be used by other packages besides magit. That's one of the reasons why I have split it into a separate library/package. But I have not yet implemented the parts not actually needed by magit. E.g. the functionality it provides could also be used with shell-command, see
Something similar would probably work for shell-mode too. From a very quick look I think the function that would need to be advices in this case is comint-exec. I will probably not work on this soon, but eventually I will get back to this. Meanwhile have a look at that library yourself. Understanding what it does won't be easy without good knowledge of elisp and how emacs handles child processes, though. The only advice I can give you here is to also read the issues that concern with-editor in the magit/git-modes repository on github.
Ps. Translating this to a shell script won't work, because certain things have to happen in Emacs before the child process is started, like starting the server.


Can a command be send to VSCode, directly from the integrated terminal (integrated terminal -> VSCode API)?

Hi I would like to know whether one could call a VSCode command from the integrated terminal. So basically is the terminal aware of VSCode and can they communicate (at least from terminal => VSCode)
My Usecase: I would like to have H and L, to move to editor tab left / right of the terminal (I am using the terminal in an editor tab). Additionally, I would like that to happen when I am in vim normal mode in my zsh.
So I would like, when I am in normal mode and press H that the terminal sends an editor.tabNext (or whatever the command is) to VSCode.
I think I found a workaround at least. There is an extension called Remote Control (, with which I can send arbitrary commands to VSCode, so this seems to work. Proabably natively this is not possible, but maybe someone knows something.
Here is my setup now:
if [ ! -z $VSCODE ]; then
_sendcmd() { echo "{ \"command\": \"workbench.action.$1\" }" | websocat ws://localhost:4242 }
# define commands and register them in zsh
editor_left() { _sendcmd previousEditor }; zle -N editor_left;
editor_right() { _sendcmd nextEditor }; zle -N editor_right;
bindkey -a H editor_left
bindkey -a L editor_right
where $VSCODE is defined in VSCode through terminal.integrated.env = { "VSCODE": "1" }. May this make you as happy as it makes me happy.
Yes you can do this but it will require writing a simple extension and there is one flaw with it.
If you write a VSCode extension there is an API that will set environment variables in new terminals.
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
context.environmentVariableCollection.replace("REMOTE_CONTROLL_EXTENSION_IPC_PATH", ipcPath);
What you do is create a Unix socket (or named pipe on Windows) and pass it into that environment variable. Then in your shell you can just send data to that socket.
This is much better than the approach used by the Remote Control extension that Dimfred mentioned - it's more secure and doesn't rely on known fixed ports, which means you're going to run into issues e.g. if they don't get closed properly or you run multiple copies of VSCode.
The only downside I've found with this approach is that if restart VSCode, then the socket will be closed but VSCode will try to restore shell sessions. Those shell sessions will be left with an old REMOTE_CONTROLL_EXTENSION_IPC_PATH value which points at a non-existent socket.
I'm not sure of a way around that yet.
Edit: Actually all you need to do is ensure your Unix socket path is tied to a workspace. At least this is what the built in Git extension does. See createIPCServer(). It uses storagePath which is specific to a workspace. It also unlinks the socket at that path (if any) when it starts.
I initially thought that might cause issues if you open the same workspace twice in two windows, but VSCode won't let you do that.

emacs to automatically rsync?

This was discussed in a emacs StackExchange Discussion where Howard Abrams and gavinb mentioned something that could work. However, I am such a newbie to emacs, and not a programmer at all, that I have no idea of how to get his code to work in my emacs editor. I have started to use org-mode and have used the "easy customization" mode to change things in "[-]-\ Group Org", but I don't know enough to know what to do with it to implement a complete solution.
I assume that the gist code of Mr. Abrams works to run one script named ".on-save" that lives in the same directory as the file that is being saved. And that this code runs the .on-save script and passes the saved file's name to that script to process. At that point I get lost in how to get a rsync script to process the saved file's name.
Would I put the code that Mr. Abrams mentions in my ~.emacs file?
Alternatively do I use "easy customization" to run Mr. Abrams code?
If I managed to run/install the code, how would my rsync script look to make use of his code to pass the file name of the file being saved to the rsync script for processing.
So I bound Alt-F11 to trigger a shell script "".
In my .emacs file I put the following:
(defvar script-name "~/")
(defun call-my-script-with-word ()
(concat script-name
" "
(thing-at-point 'word))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<f11>") 'call-my-script-with-word)
The shell script:
rsync -avh --delete ~/My-Org-Directory/ /My-Backup-Org-Directory/
I saved the script as ~/ and made it executable with chmod+ It rsync's my entire org-mode directory.
To use it I periodically save to backup using Alt-F11. I did not want it to be automatic for fear that it would automatically sync a bad copy.
Very very low tech, but it is adequate for my needs, and it will sync the directories. Lawlist's solution in the post he referenced is great, and more comprehensive, but since I fuse mount my only sftp directory prior to each emacs session, it was more than I really needed.

How can I write to standard output in Emacs

I am trying to debug an Emacs program performance wise. In particular, I suffer an extremely long startup time (~5' compared to ~1' for a bare Emacs) on a remote connection via WLAN, cellphone etc. In this context, any message written is no help, for the display is not refreshed at all.
What I would like to do is to write onto the "standard output" of the Linux process. I am aware of the --batch mode but this is no help to me because I want to use Emacs interactively.
So how can I write messages out to the Linux-standard output (as opposed to the Emacs standard output)?
You can output to standard error like this:
(print "hello world" #'external-debugging-output)
(princ "hello world" #'external-debugging-output)
This can buffer, so be careful.It's not possible to output to standard out at the moment. I'm going to add that, I think!
Start emacs as a daemon (emacs --daemon) and any messages during the start-up sequence will be sent to stdout or stderr, as described by lunaryorn.
Connect to the server with emacsclient
The simplest way to kill the server is M-x kill-emacs RET
For details see C-hig (emacs) Emacs Server RET
Works for me in centos 6.8 (GNU Emacs 23.1.1):
(append-to-file "here I come to save the day\n" nil "/dev/stdout")
Try also using "/dev/tty" in place of "/dev/stdout":
Unclear from question if you intend to redirect "emacs -nw" stdout to a file and monitor that file externally (then use "/dev/stdout"); or are ok with writing to "/dev/tty" thus polluting the self-same tty of the main "emacs -nw" display.
If starting a GUI version of emacs, in such a way it may lose attachment to originating tty, can abuse environment variables to communicate an originating shell's tty to elisp.
This works for me using Aquamacs in Mac OS X. Launching from a bash shell:
$ MY_TTY=$(tty) open /Applications/Aquamacs\ &
then in emacs:
(append-to-file "here I come to save the day\n" nil (getenv "MY_TTY"))

Running emacs from the command line and handling locked files

I'm using org-mode and am looking to export my agenda (example of an agenda) to a text file so that I can display it with conky. The org-mode manual features this command line example to do this:
emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "t")' | lpr
I've modified this like so:
emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "e")' \
> ~/org/aux/agenda-export.txt
I have this set as a cron job to run every 5 minutes. It works great unless I actually have emacs open. Then I noticed that the file agenda-export.txt was empty. In running this manually from the coammand line vs. through cron, I get this error (or similar depending on the files I have open):
...~/org/ locked by jwhendy (pid 10935): (s, q, p, ?)?
I was going to write a script to perhaps export to agenda-export-test.txt, then perhaps check for an empty file or no lines (wc -l == 0 maybe?). If true, leave the existing file alone and delete agenda-export-test.txt. If not, then move agenda-export-test.txt to agenda-export.txt.
But... when I try to run such a script, I'm met with the same emacs inquiry about whether to steal the lock, proceed, or quit. I'm fine with proceeding, as I don't think org-agenda does anything to the files and thus it wouldn't harm anything... but I don't know how to tell emacs to "force" or choose "proceed" if problems are encountered. I need something non-interactive.
So, to summarize, my thoughts were to try:
passing a --force option or similar to emacs to make it proceed at the pause
see if the exported tmp file has any lines and deal with it accordingly
tell emacs to run in "read only mode" (but I don't think it exists)
The main issue is that with cron, I'm not there to tell the process what to do, and so it just just make an empty file as the exported results. How can I handle this locked file business with a "blind" process like cron that can't respond?
I've tried asking the mailing list as well without a working outcome. [1] I wondered if someone here might have ideas.
Have you tried copying file without using emacs?
put in your crontab:
cp ~/org/ /tmp/ && emacs -batch .... /tmp/ ..
A regular "cp" command should not copy emacs locks. Of course, once in a while you might get a damaged file if you save agenda just during cp command, but this should not be too bad.

Emacs: Tramp doesn't work

I tried to open a remote file via Emacs via Tramp.
(require 'tramp)
(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
I get a message from Emacs
Tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell
Emacs hung and did not respond to any action after that
Emacs was installed on Windows; the remote file was on a Linux machine.
If the account you're connecting to uses some weird fancy shell prompt, then there is a good chance that this is what makes tramp trip.
Log in as root, then enter
PS1="> "
(that's a normal, standard shell (ZSH, BASH, younameit) prompt, one that tramp will understand)
then switch to the user account, and launch emacs -q (to make sure that your .emacs is not causing this mess) and try to C-x C-f /sudo:root#localhost:/etc/hosts and see what's what.
You can (not recommended) also customize the regexp that defines what tramp expects :
M-x customize-variable RET tramp-terminal-prompt-regexp
My approach :
Make sure the variable tramp-terminal-type is set to "dumb"
M-x customize-variable RET tramp-terminal-type
Test that in your .*shrc and serve the correct prompt :
case "$TERM" in
PS1="> "
PS1="my fancy multi-line \n prompt > "
PS1="> "
Your Windows ssh client is the key here, and the 'ssh' Tramp method is almost certainly wrong.
If you're using Cygwin, then you need to use the 'sshx' method, and you probably need to use ssh-agent to handle authentication. Details are here:
Using tramp with EmacsW32 and cygwin, possible?
I imagine the same applies to any stand-alone ssh client which does not require a full Cygwin installation, but does use the Cygwin DLLs. (I mention this, because I'm pretty sure I remember seeing such a thing.)
If you're using PuTTY then you want the 'plink' method, as Alex Ott pointed out. If the Wiki doesn't suffice, a search here will probably turn up solutions for configuring that approach.
Other alternatives I can suggest are:
Use the Cygwin-native Emacs. That will be slower than NTEmacs, but Tramp seems to work well with the 'ssh' method, and password-prompting works as well.
Host a Linux VM on your Windows box, and run Emacs on that. That's a fairly large hoop to jump through, but it's my preferred way of using Tramp when working in Windows.
Well, this is a defect of tramp.
The real solution is to prevent loading .bashrc when tramp is used. (because now it is PS1, but it can be PATH, or any other thing that your .bashrc will do that will displease tramp...).
This can be done by asking ssh to set an environment variable, and testing it in .bashrc:
Add this to ~/.emacs:
(require 'tramp-sh nil t)
(setf tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options (concat "-o SendEnv TRAMP=yes " tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options))
and that at the beginning of ~/.bashrc:
if [ ! -z ${TRAMP-x} ] ; then
Another default of tramp is that it doesn't have a variable to pass random arguments to the ssh command, we have to piggy-back on tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options.
Had you checked Emacs wiki for solution? ssh is in PATH? It's also recommended to use plink on MS Windows - see section "Inline methods" in Tramp documentation
If the problem is your fancy custom prompt in the remote shell, an easy workaround is to add to your .bashrc or equivalent:
if [[ $TERM == "dumb" ]]; then
export PS1="$ "
After you define your PS1.
Note: the credit goes to ChasingLogic as this is their suggestion in this thread.
By the way -- if You need tramp to sudo -- You can actually sudo without tramp using sudoedit.
Currently I'm using this bash function:
erf () { SUDO_EDITOR="emacsclient -a emacs" sudoedit $#; }