Open SecureCRT using perl - perl

I am using secureCRT. I want to automate secureCRT using perl. I intend to open the secureCRT, enter hostname,username and password and then execute a command in secureCRT. Is there any perl object to work with secureCRT.
Is there any command like
Win32::OLE (SecureCRT.Application)
for perl
I am unable to find any perl documentation for using secureCRT

Assuming you want to interact with a server that has a ssh daemon running, I suggest you to have a look at Net::SSH::Perl and skip trying to use SecureCRT from Perl.
Hope this helps

Besides using some Perl module for SSH (i.e. Net::SSH2 or Net::SSH::Any), there is also PAC Manager, a connection manager similar to SecureCRT but written and scriptable in Perl.


Perl script to create a SSH session to a remote machine using Putty and execute commands from a Windows machine

I want to create an SSH session to a remote machine using Perl, and execute commands automatically from a Windows machine. Is there a way I can do that?
The Net::SSH module relies on a command-line ssh tool, which Windows doesn't have straight from the box.
I suggest you use Putty's plink command instead of putty itself, as plink is much closer to an ssh command-line utility and is intended for this sort of thing. Together with IPC::Open3 (or IPC::Open2 if you're not interested in seeing the output to STDERR) it will let you print commands and and readline the responses interactively. I am sure you can create your own log files.
Alternatively you could consider Net::SSH::W32Perl, which is a compatibility layer around Net::SSH::Perl. It is rather old but should be better than relying on Putty.

In Perl CGI, how can I use UNIX commands?

I'm trying to run ssh, mkdir from a Perl CGI script. It's not working. But in normal Perl script, it is working fine. Can any one tell me how to run commands in a Perl CGI script?
If you're running this script via a webserver, chances are the active user (e.g. "nobody", "www", etc) may not have the necessary privileges to execute commands like mkdir and ssh. If so, that is not something that perl can fix. You can test who the active user is with something like:
print "The active user is: ", `whoami`;
It is also a security concern, to have your web user privileges set to create files and perform commands.
system() or popen() are probably what you're looking for, if you're feeling dirty I think you can use back ticks too.
Do you need to run unix commands? Perl has a built-in mkdir, and there are modules to handle SSH. Normally a CGI process is going to have limited capabilities or access to the system. The more you can do in Perl the better.

How do use perl to trigger another perl scipt running on another machine?

Need a way to have a perl script running on one machine run a perl script running on another.
The remote machine config is:
it's on the same network is the requesting machine,
has a DNS,
Questions, feedback, comments -- just comment, thanks!!
Is this what you want?
system("ssh user#remotemachine perl <remote script's full path>");
will run the script on remote machine.
you may want to ssh without password, check:
As #Nylon Smile mentioned, you can use system to invoke the system's ssh client. If you want to do this without relying on external binaries (in particular because you want to handle password authentication differently), try Net::SSH::Perl, available from CPAN.
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new('host');
$ssh->login('username', 'password');
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit_code) = $ssh->cmd(
'perl --with=some_args',
'optionally, some stdin for that script'
Net::SSH::Perl can be a bit of a pain to install, but there are several other CPAN modules (most of which rely on an installed OpenSSH) and are a bit easier to deal with while providing a similar api. See also Net::SSH and Net::OpenSSH.
The above answers are fine for a one-off, but if you're doing this sort of thing a lot, you may want to look into some sort of messaging system like AMPQ (e.g. RabbitMQ) and set up queue listeners.

How to open ssh session and execute commands from a Perl script?

I have a Perl script running on a Windows machine. I need this script to open a ssh session to a remote Unix machine, and to be able to execute certain commands on that Unix machine and to be able to get the output returned from these commands.
These commands are generated during the run-time of the script, and there are many of them executed at different times.
How can I do it?
Approach 1: Use CYGWIN:
Approach 2: Use Net::SSH::W32Perl module.
This is one thread discussing how to install it: (It seems to require downloading custom version of the module)
This thread should help with the problems arising from dependencies on math libraries needed for ssh calculations:
Caveat emptor: I never installed this, the above is just result of some analysis of google results.
system("ssh foo 'ls -l'");
Or go through the hassle of using ptmx(4) on the local side and ssh -t for remote.

Alternative module of Net::SSH::Expect or how to connect remote server and get the output of command

I want to use Net::SSH::Expect in my unix box but unfortunately, it is not available and I am not able to convince the admin to install any perl module. Do you know how could I connect to a remote server using expect.
I know that I can archive that by using python but python is also not avai in my unix box.
Second attempt: though I use expect and shell scripting but the output is missing which is my original problem :Missing output when running system command
Please advise me any alternative module of Net::SSH::Expect so I can check its availibility in my unix box. Or any other way to connect remote server, execute some command and get the output ?
Million thanks.
You do not need your system administrator to install a module in order for you to run it. You can download and install it locally, and use local::lib to use it (as discussed in earlier questions on this site).
Alternatively, have you simply tried:
my $output = `ssh username#host command arguments`;