I'm using STS based on Kepler 4.3.2. I am not able to download support for Glassfish from the Oracle site. Whenever I try to download via Eclipse Marketplace, I get this error message:
"No repository found at http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/oepe/kepler."
Could someone please enlighten me what the problem is with the site?
Installation (using the Install button, dragged to running Eclipse workspace) from http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/glassfish-tools-kepler works for me.
If the p2 repo is not available on download.oracle.com (it could be a glitch), you can always download the latest p2 repo and use it offline.
See the last "Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (" (or a previous release), and download a repo like:
Or, for Kepler, an older one:
(you must do it from the web page, after accepting the license)
when i am trying to install the glassfish on Eclips i am facing two issues:
1- I can not find it when i click on create new server under oracle folder ..
2- when i am trying to install the glassfish tool from the market it gives me a message that says No repository
3- when even going to add the link manually under available software. it gives me the same error No Repository Found
I am Using Eclipse Version: 2021-12 (4.22.0)
JDK : 16
JRE :jre1.8.0_311
what could be the issue?
For those who don't want to try to type the above:
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Dependences - http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/oepe/
The Glassfish Tools project and it's dependency Eclipse Sapphire have been both archived, but the repos should be working anyway. Glassfish Tools repo is not working though, but both projects have been bundled in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, which has it's own repo available by default in eclipse 21-12 (and many more versions before that one).
Go to Help -> Install new software and find the repo as shown in the image.
I'm trying to install Cobertura plugin (http://ecobertura.johoop.de/update/) on Helios version of my eclipse but getting this exception "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException", It says unable to read repository at http://ecobertura.johoop.de/update/
I'm not on proxy server.
Seems it had stopped development.
I can't install it in Eclipse 3.5 or 4.3 too.
You can use EclEmma, it's easy to use.
Eclipse Helios version is 3.6.x and eCobertura Web site states that eclipse update site works for Eclipse 3.5+. I can confirm it really is working for Eclipse Helios. If you can download update site meta information through browser, but eclipse still cannot see it, it could be a proxy problem or something else that prevents eclipse to access content of update site.
Attempting to install Mercurial on Eclipse Java EE IDE Juno from
http://cbes.javaforge.com/update in the Install new software...
"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: codeBeamer Eclipse Studio (with Mylyn) 3.1.0.v201011161842 (org.codebeamer.eclipse.mylyn_feature.feature.group 3.1.0.v201011161842) Missing requirement: codeBeamer Eclipse Studio (with Mylyn) 3.1.0.v201011161842 (org.codebeamer.eclipse.mylyn_feature.feature.group 3.1.0.v201011161842) requires 'org.eclipse.mylyn_feature.feature.group 3.3.0' but it could not be found
I tried on Windows 7_64 and ubuntu 12.04_64. I even installed mylyn using the latest stable releases from http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/latest
Any Ideas?
Already browsed web and this site.
You could also try the update URL from the Google Code repository instead, which installs only MercurialEclipse.
+1 to installing from Google Code Repository.
Initially Eclipse wouldn't start because of problems with the older version of the plugin so to get past this simply removed the jar com.vectrace.MercurialEclipse_1.9.1.v201111302231.jar from the Eclipse plugins directory then uninstalled the existing plugin and re-installed from the link in smooth reggae's post.
All seems good so far.
The problem is, that the codeBeamer Eclipse Studio requires an older version of Mylyn (3.3.0), which isn't available for Juno.
But AFAIK you don't need the whole CBES, if you only need the Mercurial features. Try to select only MercurialEclipse, it should also be available in that update site.
I can't connect Eclipse to internet because of security issues in my work, i want to find a way to download the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin manually (Without using the Eclipse Market Place or Eclipse Install Wizard) and install it separately ...
I made many searches and all i found is how to install the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin using the download Link from Eclipse Plugin Installer ...
PS : Glassfish Server is already installed in my Laptop i just need the Eclipse Plugin.
From where can i download the Plugin ?
And how can i install it ?
GlassFish Tools is part of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, which is offered in a number of different download formats, such as a ready-to-run Eclipse install and a downloadable repository. Either of these options is a good choice for users with connection problems. If you already have Eclipse installed, download the offline repository (may be called 'OEPE plugins only' on the download site). Then use the install plugins wizard, but point at the downloaded zip instead of a public URL. Make sure to uncheck the consult other repositories option to keep Eclipse from wandering to the network unnecessary.
OEPE - Main Download Page
OEPE - Latest Release
I'm trying to install the WTP (web platform tools) to my Eclipse installation so I can get the XSL transformations working. The base Eclipse they installed for me here was the plain Java IDE (the splash screen says "Ganymede" if that means anything). Looking at this site, the URL to get the download should be here: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/ ...But when I give that URL to the Eclipse update manager, I get an error telling me: "No repository found at http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/"
Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what might be up? Anyone know how to get the xsl-transform plugin installed?
I should have mentioned before that I want to find a way to do this without installing any new instances of Eclipse. This process will eventually be sent to several other developers who already have Eclipse (same version that I'm testing with) and I'd rather just do an in-place upgrade rather than have everyone go and install a new product.
I found another plugin, Xcarecrows 4 XML which can also do XSL transforms. The interface is ugly and seems more than a little quirky, but it's also a small download, and at least it runs and transforms. Unless I can find an easy way to get WTP working, I'll probably just stick with this.
You can try and install WTP through the main Ganymede update site:
Or you can download the latest Java EE bundle and use that instead of your current Eclipse
(do NOT unpack it on top of your current Eclipse, but unpack it elsewhere, to test that second installation: it will come with WTP inside)
Note: check then "How do I start Eclipse" to point to your existing workspace in order to see all your previous project in your new Eclipse installation.
As mentioned in your link, XSL Tools is now part of WTP (for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo), and that may explain why your Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) might not interpret correctly the P2 update site for WTP (P2 being the new Eclipse provisioning mechanism introduced late in the 3.4 release cycle)
For Eclipse 3.5, you have an XSL Tools installation illustrated here:
But Eclipse3.4 is more likely to be compatible with XSLT0.5 and you will need a separate installation, because "XSL Tools" wasn't yet part of WTP.
I am not sure, however, where to find such an installation package within the Eclipse projects.
Use the following update site :
For Juno :
For Indigo :
I'm assuming you don't have any firewall exceptions for Eclipse right?
The site for the WTP update is indeed the one you've listed. Maybe post a screenshot? You've added it specifically to your remote update site list?
Either way try a manual update which should be more reliable and get you up and running for now.
All-In-One Update (Eclipse IDE included):
Go to the Eclipse Download site.
Grab the all-in-one package: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install, have a coffee and enjoy. (WTP is included)
Manual Update your existing installation of Eclipse:
Download the applicable WTP source package to your desktop
Shutdown Eclipse
Extract the package to your Eclipse installation directory
Startup Eclipse. (WTP is now available)
Follow the steps in the FAQ at http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F .
Are you behind a proxy? If so, you need to make sure you configure your proxy settings in Eclipse.
Window > Preferences
General > Network Connections
Ok, I can probably get it working if I do a clean install of Eclipse. I can do that on my machine, but not the other team members' machines (at least not without going through many emails and paper work) so I'm going to say that XCarecrows 4 XML is the solution. It is able to do XSL transformations in Eclipse 3.4 and doesn't require anything else to be installed. Since XSLT is all I need, the plugin will do.
you can use the marketplace:
like the site says:
Drag to Install!Drag to your running Eclipse Workspace.