Loop through values of a SPSS variable inside of a Macro - macros

How can I pass the values of a specific variable to a list-processing loop inside a macro?
Let's say, as an simplified example, I've got a variable foo which contains the values 1,4,12,33 and 51.
DATA LIST FREE / foo (F2) .
And a macro that does some stuff with those values.
For testing reasons this Macro will just echo those values.
I'd like to find a way to run a routine that works like the following:
DEFINE !testmacro (list !CMDEND)
!DO !i !IN (!list)
!testmacro list = 1 4 12 33 51. * <- = values from foo.

This is a situation where using the Python apis would be a good choice.

I made myself a little bit familiar with Python recently :-)
So this is what I worked out.
If the variable is a numeric:
import spss,spssdata
foolist = [element[0] for element in spssdata.Spssdata('foo').fetchall()]
foostring = " ".join(str(int(i)) for i in foolist)
spss.Submit("!testmacro list = %(foostring)s." %locals())
If the variable is a string:
import spss,spssdata
foolist = [element[0].strip() for element in spssdata.Spssdata('bar').fetchall()]
foostring = " ".join(foolist)
spss.Submit("!testmacro list = %(foostring)s." %locals())
Duplicates removed and list is orderd
import spss,spssdata
foolist = sorted(set([element[0] for element in spssdata.Spssdata('foo').fetchall()]))
foostring = " ".join(str(int(i)) for i in foolist)
spss.Submit("!testmacro list = %(foostring)s." %locals())
Duplicates removed and items in order of first appearance in the dataset
Here, I use a function which I retrieved from Peter Bengtsson's Homepage (peterbe.com)
import spss,spssdata
def uniquify(seq, idfun=None):
# order preserving
if idfun is None:
def idfun(x): return x
seen = {}
result = []
for item in seq:
marker = idfun(item)
if marker in seen: continue
seen[marker] = 1
return result
foolist = uniquify([element[0] for element in spssdata.Spssdata('foo').fetchall()])
foostring = " ".join(str(int(i)) for i in foolist)
spss.Submit("!testmacro list = %(foostring)s." %locals())
Non-Python Solution
Not that I recommend it, but there is even a way to do this without Python.
I got the basic Idea from a SPSS programming book, which goes as follows:
Use the WRITE command to create a text file with the wanted command and variable values and include it with the insert command.
DATASET COPY foolistdata.
* Variable which contains the command as string in the first case.
STRING macrocommand (A18).
IF ($casenum=1) macroCommand = "!testmacro list = ".
* variable which contains a period (.) in the last case,
* for the ending of the command string.
STRING commandEnd (A1).
IF ($casenum=NumberOfCases) commandEnd = ".".
* Write the 'table' with the command and variable values into a textfile.
WRITE OUTFILE="macrocommand.txt" /macrocommand bar commandEnd.
* Macrocall.
INSERT FILE ="macrocommand.txt".


Call a script with definitions in a function

We have a script that defines values to names similar to #define in c. For example:
This script already exists and is used for value replacement when reading data from files.
Now we have a function (or more) that does some analysis and we would like to use the same definition in this function to avoid magic numbers. But when the script is called from the function we get an error.
Attempt to add "ERR_NOERROR" to a static workspace.
See MATLAB Programming, Restrictions on Assigning to Variables for details.
And this does not help much in the understanding of the problem.
The question is how can we make these definitions visible/usable in the functions with having to copying it every time.
function foo = bar(a)
run(script.m) %also tried running it without the run command
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
There was a nested function,below in the function which I was not aware of. This explains the problem.
This kind of scoping error happens when you use nested or anonymous function within a function. The solution is well documented.
To your case, you can avoid nested function, or "Convert the script to a function and pass the variable using arguments", as the documentation suggests.
EDIT: I should have made it clear that the error occurs even if the script is not called within the nested function. Similar scenario is that, in debug mode (by setting up a break point), it will be an error if one tries to create a temporal variable to test something.
This is not a direct answer, rather a recommendation to switch to another method, which will not be mixing scope and workspace.
Instead of defining your constant in a script, you could make a class containing only constant properties. ex: code for error_codes.m:
classdef error_codes
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Constant error code definition
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
properties (Constant = true)
noerror = 0 ;
fatal = 1 ;
errorlvl2 = 2 ;
errorlvl3 = 3 ;
warning = -1 ;
% etc ...
I use this style for many different type of constants. For tidiness, I groups them all in a Matlab package directory (The directories which starts with a + character.
The added benefit of using constant class properties is the safety that the values cannot be changed in the middle of the code (your variables defined in a script could easily be overwritten by a careless user).
So assuming my file error_codes.m is placed in a folder:
and of course the folder +Constants is on the MATLAB path, then to use it as in your example, instead of calling the script, just initialise an instance of the class, then use the constant values when you need them:
function foo = bar(a)
ERR = Constants.error_codes ;
if a == ERR.noerror
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
or it can works in switch statement too:
switch a
case ERR.noerror
foo = 5 ;
case ERR.warning
foo = 42 ;
case ERR.fatal
foo = [] ;

LibreOffice Macro always show #NULL! after reopening the file

I wrote a macro in LibreOffice Calc and it is able to run correctly. But if I close the file and reopen, it always show #NULL! instead of the correct value. What am I missing here?
My macro code
Rem Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBAModule
Option VBASupport 1
Function Calculate(CalType As String) As Double
' Calculate Macro
Dim i As Integer
Calc = 0
i = 1
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 2))
If (Cells(i, 3).Value = CalType And (Cells(i,2) = "A" Or Cells(i,2) = "B")) Then
Calculate = Calculate + Cells(i, 4).Value
ElseIf (Cells(i, 3).Value = CalType And Cells(i,2) = "C") Then
Calculate = Calculate - Cells(i, 4).Value
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
The calling function will be something like =Calculate(J6)
The file is saved as .ods format.
The Cells call did not work at all for me. It is from VBA, not LO Basic. However I do not think that is the main problem.
LibreOffice expects that user-defined functions will be simple, only accessing the cell that contains the formula. Since the spreadsheet has not been fully loaded yet when the function is called, it is not possible to read other cells.
The workaround is to ignore errors and wait until the document is fully loaded before running the function. Take the following code as an example:
Function ReadOtherCell(row, col)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet()
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(row, col)
ReadOtherCell = "value is '" & oCell.getString() & "'"
Exit Function
End Function
Sub RecalculateAll
' This is for user-defined functions that need to read the spreadsheet.
' Assign it to the "View created" event,
' because before that, the spreadsheet is not fully loaded.
End Sub
Enter foo in A1, and =ReadOtherCell(0,0) in A2. So far, this has the same problem -- It will fail when the document is first opened.
Now, go to Tools -> Customize. In the Events tab, highlight View created. Press Macro... and find the RecalculateAll function. Then press OK.
Now when the document is closed and reopened, cell A2 should show the result value is 'foo'.
This is derived from B. Marcelly's answer at http://ooo-forums.apache.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=73090&sid=f92a89d676058ab597b4b4494833b2a0.
I had the same problem.
I noticed that in the module, i had an empty Sub Main
After i 've erased it, the functions started working again

Lua - Function That Creates Detours

I need to make several detours to various functions and doing it one by one is just not an option. I'm looking for a function that will take a table, ideally, and this table is class. Loop through it and for each key, value pair that is a function make a function pointer with a prefix before the original function name. I have tried several variations to achieve this effect, but they all yield different problems. Some simply will not make detour pointer no matter what you give to them, others make detour pointers but they don't work, and some will overflow the stack or simply not be recognized.
I want to know if there is a way, ie rawsets, metatable overrides, constant looping until they do match, etc to make it so the function can get a table (or a string that has the same name as the table, thus a loadstring method would work here too) and loop through each function and make a working detour pointer...no matter what.
I prefer using the self:prefix_orig_name(...) syntax [... can be replaced with actual args].
Here's 2 variations I have tried with example useage.
-- 1st Method
detours = detours or {}
function detour(object, class) -- Class is an extra arg that I would send if for some reason just sending an object didn't work...it was theory oh'ed
if detours[object] then -- Check if the detour already exists...might be worth remaking it especially if the function gets overridden several times in different places?
print("detour: Previous " .. object .. " detour found, using previous detour")
for name, func in pairs(class and class or loadstring("return " .. object)()) do
-- the loadstring method here is used because the argument received is a string of the same name as the table...thus loading it will yield a table
if type(func) == "function" then
local execute, error = loadstring(object .. ".custom_detour_" .. name .. " = " .. object .. "." .. name) -- This makes the actual pointer
if error then
print("detour Error: " .. " Failed to detour: " .. object .. " Error: " .. error)
local luanch, assert = pcall(execute)
if not luanch then
print("detour Error: " .. " Failed to detour: " .. object .. " Error: " .. assert)
print("Table: " .. object .. " successfully detourd")
detours[object] = true -- tells us we made a detour of this table/string
-- 2nd Method
function detour(object) -- Takes a table
for k, v in pairs(object) do
if type(v) == "function" and not detours[k] then
if not object.custom_detour_ then
object.custom_detour_ = clone(object) -- use a simple cloning function (shallow) to put a clone of the main table into a sub table of the main table
if object["custom_detour_" .. k] ~= object.custom_detour_[k] then
object["custom_detour_" .. k] = object.custom_detour_[k] -- this makes it so the self:custom_detour_orig_name(...) syntax can be used, if I am not mistaken
-- Example Usage:
MyClass = class() -- class function is relatively OOP standard
function MyClass:init()
self._something = true
function MyClass:change(value)
self._something = value
function MyClass:table_print(tbl) -- just making funcs up
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
my_class = MyClass:new()
-- 1st Method
--2nd Method
I personally prefer the 1st method or at least a string, because I can log each detour and if a problem arises later on, it makes debugging easier...but I am for whatever will work.
Simple detouring is easy to do with closures; no need for loadstring:
function detour(cls)
local detours = {}
for key, value in pairs(cls) do
if type(value) == "function" then -- note: ignores objects with __call metamethod
detours["custom_detour_"..key] = function(...)
-- Do whatever you want here
return value(...)
for key, value in pairs(detours) do
cls[key] = value

SAS IML use of Mattrib with Macro (symget) in a loop

In an IML proc I have several martices and several vectors with the names of columns:
proc IML;
mydata1 = {1 2 3, 2 3 4};
mydata2 = {1 2, 2 3};
names1 = {'red' 'green' 'blue'};
names2 = {'black' 'white'};
To assign column names to columns in matrices one can copypaste the mattrib statement enough times:
/* mattrib mydata1 colname=names1;*/
/* mattrib mydata2 colname=names2;*/
However, in my case the number of matrices is defined at execution, thus a do loop is needed. The following code
do idx=1 to varNumb;
call symputx ('mydataX', cat('mydata',idx));
call symputx ('namesX', cat('names',idx));
mattrib (symget('mydataX')) colname=(symget('namesX'));
print (mydata1[,'red']) (mydata2[,'white']);
however produces the "Expecting a name" error on the first symget.
Similar question Loop over names in SAS-IML? offers the macro workaround with symget, what produces an error here.
What is the correct way of using mattrib with symget? Is there other way of making a variable from a string than macro?
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem is in the symget function. The &-sign resolves the name of the matrix contained in the macro variable, the symget only returns the name of the macro.
proc IML;
mydata1 = {1 2 3};
call symputx ('mydataX', 'mydata1');
mydataNew = (symget('mydataX'));
print (&mydataX);
print (symget("mydataX"));
print mydataNew;
results in
mydata1 :
1 2 3
mydataNew :
Any ideas?
Function value solves the symget problem in EDIT1
mydataNew = value(symget('mydataX'));
print (&mydataX);
print (value(symget("mydataX")));
print mydataNew;
The mattrib issue but persists.
Thanks Rick, you have opened my eyes to CALL EXECUTE() statement.
When you use CALL SYMPUTX, you should not use quotes for the second argument. Your statement
call symputx ('mydataX', 'mydata1');
assigns the string 'mydata1' to the macro variable.
In general, trying to use macro variables in SAS/IML loops often results in complicated code. See the article Macros and loops in the SAS/IML language for an indication of the issues caused by trying to combine a macro preprocessor with an interactive language. Because the MATTRIB statement expects a literal value for the matrix name, I recomend that you use CALL EXECUTE rather than macro substitution to execute the MATTRIB statement.
You are also having problems because a macro variable is always a scalar string, whereas the column name is a vector of strings. Use the ROWCAT function to concatenate the vector of names into a single string.
The following statements accomplish your objective without using macro variables:
/* Use CALL EXECUTE to set matrix attributes dynamically.
Requires that matrixName and varNames be defined at main scope */
start SetMattrib;
cmd = "mattrib " + matrixName + " colname={" + varNames + "};";
*print cmd; /* for debugging */
call execute(cmd);
do idx=1 to varNumb;
matrixName = cat('mydata',idx);
varNames = rowcat( value(cat('names',idx)) + " " );
run SetMattrib;

Looping through documents in matlab

I am attempting to loop through the variable 'docs' which is a cell array that holds strings, i need to make a for loop that colllects the terms in a cell array and then uses command 'lower' and unique to create a dictionary.
Here is the code i've tried sp far and i just get errors
docsLength = length(docs);
for C = 1:docsLength
list = tokenize(docs, ' .,-');
Mylist = [list;C];
I get these errors
Error using textscan
First input must be of type double or string.
Error in tokenize (line 3)
C = textscan(str,'%s','MultipleDelimsAsOne',1,'delimiter',delimiters);
Error in tk (line 4)
list = tokenize(docs, ' .,-');
Generically, if you get an "must be of type" error, that means you are passing the wrong sort of input to a function. In this case you should look at the point in your code where this is taking place (here, in tokenize when textscan is called), and doublecheck that the input going in is what you expect it to be.
As tokenize is not a MATLAB builtin function, unless you show us that code we can't say what those inputs should be. However, as akfaz mentioned in comments, it is likely that you want to pass docs{C} (a string) to tokenize instead of docs (a cell array). Otherwise, there's no point in having a loop as it just repeatedly passes the same input, docs, into the function.
There are additional problems with the loop:
Mylist = [list; C]; will be overwritten each loop to consist of the latest version of list plus C, which is just a number (the index of the loop). Depending on what the output of tokenize looks like, Mylist = [Mylist; list] may work but you should initialise Mylist first.
Mylist = [];
for C = 1:length(docs)
list = tokenize(docs{C}, ' .,-');
Mylist = [Mylist; list];