Can't add SVN repository in Eclipse - eclipse

I'm trying to add an SVN repository to Eclipse.
I've installed Subclipse, and it seems to be working fine. But, when I try to "add a new SVN repository", I input this:
and I get this:
Error validating location: "org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failed svn: unable to connect to a repository at url 'svn..'
svn: OPTIONS of '': could not connect to server '' Keep location anyway?
I've checked it in both browsers(on computer and internal eclipse br) - both works
What is the decision?

Did you configure Subclipse to work with your proxy server? I'm asking because you specify this error in the second comment: svn: E170001: HTTP proxy authorization failed.
To make sure that proxy settings are correct, check the servers file on the CLIENT
machine. The file is located in .subversion directory in the user's home directory on Linux systems and in %APPDATA%\Subversion on Windows systems. Configurable options you are interested in are:
If you don't have any proxy server but these options are still configured, then remove them. Otherwise, make sure that these settings are valid. See SVNBook | Runtime Configuration Area.


JCraft SFTP for eclipse Luna

I've been using for the last 6 years JCraft's SFTP plugin.
It's quite simple to use and the only problem i ever had with it is that it doesn't know how to delete recursivly files and folders (it tries to delete folders before files).
Today i tried to update eclipse to Luna and I can't seem to install this plugin anymore.
I get the following error:
An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=epp.package.standard, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null --> [R] 0.0.4, action=).
Failed to prepare partial IU: [R] 0.0.4.
Any ideas on how to solve this ?
From the error message "Failed to prepare partial IU" I found this thread:
The suggested workaround is to install the "Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support", which adds support for "running old Eclipse plugins that are not proper OSGi bundles."
You can use Remote System Explorer (RSE) to replace the sftp plugin. It has sftp capabilities (use ssh connection) and allows you to synchronize files between local and server storage
I too struggled to get JCraft installed and then I discovered that Remote System Explorer (RSE) comes already installed in Eclipse Luna in the Java EE version but it may be baked into other versions of Eclipse as well. All I had to do was navigate to Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Remote System Explorer.
Once in the Remote Systems perspective, you will see links to your local files. To create a SSH connection to a remote server (even if it is in the same location as you but requires SSH protocol), just right-click anywhere in that Remote Systems tab and choose New > Connection and then under the General folder, select SSH Only. Fill out the host name or IP address.
If successful, the server will appear as a folder under the Local one. Attempt to navigate below the server's 'SFTP Files' folder and you will be prompted for your user ID and password on that remote server. Say yes to the prompt about trusting the certificate and you are good to go. Your remote files will appear in the file explorer type of GUI in that Remote Systems perspective.
Switch back to your regular local environment in any other perspective in the upper right corner of the Eclipse window just as you normally would.

Subclipse on Ubuntu: 'Folder " does not exist remotely', Connection refused error

So I have been banging my head against the wall for days on this one. When I initially set up Subclipse and first connected to my local SVN repo, everything worked great. Not sure what's changed since then, but now I keep getting errors when trying to access the repo.
In SVN Repository Exploring perspective, if I double-click on my repo I get a popup that says "Problem Occured - Folder " does not exist remotely". In my console, I get this error:
Connection refused
svn: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://userid#localhost/home/userid/myrepository/java'
svn: Can't connect to host 'localhost': Connection refused
I have:
Eclipse Juno
Ubuntu 12.04
Subversion 1.7.8
I initially started off with Subclipse 1.6 and JavaHL 1.6 but have since upgraded to Subclipse 1.8.3/JavaHL in my efforts to get everything working again.
I even uninstalled Eclipse and reinstalled, re-installed Subclipse and JavaHL, adding the JavaHL path to eclpise.ini... still can't access the repo.
I was accessing the repo locally in subclipse via "svn://userid#localhost/svn/home/userid/myrepository/java". I can access this repo locally from the command line just fine, and I can access this repo from another machine on my network using svn+ssh just fine.
What am I missing?
If the repository is local, you should be using a URL like file:///home/userID/myrepository/java
To use the svn:// protocol you must have svnserve running. The URL would then be something like:
When you use the svn+ssh:// protocol, the SSH daemon starts and launches svnserve in --tunnel mode within the SSH session. So it does not need or use a normal svnserve daemon server that may be running.
FWIW, it would probably be a good idea to run svnserve, but that means you will also need to configure it. But I would not use file:// URL using SVNKit. If you use JavaHL exclusively, then it is fine, but I would not let SVNKit write directly to my repository. Even though they do a great job testing and maintaining compatibility it is just easier to run svnserve and let SVNKit talk to it via the protocol.

VisualSVN over the internet Using MyEclipse access issue

I have installed visual svn on windows 2008 R2 64 bit machine.I have create repositories on the server set up all the groups correctly and assigns correct permissions to them. it works perfectly on locally.
when you try following parameters in your browser (any) you will successfully logged in to the repositories doing commit an update as well.
user name : dummy
password : dummy123
it means all is well over the internet as well.
when i try above url in MyEclipse to check oyut project from svn with right credentials
it gives me following error
if is use thishttps:// as a url it gives me
Repository has been moved
svn: Repository moved permanently to ''; please relocate
if i use this as a url it first aske me about some certificate
Error validating server certificate for
- Unknown certificate issuer
Fingerprint: 4f:11:c6:8a:51:3a:f6:13:b7:7a:30:d3:d5:2c:9a:2e:56:d5:23:11
Distinguished name: 190DEV
- Hostname mismatch (190DEV)
i validate it and then it gives me the same error as in previous case.
My Configuration
Visual SVN Server
Version 2.5.8
Subversion Client installed in MyEclipse
Subversion Client Adapter (Required) 1.6.12
My Os
Microsoft win xp (i think 32 bit)
Server OS
Windows Server 2008 R2 Servcie Pack 1 64 bit
i want to checkout project from repository within MyEclipse , but any how i can not succeed.
please help me solve this issue.
Thank You
Mihir Parekh
Contrary to any browser, which can have access to SVNParentPath and list nested repositories, none of Subversion clients now can do it (before future SVN 1.8, where it's at least announced).
You must to access repository URL (which you have created already, yes?)<REPONAME>.
Test you config with "lightweight tester" (CLI SVN-client): svn ls <URL> - no erors and some output means "all OK", errors will be printed as is
Example from my http-only VisualSVN-server for both paths (inside repo and in SVNParentPath)
> svn ls
Redirecting to URL '':
svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: The OPTIONS request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 1: no element found (
> svn ls
Additional (only possible) problem for "Repository has been moved" problem after using correct URL may be some configuration settings
I always use trailing slash in SVN-URL (where it's applicable)
In Apache config for svn location always use trailing slash also: <Location /svn/>
SVNParentPath trailslashed too: SVNParentPath "Path/To/Parent/"

Subclipse and Eclipse - RA layer request failed

I'm following the instructions for installing Ardor3D as an Eclipse Project Set via Subclipse; instructions at:
I installed Subclipse from
and installed fine. If I go to Eclipse's Preferences and Team|SVN I can see that the SVN Interface Client is JavaHL, and hence installed fine.
However, when I come to checkout the code at:
by selecting New|Other|SVN|Check Projects from SVN I get the following error message:
RA layer request failed
svn: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: OPTIONS of '': could not connect to server (
I know the URL is valid as I can install the above fine on my work m/c of WinXP. However, the same installation on my personal laptop of Win7 fails to connect.
I tried temporarily disabling the firewall and it still fails.
I've tried playing around with the config and server files in:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Subversion
but to be honest not 100% sure as what to change, if anything as I'm not using proxy settings.
If there's an expert out there who's knows the solution to this problem I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
PS. I find the error message "RA layer request failed" confusing as the URL is valid.
I had exactly the same problem, which turned out to be caused by a proxy server. The solution to my problem was to configure subversion to work with the proxy server, however it was not obvious how to do this.
You should have a directory similar to : C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Subversion
In that directory there will be a file called servers.
I un-commented and edited the following entries and my subversion is now working fine with Eclipse:
Why exactly you can't configure this through Eclipse is abit of a mystery, but there you go.
Another user account could login, I got the error as described above. The difference was the Proxy setting which was missing in my account. It is stored per user in the Registry and I could easily change this in the Tortoise SVN config.
We encountered this error with our server. While we were able to successfully access the CollabNet 5 SVN admin console, navigating to the repository to browse it from the admin console would fail. We also were not able to connect from Subclipse clients.
The problem turned out we were not hitting the correct port on the server. We had reconfigured the default port from 80 to 4343 and the admin console reported the changed setting but the server was still running on 80.
For what it's worth, in order for the configuration change to stick, we had to bring the repo server down and make the change in the admin console and then restart the machine. We were then able to browse the repo from the link in the admin console.

Eclipse Subversive "Connection Failed By Server"

I am using Eclipse Indigo and Subversive SVN Team provider.
While i was generating projects using SVN repository i provided user name and password.
Now after a week i want to update some files,
right click on a file, Team->Update, getting below error:
Some resources were not updated.
svn: connection refused by the server
svn: PROPFIND request failed on 'bla bla'
I think i must log in but from where, can you provide a path? Or what may the problem be?
Just open eclipse preferences.
click on General>Network Connections.
Then according to the environment, set active provider and other proxy settings.
Eclipse preferences. click on General>Network Connections -> change Active Provider value to Manual from the drop down. it worked for me.
The PROPFIND request failure probably means, Subversive cannot read contents from the server. A more detailed error message might be present in the Error log view (Window/Show view/Other..., and there it is in the General category, if I remember correctly).
Without a more detailed error message I would open the SVN Repository Exploring viewperspective, and try to update the Repository location settings (Right click, Properties), and there try to (1) validate the existing settings, and (2) update the username/password information.
The following steps allow me to work from my corporate network through proxy server to update Eclipse ide plugins, and connect to corporate svn server:
1. Open Window > Preferences > Network Connection Settings
2. Select Active Provider to "Manual"
3. Set proxy settings for HTTP/HTTPS (click Edit…)
4. Clear SOCKS proxy if it is set (select SOCKS row, click "Clear" button)
5. Add host in Proxy bypass if is within intranet
6. Apply and optionally restart Eclipse
Note: replace, and with your actual urls
See answer also
Check your eclipse network setting ,
add SVN server to bypass proxy list
Eclipse preferences. click on General>Network Connections -> change Active Provider value to Manual from the drop down. it worked for me too.