How to share your github account on your blog? - github

I know that Stack Overflow has a short script like Facebook, LinkedIn etc. to share your account details on your website or your blog. Even if I looked at it on google and stack overflow, I could not find anything like that. Do you know such script for GitHub?

There are also GitHub Buttons.
But these are not created by GitHub itself....

The best available option is the Github badge.
Github unfortunately does not provide their own version of an embeddable badge; you can try requesting one through support.


Comment section on Github Pages

I have made a website that I published as Github Page. Since Github Pages is not a server provider and can only store a static website, I cannot use a comment section server side.
Is there any other way of implementing comments / discussion feature on github pages? For example feedback form can be handled using Google Forms.
I do not believe this is possible anymore because as you said they only support static pages now. Yes, you can use google forums or something similar. You can also use GH discussions. You can find it on the top bar or go use a link. They are formated like this<user/orgenisation name>/<repository name>/discussions

I can't find my github account in google search

I can't find my github account and repositories in google search. I wrote to support and here is an answer.
Thank you for reaching out to GitHub Support. If you find that you are experiencing problems with your GitHub account not appearing in a Google search we would recommend reaching out to Google and submitting your Google profile page to be crawled. This can be done here.
But google search console need to verify ownership.
You need public repos, with commits in the master branch (which is indexed by Google, according to
And if that fail, especially regarding your GitHub account URL, try and submit it to Google:

Getting Branch's Deeplink key value through Facebook ads

I have created a Branch link with some keys and values.
My app uses those values for multiple reasons. It works well when I open the link directly on my mobile browser or from a message.
But I want to use this link in a Facebook App download ad campaign. I have putted it as the ad deeplink. But when I install and then open the app via the ad thoses values are not sent.
Does anyone has managed to send keys/values via a branch link through a Facebook ad ?
Jackie from Branch here.
Branch supports deep-linked Facebook ads. We've created an FAQ page exactly for this and there are a few things you can check to diagnose the issue. You can go through them here ( I'd also encourage you to use Facebook's tester tool, as mentioned in our FAQ doc.
Hope this helps. If you continue to experience issues, please feel free to reach out to us directly at When you do, be sure to include your Branch app ID and the ad links you're using so that we can investigate further!

"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

Around 12 hours ago, I tried creating a personal blog using 'beautiful jekyll'. I followed the simplest 3-step method to get a basic blog running however, every time I enter my website link, I get
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn
how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user
There isn't anything that I did different from the tutorial. I want to know does github just takes long to publish the pages or is there some sorcery ?
As I commented: would not work, since yourboygorja is not your GitHub username. nitinrabbit is.
So the repo should be called
And some content needs to be pushed to it.
You may need to go to the settings>pages>Source>Main (or subfolders) to activate page root. You may find detailed explanations here.

Where can I find this LinkedIn Plugin?

Recently, I had a client send me a screenshot of what appeared to be a LinkedIn Plugin. I asked the client where they got it from, but they couldn't remember, but wanted me to replicate it on their new site... I've looked all over and couldn't seem to find anything exactly like this. I am not very well-versed when it comes to LinkedIn, so the answer may be right under my nose.
Would anyone out there know where I can find this?
I've looked through, but couldn't find anything that had 'Latest Discussions' or 'Most Popular'.
The screenshot you've attached looks like a custom API integration emulating the widget that is found in LinkedIn hosted groups on There are no LinkedIn-supported plugins available that can provide this functionality at this time. From the forums, a post from a LinkedIn employee:
Agorava LinkedIn is an connector to LinkedIn for Agorava. And Agorava Socializer also supports LinkedIn beside other popular social networking services like Facebook or Twitter.