Quartz only the first job in a row is executed - quartz-scheduler

We have implemented recurring tasks using Quartz scheduler in our app. The user may schedule a recurring task starting at any time, even starting in the past. So for example, I can schedule a task to run monthly, starting on the 1st July, even though today is 17th July.
I would expect Quartz to run the first job immediately if it is in the past, and any subsequent jobs I throw at it. However, today I encountered a case when the task didn't get triggered instantly. The task was scheduled for 15th July, today is 17th July. Nothing happened. After I restarted the server and the code to schedule all the tasks in the DB ran, it did get triggered. Why would that happen ?
Code for scheduling the task below. Note that to make it recurring, we just reschedule it with the same code for another date we calculate (but that part of the code doesn't matter for the issue at hand).
Edit: Only the first job gets triggered, any subsequent jobs are not. If I try to use startNow() instead of startAt(Date), it still doesn't work, makes no difference.
JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(ScheduledAppJob.class)
Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss");
String recurringTime = dateFormat.format(date);
logger.info("Scheduling recurring job for " + recurringTime);
catch (SchedulerException se)
quartz.properties file, located under src/main (tried even in WEB-INF and WEB-INF/classes like suggested in the tutorial, but made no difference); even tried with 20 threadCount, still no difference:
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = AppScheduler
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 3
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore

Seems to be working now. Haven't ran into any more problems. Could've been a config issue, as I have moved the config file in /src/main/resources.
Also try turning logging on in order to help with the debug:
We also added a JobTriggerListener to help with the logs:
private static class JobTriggerListener implements TriggerListener
private String name;
public JobTriggerListener(String name)
this.name = name;
public String getName()
return name;
public void triggerComplete(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context,
Trigger.CompletedExecutionInstruction triggerInstructionCode)
public void triggerFired(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context)
public void triggerMisfired(Trigger trigger)
logger.warn("Trigger misfired for trigger: " + trigger.getKey());
logger.info("Available threads: " + scheduler.getCurrentlyExecutingJobs());
catch (SchedulerException ex)
logger.error("Could not get currently executing jobs.", ex);
public boolean vetoJobExecution(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context)
return false;
Check the updated config file:
# Configure Main Scheduler Properties
org.quartz.scheduler.skipUpdateCheck = true
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = MyAppScheduler
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO
# Configure ThreadPool
org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 25
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 9
# Configure JobStore
org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 60000
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore


Esper EPL window select not working for a basic example

Everything I read says this should work: I need my listener to trigger every 10 seconds with events. What I am getting now is every event in, it a listener trigger. What am I missing? The basic requirements are to create summarized statistics every 10s. Ideally I just want to pump data into the runtime. So, in this example, I would expect a dump of 10 records, once every 10 seconds
class StreamTest {
private final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
private final EPRuntime runtime;
private final CompilerArguments args = new CompilerArguments();
private final EPCompiler compiler;
public DatadogApplicationTests() {
runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.getRuntime(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), configuration);
compiler = EPCompilerProvider.getCompiler();
void testDisplayStatsEvery10S() throws Exception{
// Display stats every 10s about the traffic during those 10s:
EPCompiled compiled = compiler.compile("select * from CommonLogEntry.win:time(10)", args);
(old, newEvents, epStatement, epRuntime) ->
Arrays.stream(old).forEach(e -> System.out.format("%s: received %n", LocalTime.now()))
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/access.log"))).lines().map(CommonLogEntry::new).forEachOrdered(e -> {
runtime.getEventService().sendEventBean(e, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Which currently outputs every second, corresponding to the sleep in my stream:
11:00:54.676: received
11:00:55.684: received
11:00:56.689: received
11:00:57.694: received
11:00:58.698: received
11:00:59.700: received
A time window is a sliding window. There is a chapter on basic concepts that explains how they work. Here is the link to the basic concepts chapter.
It is not clear what the requirements are but I think what you want to achieve is collecting events for a while and then releasing them. You can draw inspiration from the solution patterns.
This will collect events for 10 seconds.
create schema StockTick(symbol string, price double);
create context CtxBatch start #now end after 10 seconds;
context CtxBatch select * from StockTick#keepall output snapshot when terminated;

How to create quartz job that will runs every N seconds even if job takes more time

What I'm trying to achieve:
I have a secondly trigger that fires every 5 secods, and stateful job, that takes sometimes more than 5 seconds (7 for example) and what I have now
start: 00:00:00
end : 00:00:07
start: 00:00:07 < right after previous has finished
what I want :
start: 00:00:00
it should run at 00:00:05 but it hasn't
end : 00:00:07
start: 00:00:10 (5 seconds after previous, successive or not)
I have tried quartz.net version 2 and 1.
public class StatefulJob : IJob (or IStatefulJob in 1.x version)
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
Console.WriteLine("StateFull START " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("StateFull END " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
var trigger1 = TriggerBuilder
.WithSimpleSchedule(x =>
I have tried to use WithMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires(), but missfires happens due to scheduler being shutdown, or because there are no available threads, In my case - jobs does not execute because I use StatefulJob. Maybe I'm wrong, but behavior stays the same.
Ok, solution with 'running' flag works perfect in single threaded app. But if I runs this job in few threads (with different params) it would not work
So, is it possible to achieve behavior like I want using quartz ?
What if you let your job run concurrently, but amend it to do nothing if the job is already running, eg something like.
public class StatefulJob : IJob
private static bool Running;
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
if (Running)
Running = true;
Console.WriteLine(" StateFull START " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" StateFull END " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Running = false;

Test Event expiration in Drools Fusion CEP

Ciao, I have tested in several ways, but I'm still unable to test and verify the Event expiration mechanism in Drools Fusion, so I'm looking for some little guidance, please?
I've read the manual and I'm interested in this feature:
In other words, one an event is inserted into the working memory, it is possible for the engine to find out when an event can no longer match other facts and automatically retract it, releasing its associated resources.
I'm using the Drools IDE in Eclipse, 5.4.0.Final and I modified the template code created by the "New Drools Project" wizard to test and verify for Event expiration.
The code below. The way I understood to make the "lifecycle" to work correctly is that:
You must setup the KBase in STREAM mode - check
You must Insert the Events in temporal order - check
You must define temporal constraints between Events - check in my case is last Message()
However, when I inspect the EventFactHandle at the end, none of the Event() has expired.
Thanks for your help.
public class DroolsTest {
public static final void main(String[] args) {
try {
KnowledgeBase kbase = readKnowledgeBase();
// I do want the pseudo clock
KnowledgeSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(conf, null);
SessionPseudoClock clock = ksession.getSessionClock();
KnowledgeRuntimeLogger logger = KnowledgeRuntimeLoggerFactory.newFileLogger(ksession, "test");
// Insert of 2 Event:
Message message = new Message();
message.setMessage("Message 1");
clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.DAYS);
Message message2 = new Message();
message2.setMessage("Message 2");
clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.DAYS);
// Now I do check what I have in the working memory and if EventFactHandle if it's expired or not:
for (FactHandle f : ksession.getFactHandles()) {
if (f instanceof EventFactHandle) {
System.out.println(((EventFactHandle)f)+" "+((EventFactHandle)f).isExpired());
} else {
System.out.println("not an Event: "+f);
} catch (Throwable t) {
private static KnowledgeBase readKnowledgeBase() throws Exception {
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("Sample.drl"), ResourceType.DRL);
KnowledgeBuilderErrors errors = kbuilder.getErrors();
if (errors.size() > 0) {
for (KnowledgeBuilderError error: errors) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse knowledge.");
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
// following 2 lines is the template code modified for STREAM configuration
KnowledgeBaseConfiguration config = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();
config.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM );
return kbase;
* This is OK from template, as from the doc:
* By default, the timestamp for a given event is read from the Session Clock and assigned to the event at the time the event is inserted into the working memory.
public static class Message {
public static final int HELLO = 0;
public static final int GOODBYE = 1;
private String message;
private int status;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public int getStatus() {
return this.status;
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
package com.sample
import com.sample.DroolsTest.Message;
declare Message
declare window LastMessageWindow
Message() over window:length(1)
rule "Hello World"
accumulate( $m : Message(status==Message.HELLO) from window LastMessageWindow,
$messages : collectList( $m ) )
System.out.println( ((Message)$messages.get(0)).getMessage() );
Please note: even if I add expiration of 1second to the Message event, by
I still don't get the expected result that the very first Message event inserted, I would have expected is now expired? Thanks for your help.
Found solution! Obviously it was me being stupid and not realizing I was using Drools 5.4.0.Final while still referring to old documentation of 5.2.0.Final. In the updated documentation for Drools Fusion 5.4.0.Final, this box is added for 2.6.2. Sliding Length Windows:
Please note that length based windows do not define temporal constraints for event expiration from the session, and the engine will not consider them. If events have no other rules defining temporal constraints and no explicit expiration policy, the engine will keep them in the session indefinitely.
Therefore the 3rd requirement I originally enlisted of "You must define temporal constraints between Events" is obviously NOT met because I now understand Sliding Length Window in Drools 5.4.0.Final:
Message() over window:length(1)
are indeed NOT a definition of a temporal constraints for event expiration from the session.
Updating this answer hopefully somebody will find it helpful. Also, just so for your know, me being stupid actually for relying on googling in order to reach the doc, and sometimes you don't get redirected to the current release documentation, so it seems...

Quartz Scheduler sending email notification multiple time

I am using Quartz for scheduling job. Job is to send reminder email every day at some particular time say 11:00AM. I am able to send reminder mail successfully, but the problem is that it sends more than 1 mails at same time. Sometime it sends 8 mails for 1 reminder request, sometime it sends 5. It seems same job is executed multiple time.
Following is my code,
JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(LmsJob.class)
.withIdentity("lmsJob", org.quartz.Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP)
JobDataMap map = job.getJobDataMap();
map.put("creditMonthlyLeaveBalance", creditMonthlyLeaveBalance);
map.put("dailyUpdationTask", dailyUpdation);
map.put("emailNotifier", emailNotifier);
try {
CronTrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder
.withIdentity("lmsJob", "lmsJobGroup")
.startAt(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
.cronSchedule("00 00 00 ? * *")).build();
scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
// scheduler.shutdown();
} catch (ParseException e) {
Please help me in this, let me know if anything else is needed from my side.
I do not know your entire code,which annotation you gave and stuff.So, I am guessing that you gave annotation like #QuartzEvery("3h"). As far I am guessing, your job is scheduled wrong.To make it run at a particular time of every day,try this...
QuartzManager implements Managed {
public void start() throws Exception {
QuartzDailyAt dailyAt = jobType.getAnnotation(QuartzDailyAt.class);
int hours[] = dailyAt.hours();
String hourString =
String cronExpression = String.format("0 0 %s * * ?", hourString);
Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.
scheduler.scheduleJob(JobBuilder.newJob(jobType).build(), trigger);
And interface as
public #interface QuartzDailyAt {
int[] hours();
While running your job,add an annotation at the top of the class like
#QuartzDailyAt(hours = {7,8,9,15,16,17})
public class SomeJob extends QuartzJob {.....}
This gives you to run at every particular intervals of a particular time zone...(above it is IST)

Quartz .NET doesn't fire trigger, Why?

I'm using Quartz in my .NET application. At first, I was using it in a windows service but it didn't work, so I moved it to a normal project to test it. This is the code in Main:
ISchedulerFactory schedFact = new StdSchedulerFactory();
IScheduler sched = schedFact.GetScheduler();
JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("JobPrueba", null, typeof(JobPrueba));
Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.MakeMinutelyTrigger(1, 3);
trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now;
trigger.Name = "TriggerPrueba";
sched.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);
and this is JobPrueba:
class JobPrueba : IStatefulJob
public JobPrueba() { }
public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context)
const string fic = #"C:\prueba.txt";
string texto = DateTime.Now.ToString();
System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fic, true);
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello world");
It's not doing anything at all, when last line in Main is executed, the program never ends, but it doesn't write in file nor print Hello World in console.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I've discovered that it's a problem of times. I live in a country which time is UTC + 2, so when I set the StartTimeUtc of the trigger to DateTime.Now, instead of UtcNow, the trigger didn't have to fire until two hours later, and I thought it has to fire in the very moment the code was executed.
Besides, I set a timer in order to log what was happening, and in that log I printed current time (with DateTime.Now) and the StartTimeUtc of the trigger, and obviously they were the same and later DateTime.Now was greater than StartTimeUtc. If I had printed DateTime.UtcNow I had seen the problem.