multidimensional array: argument isn't numeric in array element - perl

Shell: KSH
Following the accepted answer on this question I have created an multimensional array. Only, I get an error while trying to print the content of the array.
Argument "content of $pvid" isn't numeric in array element at...
The script:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor;
my #arrpvid = ();
print colored( sprintf("%-10s %9s %8s %8s %8s", 'PVID', 'AIX', 'VIO', 'VTD', 'VHOST'), 'green' ), "\n";
foreach my $pvid (`lspv | awk '{print \$2'}`) {
foreach my $hdaix (`lspv | awk '{print \$1'}`) {
chomp $pvid;
chomp $hdaix;
push #{ $arrpvid[$pvid] }, $hdaix;
print $arrpvid[0][0];
Some explanation:
Basically I want to print 5 variables of 5 different arrays next to each other. The code is written only for 2 arrays.
The content of $pvid:
The content of $hdaix:

Quick Fix
Looks like you want to use a hash rather than an array, making your inner push
push #{ $arrpvid{$pvid} }, $hdaix;
Note the change from square brackets to curly braces immediately surrounding $pvid. This tells the compiler that you want %arrpvid and not #arrpvid, so be sure to tweak your my declaration as well.
At the end to print the contents of %arrpvid, use
foreach my $pvid (sort { hex $a <=> hex $b } keys %arrpvid) {
local $" = "]["; # handy trick due to mjd
print "$pvid: [#{$arrpvid{$pvid}}]\n";
The Data::Dumper module is quick and easy output tool.
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
print Dumper \%arrpvid;
More Details
You might be tempted to obtain the numeric value corresponding to each hexadecimal string in $pvid with hex as in
push #{ $arrpvid[hex $pvid] }, ...
but given the large example values in your question, #arrpvid would become enormous. Use a hash to create a sparse array instead.
Be sure that all the values of $pvid have the same padding. Otherwise, like values may not hash together appropriately. If you need to normalize, use code along the lines of
$pvid = sprintf "%016x", hex $pvid;

The problem lies in:
push #{ $arrpvid[$pvid] }, $hdaix;
The $pvid should be a numeric value like 0 or 5 and not i.e. 00088da343b00d9b


How to convert string to floating point number inside a Perl hash?

My motive is to convert the string number into floating point number while creating a hash.
I have placed my entire code and error below. Please help me to solve this issue.
Sample code
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $price = 8.5;
my $g={};
print Dumper($g);
Current output
$VAR1 = {
'get' => '8.50'
Expected output
$VAR1 = {
'get' => 8.50
Despite the single quotes around 8.50 in the Dumper output, Perl will still treat it as a numeric value when you go to use it:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $price = 8.5;
my $g={};
my $x = 5;
printf "%.02f\n", $x + $g->{get};
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
print Dumper($g) =~ s/'(.*?)'/looks_like_number($1)?$1:"'$1'"/ger;
Which changes the output from Dumper before it's printed. It removes both 's of every single quoted string if it looks like a number according to Scalar::Util.
I suspect you're worrying unnecessarily here. Perl treats strings and numbers as largely interchangeable and will generally do the right thing with data of either type. The number of times when you should care if you have a string or a number is tiny.
In fact, even if you explicitly give Perl a number in code like yours, it will be displayed as a string:
$ perl -MData::Dumper -E'say Dumper { get => 8.5 }'
$VAR1 = {
'get' => '8.5'

How to get sub array?

I have the code below:
#a = ((1,2,3),("test","hello"));
print #a[1]
I was expecting it to print
But it gives me 2.
Sorry for the newbie question (Perl is a bit unnatural to me) but why does it happen and how can I get the result I want?
The way Perl constructs #a is such that it is equivalent to your writing,
#a = (1,2,3,"test","hello");
And that is why when you ask for the value at index 1 by writing #a[1] (really should be $a[1]), you get 2. To demonstrate this, if you were to do the following,
use strict;
use warnings;
my #a = ((1,2,3), ("test","hello"));
my #b = (1,2,3,"test","hello");
print "#a\n";
print "#b\n";
Both print the same line,
1 2 3 test hello
1 2 3 test hello
What you want is to create anonymous arrays within your array - something like this,
my #c = ([1,2,3], ["test","hello"]);
Then if you write the following,
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $c[1];
You will see this printed,
$VAR1 = [
Perl lists are one-dimensional only, which means (1,2,(3,4)) is automatically flattened to (1,2,3,4). If you want a multidimensional array, you must use references for any dimension beyond the first (which are stored in scalars).
You can get any anonymous array reference with bracket notation [1,2,3,4] or reference an existing array with a backslash my $ref = \#somearray.
So a construct such as my $aref = [1,2,[3,4]] is an array reference in which the first element of the referenced array is 1, the second element is 2, and the third element is another array reference.
(I find when working with multidimensional arrays, that it's less confusing just to use references even for the first dimension, but my #array = (1,2,[3,4]) is fine too.)
By the way, when you stringify a perl reference, you get some gibberish indicating the type of reference and the memory location, like "ARRAY(0x7f977b02ac58)".
Dereference an array reference to an array with #, or get a specific element of the reference with ->.
my $ref = ['A','B',['C','D']];
print $ref; # prints ARRAY(0x001)
print join ',', #{$ref}; # prints A,B,ARRAY(0x002)
print join ',', #$ref; # prints A,B,ARRAY(0x002) (shortcut for above)
print $ref->[0]; # prints A
print $ref->[1]; # prints B
print $ref->[2]; # prints ARRAY(0x002)
print $ref->[2]->[0]; # prints C
print $ref->[2][0]; # prints C (shortcut for above)
print $ref->[2][1] # prints D
print join ',', #{$ref->[2]}; # prints C,D
I think you're after an array of arrays. So, you need to create an array of array references by using square brackets, like this:
#a = ([1,2,3],["test","hello"]);
Then you can print the second array as follows:
print #{$a[1]};
Which will give you the output you were expecting: testhello
It's just a matter of wrong syntax:
print $a[1]

string array sorting issue in perl

I am running below code to sort strings and not getting the expected results.
use warnings;
use strict;
my #strArray= ("64.0.71","68.0.71","62.0.1","62.0.2","62.0.11");
my #sortedStrArray = sort { $a cmp $b } #strArray;
foreach my $element (#sortedStrArray ) {
print "\n$element";
62.0.11 <--- these two
62.0.2 <---
Expected Result:
62.0.2 <---
62.0.11 <---
"1" character 0x31. "2" is character 0x32. 0x31 is less than 0x32, so "1" sorts before "2". Your expectations are incorrect.
To obtain the results you desire to obtain, you could use the following:
my #sortedStrArray =
map substr($_, 3),
map pack('CCCa*', split(/\./), $_),
Or for a much wider range of inputs:
use Sort::Key::Natural qw( natsort );
my #sortedStrArray = natsort(#strArray);
cmp is comparing lexicographically (like a dictionary), not numerically. This means it will go through your strings character by character until there is a mismatch. In the case of "62.0.11" vs. "62.0.2", the strings are equal up until "62.0." and then it finds a mismatch at the next character. Since 2 > 1, it sorts "62.0.2" > "62.0.11". I don't know what you are using your strings for or if you have any control over how they're formatted, but if you were to change the formatting to "62.00.02" (every segment has 2 digits) instead of "62.0.2" then they would be sorted as you expect.
This is usage of randal schwartz transofm:
First, understand, what you want:
sorting by first number, then second, then third:
let's do it with this:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my #strArray= ("64.0.71","68.0.71","62.0.1","62.0.2","62.0.11");
my #transformedArray = map{[$_,(split(/\./,$_))]}#strArray;
here #transformedArray have such structure:
$each_element_of_array: [$element_from_original_array, $firstNumber, $secondNumber, $thirdNumber];
for example:
$transformedArray[0] ==== ["64.0.71", 64, 0, 71];
after that we will sort it
first by first number
then: by second number
then: by third number
my #sortedArray = map{$_->[0]} # save only your original string.
print Dumper(\#sortedArray);
Try the Perl module Sort::Versions, it is designed to give you what you expect.
It supports alpha-numeric version ids as well.

Grep to find item in Perl array

Every time I input something the code always tells me that it exists. But I know some of the inputs do not exist. What is wrong?
#array = <>;
print "Enter the word you what to match\n";
chomp($match = <STDIN>);
if (grep($match, #array)) {
print "found it\n";
The first arg that you give to grep needs to evaluate as true or false to indicate whether there was a match. So it should be:
# note that grep returns a list, so $matched needs to be in brackets to get the
# actual value, otherwise $matched will just contain the number of matches
if (my ($matched) = grep $_ eq $match, #array) {
print "found it: $matched\n";
If you need to match on a lot of different values, it might also be worth for you to consider putting the array data into a hash, since hashes allow you to do this efficiently without having to iterate through the list.
# convert array to a hash with the array elements as the hash keys and the values are simply 1
my %hash = map {$_ => 1} #array;
# check if the hash contains $match
if (defined $hash{$match}) {
print "found it\n";
You seem to be using grep() like the Unix grep utility, which is wrong.
Perl's grep() in scalar context evaluates the expression for each element of a list and returns the number of times the expression was true.
So when $match contains any "true" value, grep($match, #array) in scalar context will always return the number of elements in #array.
Instead, try using the pattern matching operator:
if (grep /$match/, #array) {
print "found it\n";
This could be done using List::Util's first function:
use List::Util qw/first/;
my #array = qw/foo bar baz/;
print first { $_ eq 'bar' } #array;
Other functions from List::Util like max, min, sum also may be useful for you
In addition to what eugene and stevenl posted, you might encounter problems with using both <> and <STDIN> in one script: <> iterates through (=concatenating) all files given as command line arguments.
However, should a user ever forget to specify a file on the command line, it will read from STDIN, and your code will wait forever on input
I could happen that if your array contains the string "hello", and if you are searching for "he", grep returns true, although, "he" may not be an array element.
if (grep(/^$match$/, #array)) more apt.
You can also check single value in multiple arrays like,
if (grep /$match/, #array, #array_one, #array_two, #array_Three)
print "found it\n";

How do I print unique elements in Perl array?

I'm pushing elements into an array during a while statement. Each element is a teacher's name. There ends up being duplicate teacher names in the array when the loop finishes. Sometimes they are not right next to each other in the array, sometimes they are.
How can I print only the unique values in that array after its finished getting values pushed into it? Without having to parse the entire array each time I want to print an element.
Heres the code after everything has been pushed into the array:
$faculty_len = #faculty;
while ($i != $faculty_len)
printf $fh '"'.$faculty[$i].'"';
use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /;
my #unique = uniq #faculty;
foreach ( #unique ) {
print $_, "\n";
Your best bet would be to use a (basically) built-in tool, like uniq (as described by innaM).
If you don't have the ability to use uniq and want to preserve order, you can use grep to simulate that.
my %seen;
my #unique = grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } #faculty;
# printing, etc.
This first gives you a hash where each key is each entry. Then, you iterate over each element, counting how many of them there are, and adding the first one. (Updated with comments by brian d foy)
I suggest pushing it into a hash.
like this:
my %faculty_hash = ();
foreach my $facs (#faculty) {
$faculty_hash{$facs} = 1;
my #faculty_unique = keys(%faculty_hash);
#array1 = ("abc", "def", "abc", "def", "abc", "def", "abc", "def", "xyz");
#array1 = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } #array1;
print "#array1\n";
This question is answered with multiple solutions in perldoc. Just type at command line:
perldoc -q duplicate
Please note: Some of the answers containing a hash will change the ordering of the array. Hashes dont have any kind of order, so getting the keys or values will make a list with an undefined ordering.
This doen't apply to grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } #faculty
This is a one liner command to print unique lines in order it appears.
perl -ne '$seen{$_}++ || print $_' fileWithDuplicateValues
I just found hackneyed 3 liner, enjoy
my %uniq;
undef #uniq(#non_uniq_array);
my #uniq_array = keys %uniq;
Just another way to do it, useful only if you don't care about order:
my %hash;
my #unique=keys %hash;
If you want to avoid declaring a new variable, you can use the somehow underdocumented global variable %_
my #unique=keys %_;
If you need to process the faculty list in any way, a map over the array converted to a hash for key coalescing and then sorting keys is another good way:
my #deduped = sort keys %{{ map { /.*/? ($_,1):() } #faculty }};
print join("\n", #deduped)."\n";
You process the list by changing the /.*/ regex for selecting or parsing and capturing accordingly, and you can output one or more mutated, non-unique keys per pass by making ($_,1):() arbitrarily complex.
If you need to modify the data in-flight with a substitution regex, say to remove dots from the names (s/\.//g), then a substitution according to the above pattern will mutate the original #faculty array due to $_ aliasing. You can get around $_ aliasing by making an anonymous copy of the #faculty array (see the so-called "baby cart" operator):
my #deduped = sort keys %{{ map {/.*/? do{s/\.//g; ($_,1)}:()} #{[ #faculty ]} }};
print join("\n", #deduped)."\n";
print "Unmolested array:\n".join("\n", #faculty)."\n";
In more recent versions of Perl, you can pass keys a hashref, and you can use the non-destructive substitution:
my #deduped = sort keys { map { /.*/? (s/\.//gr,1):() } #faculty };
Otherwise, the grep or $seen[$_]++ solutions elsewhere may be preferable.