How do I use an unmanaged dependency in this simple Play example? - scala

I am trying to write a Scala Play web service that returns JSON objects and am having trouble calling a function in a dependency. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in this simplified example?
I have a project called SimpleJSONAPI that consists of the following object.
package com.github.wpm.SimpleJSONAPI
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
object SimpleJSONAPI {
def toJson(s: String): JsValue = Json.toJson(Map("value" -> s))
Unit tests confirm that given a string it returns a JSON object of the form {"value":"string"}.
I have a separate Play 2.2.3 Scala project that I created by typing play new PlayJSON. I added the following json action to the controller in the generated application.
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
import com.github.wpm.SimpleJSONAPI._
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
def json = {
val j = SimpleJSONAPI.toJson("The JSON API")
Action {
I also added this route.
GET /json controllers.Application.json
In the root of the PlayJSON project I have a lib directory that contains the simplejsonapi_2.11.jar built by SimpleJSONAPI. This appears to contain the correct code.
> jar tf lib/simplejsonapi_2.11.jar
This compiles, but when I try to connect to localhost:9000/json I get the following runtime error in the line with the val j assignment.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.Predef$.ArrowAssoc(L/java/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
I've also seen the same error in a unit test that exercises the /json route with a FakeRequest.
If I copy the toJson function from the external dependency into the Play application everything works.
As far as I can tell from the documentation I'm doing everything right, and the error message is opaque. Can someone tell me how to get this to work?

I think your import is incorrect given how you are using the API. Either exclude the object name on the import...
import com.github.wpm.SimpleJSONAPI._
Or change your usage to drop the object name...
val j = toJson("The JSON API")

This was a problem with Scala compiler version compatibility. I compiled my SimpleJSONAPI dependency with Scala 2.11, while the Play app was being built with Scala 2.10. When I changed the SimpleJSONAPI dependency to also build with Scala 2.10, I was able to use it in my Play app.
This was confusing because it's not obvious from the project files which version of Scala a Play app is using, and the error message about ArrowAssoc gives no indication that it is a compiler version issue.


IntelliJ IDEA Scala inspection : import conflict with package

I want to make a helper class at the root of my core project using play-json from typesafe, something like
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
object Helper {
implicit class RichJson(json: JsValue) {
def doStuff() //...
The problem is that I have somewhere else in the project a package
class Foo() { //...
In IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.4 CE, the line import play.api.libs.json.JsValue is in error with telling me "cannot resolve symbol api" and when Ctrl+Click on the play it goes to the folder containing my Foo.scala file
If I compile the solution with sbt outside of IDEA, there is no problem.
If I put the Helper object in a subpackage (eg there is no error (which also means the dependency is correct in my build.sbt)
I don't understand why IDEA miss this, isn't even in the dependencies of the core project. I already tried to invalidate cache, and it doesn't help.
The problem is that Intellij gives precedence to the package play into your project, instead of the package coming from the framework, when resolving the import of JsValue inside scope.
If you really want to keep that name for, there is a simple workaround using a fully-qualified import, just prefix like this:

Scala object Action in package mvc is deprecated

I'm currently working on a new project and face a warning I haven't seen in older projects yet.
The warning says that Action from the mvc package is deprecated since 2.6.0. I guess it has something to do with Play or Scala itself. So this is my code responsible for the warning:
def getLists: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { => Ok(Json.obj("lists" -> lists)))
My buildt.sbt looks like this:
And this is how I import the Action object:
import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, Controller}
Is there an equivalent alternative or am I doing something wrong?
The warning message tells you what to do (more information is in the linked sections of the Play 2.6 migration guide):
Inject an ActionBuilder (e.g. DefaultActionBuilder) or
extend BaseController/AbstractController/InjectedController

Scala Lift JSON error that is not fixed with normal solution

I have the following Scala project on GitHub. In that repo I have a class, Configurator, whose job it is to read a JSON file's contents into a string, and then use the Lift JSON library to deserialize the string into an instance of an AppConfig:
import net.liftweb.json._
class Configurator {
def loadConfigs(configFileUri : String) : AppConfig = {
implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
If you clone this and then run ./gradlew run you'll get the following exception:
/Users/myuser/intellij-scala-gradle-example/shared/src/main/scala/com/me/myapp/Configurator.scala:9: could not find implicit value for parameter formats: net.liftweb.json.Formats
If you Google that exception you'll see 10,000 recommendations for that implicit format fix which I implemented right here. But that did not work for me. So I'm wondering:
Why am I seeing this exception?
What's the fix?
Switched from Lift JSON to GSON and all my problems are gone.

ClassNotFoundException when Loading Custom Class

So there's a lot of questions and examples around of reading external .class files using a ClassLoader but I'm struggling to see where I'm going wrong.
val folderUrl: URL = new File("D:/tmp/").toURI.toURL //file:/D:/tmp/
val cl: URLClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(Array(folderUrl), this.getClass.getClassLoader)
The last line throws a ClassNotFoundException
The folder D:/tmp/ contains a class file "MyClassName.class".
The class has the package "my.package"
The class is called "MyClassName"
I can't understand what I'm doing wrong?
The two closest question which relate are:
Scala - Dynamic object/class loading
How do I call a Scala Object method using reflection?
But these both do not have my problem however, they both get further than I have done where they successfully load the class before running into issues.
So the issue was the fact that the folder structure did not match the package name.
So my folder structure was
The full class name was
The class loader requires that the folder structure be

Using IntelliJ for a Scala Project

I am missing something simple here.
Scala downloaded
Scala home set
IntelliJ plugin downloaded
When new module is added, scala is chosen:
When new class is created, however, when trying to run it, i get
Looking as module properties, i see
What am i missing please?
Two things:
The file you're working with must be a Scala class.
You should have an object declared somewhere (preferably outside of the class).
object runnableObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello world!")
You can then use this object to run your Scala code in IntelliJ.