Android: Custom video recording app and its quality - android-camera

I followed the tutorial to create a basic video recorder using the button ("Capture" & "Stop")
Generally it works well but I noticed that if we tap too rapidly on the button to toggle between "Capture to Stop" or from "Stop to Capture", the app stop responding and crashes.
May I know the reason(s) why and how can we solve this issue?
My guess is that it takes time for the app to start the processes of Capture/Stop respectively, and by rapidly tapping the button, the respective processes are force to stop?
Also, I notice the quality of my video recorder is not as good as the default Camera App that comes with Android. (The custom video recorder seems to capture videos of darker and dimmer quality)
Can this issue be solve by adjusting the Camera parameters?
(For e.g. adjust the exposure compensation?)


WKInterfaceInlineMovie Starts Playing Even if setAutoplays(_:) is Set to false

I have an WKInterfaceInlineMovie within an WKInterfaceController. The URL of the video is set at some point after the video file is downloaded. Playing works fine besides this problem which is a different story, I think.
Here's the problem. If I keep the screen open, lower my wrist and then raise it again, I can see the same screen and the video starts playing automatically.
It looks very weird and unexpected especially because I have some custom UI (video progress indicator, animated Play/Pause buttons) which is triggered when I manually start the video but it obviously doesn't react on this unwanted automatic video start. If I close the extension with the Crown button, next time I open the app, it again shows the screen with video and start playing automatically. I can even not using the extension for a while and receive a user notification later – while the custom notification UI is displayed, I can hear the video starts playing somewhere below for a short period of time.
When it happens I always receive two messages in console:
<<<< PlayerRemoteXPC >>>> remoteXPCPlaybackItem_NotificationFilter: [0x128b86e0] I/NQB.01 Received kFigPlaybackItemNotification_FirstVideoFrameEnqueued
<<<< PlayerRemoteXPC >>>> remoteXPCItem_handleFirstFrameNotificationLatch: [0x128b86e0] I/NQB.01 Posting kFigPlaybackItemNotification_FirstVideoFrameEnqueued
I have the Autoplay checkmark unchecked in storyboard. I also tried to set setAutoplays(_:) to false programmatically when the outlet is initialized, or later when a URL is set to the movie. All of this makes no difference.
The behavior is the same no matter was the video playing or not when the screen get deactivated. I tried to call pause() on willDisappear() and didDeactivate() – it also doesn't do any difference.
I even tried to call pause() on didAppear() and willActivate() – didn't help either. Curiously enough, these methods are not called when I lower the wrist and raise it again (however, willDisappear() and didDeactivate() are both called.) But perhaps, it's a different story, too.

How do I pause video at the exact moment I capture a photo?

I am using AVFoundation to display a Video in my UIView via an AVCaptureVideoPreviewOverlay.
I then use AVStillImageOutput's -captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection: to capture a still Image from the Video with the AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto preset.
I am freezing the video using AVCaptureSession's -stopRunning in the -captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection completion block mentioned earlier. However, it's too late and the video has continued running while the still image is taken, so the freeze is a second or two later. When I display the image there is a jump.
How can I freeze the video at the exact moment the photo is taken?
Almost a year later...Your approach is all wrong. Instead of trying to pause the video at the precise moment that the image is captured why don't you pause the video and then capture that paused image. To a user it makes no difference, to a developer you don't have to worry about exact precision.
To reiterate my idea, if you pause a video and flash white visual and play a click the user will think you have just captured that frame regardless if you are or not. Actually, you could consider pausing video the same as capturing an image without saving it.

AVPlayer - Benny Hill style speeded up video issue

I'm using AVPlayer to show a live stream. Works fine. Part of my app requires a modal view to appear over the video. Actually, it flips the video view to show the modal view. I want the video's audio to keep playing, which it does fine.
However, the problem is when I return to the video. The video's visuals speed up for a few seconds, Benny Hill style, to compensate for the period they were off the screen. Then the video starts playing normally. Is there a way to stop this speed up? If not, can I remove the visual element until the speeded up bit stops.

Mute is overridden when using the mic for recording

My initial issue was as described in the title there. When I was recording from the mic, sound effects were playing at the same time even if the device was in mute mode (i.e., had the mute button physically switched on).
I since found this thread, which totally worked. the mute button now works correctly, and no sounds are played in the app while the mic is recording...
Unfortunately, the mic has now stopped recording!
It seems like I can have one or the other, but not both. Can anyone confirm if I can have the device on mute and record from the mic at the same time? And if so, how?
Thank you so much in advance,
UPDATE : I'm fairly certain that this isn't possible, and I'm basing this on the fact that the mute switch also doesn't work in Garage Band (Another app which requires simultanious playback and recording).
To try it yourself, simply load up Garage Band, play some music, and then note that the mute switch doesn't work.
I'm leaving this open in case anyone does come up with a solution, but I won't be offended if it's closed or deleted.

App not playing sound when screen turned off, but doing everything else as it should?

I have an alarm clock app which works on a timer. When the alarm is meant to go off and the screen is switched off, it should start playing audio from AVAudioPlayer, but it doesn't. Then when i turn the screen back on, i can see that the rest of the code fired as expected (a stop button is now on the screen). How do i get the AVAudioPlayer to play when the screen is turned off?
Is there any way for me to detect that the screen is turned off?
#zoul is correct that using the default audio session category will result in sound form your app being disabled when the user locks the screen. See the Audio Session Programming Guide for direction on which audio session category you should choose.
However, even once your audio session category is set correctly, you'll have another issue to tackle. When the screen is switched off, your application gets suspended per Apple's documentation here: Executing Code in the Background. This means that when the user locks their phone or switches to a different app, your app will stop running and stay in a freeze-dried (task-suspended) state until the user activates your app again. At that point, your app resumes execution as if nothing happened. That's why it appears that your app has continued to function when you unlock the screen.
For alarm behavior, you'll probably want to schedule the delivery of a local notification. A local notification will ensure that the system provides your alert to the user at the time you request, and allows the user to activate your app. See Scheduling the Delivery of Local Notifications for details on how to accomplish this.
Maybe you have the wrong audio category? See the documentation for AVAudioSession, especially the audio category settings.