Encog - Using Hybrid Neural Networks - neural-network

How is using simulated annealing in conjunction with a feed-forward neural network different than simply resetting the weights (and placing the hidden layer into a new error valley) when a local minimum is reached? Is simulated annealing used by the FFNN as a more systematic way of moving the weights around to find a global minimum, and hence only one iteration is performed each time the validation error begins to increase relative to the training error... slowly moving the current position across the error function? In this case, the simulated annealing is independent of the feed-forward network and the the feed-forward network is dependent on the simulated annealing output. If not, and the simulated annealing is directly dependent on results from the FFNN, I don't see how the simulated annealing trainer would receive this information in terms of how to update its own weights (if that makes sense). One of the examples mentions a cycle (multiple iterations), which doesn't fit into my first assumption.
I have looked at different exmaples, where network.fromArray() and network.toArray() are used, but I only see network.encodeToArray() and network.decodeFromArray(). What is the most current way (v3.2) to transfer weights from one type of network to another? Is this the same for using genetic algorithms, etc?

Neural network training algorithms, such as simulated annealing are essentially searches. The weights of the neural network are essentially vector coordinates that specify a location in a high dimension space.
Consider hill-climbing, possibly the most simple training algorithm. You adjust one weight, thus moving in one dimension and see if it improves your score. If the score is improved, then great, stay there and try a different dimension next iteration. If your score is NOT improved, retreat and try a different dimension next time. Think of a human looking at every point they can reach in one step and choosing the step that increases their altitude the most. If no step will increase altitude (you are standing in the middle of a valley), then your stuck. This is a local minimum.
Simulated annealing adds one critical component to hill-climbing. We might move to a lesser a worse location. (not greedy) The probability that we will move to a lesser location is determined by the decreasing temperature.
If you look inside of the NeuralSimulatedAnnealing classes you will see calls to NetworkCODEC.NetworkToArray() and NetworkCODEC.ArrayToNetwork(). These are how the weight vector is directly updated.


Episodic Semi-gradient Sarsa with Neural Network

While trying to implement the Episodic Semi-gradient Sarsa with a Neural Network as the approximator I wondered how I choose the optimal action based on the currently learned weights of the network. If the action space is discrete I can just calculate the estimated value of the different actions in the current state and choose the one which gives the maximimum. But this seems to be not the best way of solving the problem. Furthermore, it does not work if the action space can be continous (like the acceleration of a self-driving car for example).
So, basicly I am wondering how to solve the 10th line Choose A' as a function of q(S', , w) in this pseudo-code of Sutton:
How are these problems typically solved? Can one recommend a good example of this algorithm using Keras?
Edit: Do I need to modify the pseudo-code when using a network as the approximator? So, that I simply minimize the MSE of the prediction of the network and the reward R for example?
I wondered how I choose the optimal action based on the currently learned weights of the network
You have three basic choices:
Run the network multiple times, once for each possible value of A' to go with the S' value that you are considering. Take the maximum value as the predicted optimum action (with probability of 1-ε, otherwise choose randomly for ε-greedy policy typically used in SARSA)
Design the network to estimate all action values at once - i.e. to have |A(s)| outputs (perhaps padded to cover "impossible" actions that you need to filter out). This will alter the gradient calculations slightly, there should be zero gradient applied to last layer inactive outputs (i.e. anything not matching the A of (S,A)). Again, just take the maximum valid output as the estimated optimum action. This can be more efficient than running the network multiple times. This is also the approach used by the recent DQN Atari games playing bot, and AlphaGo's policy networks.
Use a policy-gradient method, which works by using samples to estimate gradient that would improve a policy estimator. You can see chapter 13 of Sutton and Barto's second edition of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction for more details. Policy-gradient methods become attractive for when there are large numbers of possible actions and can cope with continuous action spaces (by making estimates of the distribution function for optimal policy - e.g. choosing mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution, which you can sample from to take your action). You can also combine policy-gradient with a state-value approach in actor-critic methods, which can be more efficient learners than pure policy-gradient approaches.
Note that if your action space is continuous, you don't have to use a policy-gradient method, you could just quantise the action. Also, in some cases, even when actions are in theory continuous, you may find the optimal policy involves only using extreme values (the classic mountain car example falls into this category, the only useful actions are maximum acceleration and maximum backwards acceleration)
Do I need to modify the pseudo-code when using a network as the approximator? So, that I simply minimize the MSE of the prediction of the network and the reward R for example?
No. There is no separate loss function in the pseudocode, such as the MSE you would see used in supervised learning. The error term (often called the TD error) is given by the part in square brackets, and achieves a similar effect. Literally the term ∇q(S,A,w) (sorry for missing hat, no LaTex on SO) means the gradient of the estimator itself - not the gradient of any loss function.

Q-learning using neural networks

I'm trying to implement the Deep q-learning algorithm for a pong game.
I've already implemented Q-learning using a table as Q-function. It works very well and learns how to beat the naive AI within 10 minutes. But I can't make it work
using neural networks as a Q-function approximator.
I want to know if I am on the right track, so here is a summary of what I am doing:
I'm storing the current state, action taken and reward as current Experience in the replay memory
I'm using a multi layer perceptron as Q-function with 1 hidden layer with 512 hidden units. for the input -> hidden layer I am using a sigmoid activation function. For hidden -> output layer I'm using a linear activation function
A state is represented by the position of both players and the ball, as well as the velocity of the ball. Positions are remapped, to a much smaller state space.
I am using an epsilon-greedy approach for exploring the state space where epsilon gradually goes down to 0.
When learning, a random batch of 32 subsequent experiences is selected. Then I
compute the target q-values for all the current state and action Q(s, a).
forall Experience e in batch
if e == endOfEpisode
target = e.getReward
target = e.getReward + discountFactor*qMaxPostState
Now I have a set of 32 target Q values, I am training the neural network with those values using batch gradient descent. I am just doing 1 training step. How many should I do?
I am programming in Java and using Encog for the multilayer perceptron implementation. The problem is that training is very slow and performance is very weak. I think I am missing something, but can't figure out what. I would expect at least a somewhat decent result as the table approach has no problems.
I'm using a multi layer perceptron as Q-function with 1 hidden layer with 512 hidden units.
Might be too big. Depends on your input / output dimensionality and the problem. Did you try fewer?
Sanity checks
Can the network possibly learn the necessary function?
Collect ground truth input/output. Fit the network in a supervised way. Does it give the desired output?
A common error is to have the last activation function something wrong. Most of the time, you will want a linear activation function (as you have). Then you want the network to be as small as possible, because RL is pretty unstable: You can have 99 runs where it doesn't work and 1 where it works.
Do I explore enough?
Check how much you explore. Maybe you need more exploration, especially in the beginning?
See also
My DQN agent
Try using ReLu (or better Leaky ReLu)-Units in the hidden layer and a Linear-Activision for the output.
Try changing the optimizer, sometimes SGD with propper learning-rate-decay helps.
Sometimes ADAM works fine.
Reduce the number of hidden units. It might be just too much.
Adjust the learning rate. The more units you have, the more impact does the learning rate have as the output is the weighted sum of all neurons before.
Try using the local position of the ball meaning: ballY - paddleY. This can help drastically as it reduces the data to: above or below the paddle distinguished by the sign. Remember: if you use the local position, you won't need the players paddle-position and the enemies paddle position must be local too.
Instead of the velocity, you can give it the previous state as an additional input.
The network can calculate the difference between those 2 steps.

How can I improve the performance of a feedforward network as a q-value function approximator?

I'm trying to navigate an agent in a n*n gridworld domain by using Q-Learning + a feedforward neural network as a q-function approximator. Basically the agent should find the best/shortest way to reach a certain terminal goal position (+10 reward). Every step the agent takes it gets -1 reward. In the gridworld there are also some positions the agent should avoid (-10 reward, terminal states,too).
So far I implemented a Q-learning algorithm, that saves all Q-values in a Q-table and the agent performs well.
In the next step, I want to replace the Q-table by a neural network, trained online after every step of the agent. I tried a feedforward NN with one hidden layer and four outputs, representing the Q-values for the possible actions in the gridworld (north,south,east, west).
As input I used a nxn zero-matrix, that has a "1" at the current positions of the agent.
To reach my goal I tried to solve the problem from the ground up:
Explore the gridworld with standard Q-Learning and use the Q-map as training data for the Network once Q-Learning is finished
--> worked fine
Use Q-Learning and provide the updates of the Q-map as trainingdata
for NN (batchSize = 1)
--> worked good
Replacy the Q-Map completely by the NN. (This is the point, when it gets interesting!)
-> FIRST MAP: 4 x 4
As described above, I have 16 "discrete" Inputs, 4 Output and it works fine with 8 neurons(relu) in the hidden layer (learning rate: 0.05). I used a greedy policy with an epsilon, that reduces from 1 to 0.1 within 60 episodes.
The test scenario is shown here. Performance is compared beetween standard qlearning with q-map and "neural" qlearning (in this case i used 8 neurons and differnt dropOut rates).
To sum it up: Neural Q-learning works good for small grids, also the performance is okay and reliable.
-> Bigger MAP: 10 x 10
Now I tried to use the neural network for bigger maps.
At first I tried this simple case.
In my case the neural net looks as following: 100 input; 4 Outputs; about 30 neurons(relu) in one hidden layer; again I used a decreasing exploring factor for greedy policy; over 200 episodes the learning rate decreases from 0.1 to 0.015 to increase stability.
At frist I had problems with convergence and interpolation between single positions caused by the discrete input vector.
To solve this I added some neighbour positions to the vector with values depending on thier distance to the current position. This improved the learning a lot and the policy got better. Performance with 24 neurons is seen in the picture above.
Summary: the simple case is solved by the network, but only with a lot of parameter tuning (number of neurons, exploration factor, learning rate) and special input transformation.
Now here are my questions/problems I still haven't solved:
(1) My network is able to solve really simple cases and examples in a 10 x 10 map, but it fails as the problem gets a bit more complex. In cases where failing is very likely, the network has no change to find a correct policy.
I'm open minded for any idea that could improve performace in this cases.
(2) Is there a smarter way to transform the input vector for the network? I'm sure that adding the neighboring positons to the input vector on the one hand improve the interpolation of the q-values over the map, but on the other hand makes it harder to train special/important postions to the network. I already tried standard cartesian two-dimensional input (x/y) on an early stage, but failed.
(3) Is there another network type than feedforward network with backpropagation, that generally produces better results with q-function approximation? Have you seen projects, where a FF-nn performs well with bigger maps?
It's known that Q-Learning + a feedforward neural network as a q-function approximator can fail even in simple problems [Boyan & Moore, 1995].
Rich Sutton has a question in the FAQ of his web site related with this.
A possible explanation is the phenomenok known as interference described in [Barreto & Anderson, 2008]:
Interference happens when the update of one state–action pair changes the Q-values of other pairs, possibly in the wrong direction.
Interference is naturally associated with generalization, and also happens in conventional supervised learning. Nevertheless, in the reinforcement learning paradigm its effects tend to be much more harmful. The reason for this is twofold. First, the combination of interference and bootstrapping can easily become unstable, since the updates are no longer strictly local. The convergence proofs for the algorithms derived from (4) and (5) are based on the fact that these operators are contraction mappings, that is, their successive application results in a sequence converging to a fixed point which is the solution for the Bellman equation [14,36]. When using approximators, however, this asymptotic convergence is lost, [...]
Another source of instability is a consequence of the fact that in on-line reinforcement learning the distribution of the incoming data depends on the current policy. Depending on the dynamics of the system, the agent can remain for some time in a region of the state space which is not representative of the entire domain. In this situation, the learning algorithm may allocate excessive resources of the function approximator to represent that region, possibly “forgetting” the previous stored information.
One way to alleviate the interference problem is to use a local function approximator. The more independent each basis function is from each other, the less severe this problem is (in the limit, one has one basis function for each state, which corresponds to the lookup-table case) [86]. A class of local functions that have been widely used for approximation is the radial basis functions (RBFs) [52].
So, in your kind of problem (n*n gridworld), an RBF neural network should produce better results.
Boyan, J. A. & Moore, A. W. (1995) Generalization in reinforcement learning: Safely approximating the value function. NIPS-7. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
André da Motta Salles Barreto & Charles W. Anderson (2008) Restricted gradient-descent algorithm for value-function approximation in reinforcement learning, Artificial Intelligence 172 (2008) 454–482

Artificial neural network presented with unclassified inputs

I am trying to classify portions of time series data using a feed forward neural network using 20 neurons in a single hidden layer, and 3 outputs corresponding to the 3 events I would like to be able to recognize. There are many other things that I could classify in the data (obviously), but I don't really care about them for the time being. Neural network creation and training has been performed using Matlab's neural network toolbox for pattern recognition, as this is a classification problem.
In order to do this I am sequentially populating a moving window, then inputting the window into the neural network. The issue I have is that I am obviously not able to classify and train every possible shape the time series takes on. Due to this, I typically get windows filled with data that look very different from the windows I used to train the neural network, but still get outputs near 1.
Essentially, the 3 things I trained the ANN with are windows of 20 different data sets that correspond to shapes that would correspond to steady state, a curve that starts with a negative slope and levels off to 0 slope (essentially the left half side of a parabola that opens upwards), and a curve corresponding to 0 slope that quickly declines (right half side of a parabola that opens downwards).
Am I incorrect in thinking that if I input data that doesn't correspond to any of the items I trained the ANN with it should output values near 0 for all outputs?
Or is it likely due to the fact that these basically cover all the bases of steady state, increasing and decreasing, despite large differences in slope, and therefore something is always classified?
I guess I just need a nudge in the right direction.
Neural network output values
A neural network may not guarantee specific output values if these input values / expected output values were presented during the training period.
A neural network will not consistently output 0 for untrained input values.
A solution is to simply present the network with an array of input values that should result in the network outputting 0.

Issues with neural network

I am having some issues with using neural network. I am using a non linear activation function for the hidden layer and a linear function for the output layer. Adding more neurons in the hidden layer should have increased the capability of the NN and made it fit to the training data more/have less error on training data.
However, I am seeing a different phenomena. Adding more neurons is decreasing the accuracy of the neural network even on the training set.
Here is the graph of the mean absolute error with increasing number of neurons. The accuracy on the training data is decreasing. What could be the cause of this?
Is it that the nntool that I am using of matlab splits the data randomly into training,test and validation set for checking generalization instead of using cross validation.
Also I could see lots of -ve output values adding neurons while my targets are supposed to be positives. Could it be another issues?
I am not able to explain the behavior of NN here. Any suggestions? Here is the link to my data consisting of the covariates and targets
I am unfamiliar with nntool but I would suspect that your problem is related to the selection of your initial weights. Poor initial weight selection can lead to very slow convergence or failure to converge at all.
For instance, notice that as the number of neurons in the hidden layer increases, the number of inputs to each neuron in the visible layer also increases (one for each hidden unit). Say you are using a logit in your hidden layer (always positive) and pick your initial weights from the random uniform distribution between a fixed interval. Then as the number of hidden units increases, the inputs to each neuron in the visible layer will also increase because there are more incoming connections. With a very large number of hidden units, your initial solution may become very large and result in poor convergence.
Of course, how this all behaves depends on your activation functions and the distributio of the data and how it is normalized. I would recommend looking at Efficient Backprop by Yann LeCun for some excellent advice on normalizing your data and selecting initial weights and activation functions.