Rally rest API transactions - rest

Is there any way to achieve an atomic transaction using the Rally wsapi. I know a transaction implies state among the consecutive requests, but REST obviously is a stateless protocol. So that might be an issue.
need to be able to pull a portfolioitem/feature and then immediately write it back if I have the most recent version of it. I have a custom field on portfolioitem/feature that WILL be edited by multiple people simultaneously, and I need to make sure that each update happens in the correct order.
Since i don't have access to Rally's server stuff, i must do all this client side, and I can't figure out how to do this. I will be doing this will the Rally SDK also.

I don't think WS API supports atomic transactions. A scenario where updates occur as one atomic transaction so that, for example, if one of the updates fail they are all rolled back is not supported. In the example you mentioned each update will be a distinct transaction and in case of a mid-air collision when the same artifact is updated by different users, one of the users will receive a concurrency error.

I am in the same boat as the OP, the only difference being that hours may pass between the read and subsequent write. Interestingly, I only seem to get concurrency errors when I attempt to update a record while there's another transaction of mine in flight. I don't see any exception raised when I am updating a record using a stale version thereof, i.e. one that someone else has changed from under me.
I will be attempting to fix this soon as it's becoming an issue. The chosen approach is to forcibly chain a GET before every POST, and throw an exception if the VersionID of the record I GET doesn't match the one I have stored in-memory. In case of mismatch, it will refresh the local record (and thus, view) and prompt the user to resubmit their changes. Yes this will be inconvenient for a user but in my app most changes are a single click away so it's reasonable.
I too would like to know if there is a better approach to this problem. One would assume that with every record having a VersionID, it would be handled server-side, with proper support from WsapiProxy on the client end. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, like explicitly fetching VersionID?


MongoDB: Ensure data is delivered and delivered only once

I have a theoretical problem with MongoDB:
I have an API that reads data from a MongoDB database. We have to make sure that each item in the collection is delivered eventually, but only once after it was inserted or changed. So the client needs the most recent version of the items, but only once, we must never send an item again if there was no change to it.
We first thought to achieve this by using a date: The client sends the date of the last query and we will only deliver the items that were created or changed after that date. The problem that I see is that we might miss items if part of the cluster is not available for some time and did not get synchronized with the rest. These items will never be delivered (as they were created after the last sync, did not sync with the rest and the client now has a newer "last fetched" time).
As this will not work, I thought about solving this with some kind of ACK-Flag, which is false on creation and true after it was sent to the client. After a change it would be set to false again. Here I see the problem that if someone changes the item while it is currently being sent to the client this change might be missing afterwards (the change says ACK=false, but the delivery says ACK=true afterwards).
This again does not seem to work as intended, so now I am thinking about some kind of optimistic locking where I store a version in the DB and update the ACK=true only if the version did not change from reading to writing.
This should work, but does not seem optimal at all (what if the call crashes while writing the ACK?). As this seems to be a common problem: What would be the best solution to this? Or is MongoDB just not the right tool for the job? Is it even possible to solve this if you expect that you have to scale vertically at some point?

Getting updates in every blockchain append

I am working on an art project which desplays bitcoin transactions graphically.
Thus i need some way of getting an update when a transaction is filed in the blockchain.
Is there any way to accomplish this without copying the whole blockchain, since i do not need any precise information about the transaction?
If you are really want to get all the transactions that are happening, then you have to parse each new block that comes in. You have to look into the RPC Calls to get each individual block.
If you just want to watch certain addresses for transactions you can look into walletnotify of the bitcoind node.

Converting resources in a RESTful manner

I'm currently stuck with designing my endpoints in a way so that they are conform with the REST principles but also ensure the integrity of the underlying data.
I have two resources, ShadowUser and RealUser whereas the first one only has a first name, last name and an e-mail.
The second user has much more properties such like an Id under which the real user can be addressed at other place in the system.
My use-case it to convert specific ShadowUsers into real users.
In my head the flow seems pretty simple:
get the shadow users /GET api/ShadowUsers?somePropery=someValue
create new real users with the data fetched /POST api/RealUsers
delete the shadow-users /DELETE api/ShadowUSers?somePropery=someValue
But what happens when there is a problem between the creation of new users and the deletion of the shadow ones? The data would now be inconsistent.
The example is even easier when there is only one single user, but the issue stays the same as there could be something between step 2 and 3 leaving the user existing as shadow and real.
So the question is, how this can be done in a "transactional" manner where anything is good and persisted or something went wrong and nothing has been changed in the underlying data-store?
Are there any "best practices" or "design-patterns" which can be used?
Perhaps the role of the RESTful API GETting and POSTing those real users in batch (I asked a question some weeks ago about a related issue: Updating RESTful resources against aggregate roots only).
In the API side, POSTed users wouldn't be handled directly but they would be enqueued in a reliable messaging queue (for example RabbitMQ). A background process would be subscribed to the whole queue and it would process both the creation and removal of real and shadow users respectively.
The point of using a reliable messaging system is that you can implement retry policies. If the operation is interrupted in the middle of finishing its work, you can retry it and detect which changes are still pending to complete the task.
In summary, using this approach you can implement that operation in a transactional way.

How do I create a stack in a REST API?

I am working on a distributed execution server. I have decided to use a REST API based on HTTP on the server. The clients will connect to the server and GET the next task to be accomplished. Obviously I need to "update" the task that is retrieved to ensure that it is only processed once. A GET is not supposed to have any side effects (like changing the state of the resource retrieved). I could use a POST (to update the resource), but I also need to retrieve it. I am thinking that I could have a URL that a POST marks the task as "claimed", then a GET marks the task as retrieved. Unfortunately I have a side effect on GET again. Is this just not going to work in REST? I am OK with have a "function" resource to do this, but don't want to give up the paradigm without a little research.
Pat O
If nothing else fits, you're supposed to use a POST request. Nothing prevents you from returning the resource on a POST request. But it becomes apparent that something (in this case) will happen to that resource, which wouldn't be the case when using a GET request.
REST is really just a concept, and you can implement it however you want. There is no one 'right way', as everyones use cases are different. (yes I understand that there is a defined spec out there, but you can still do it however you want) In this situation if your GET needs to have a side effect, it will have a side effect. Just make sure to properly document what you did (and potentially why you did it).
However it sounds like you're just trying to create a queue with multiple subscribers, and if the subscribers are automated (such as scripts or other machines) you may want to look at using an actual queue. (http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html).
If you are using this to power a web UI or something where actual people process this, you could also use a queue, with your GET request simply pulling the next item from the queue.
Note that when using most of the messaging systems you will not be able to guarantee the order in which the messages are pulled from the queue, so if the order is necessary you may not be able to use this approach.

New/Read Flags in CQRS

I am currently drafting a concept for a (mostly) HTML-based collaboration suite which I plan to implement using CQRS. This software will contain messages that can be sent to the user (which can either be read or unread, obviously) and other elements which shall be marked "new" if they were created after the last user login.
Hardly something new, but I am not quite sure how that would be correctly implemented using CQRS. As I understand it, Change of any kind should, without exception, only be possible via Commands. But creating commands for every single (new) element that is being accessed seems a bit too much, not to mention the overhead.
I don't know if I need it, but what would be the best way to implement a Last-Accessed Timestamp on elements. Basically the same problem like the above, with the difference that the change happens EVERY time the element is accessed, not only the first time for each user.
CQRS seems to be an awesome concept but it really needs more learning material. Can't wait till a book is released :)
[Edit] No one? Wouldn't have thought that this is such a complicated issue..
I assume you're using event-sourcing in which case once you allow your query-service/event-handlers to raise appropriate events then this becomes fairly easy to solve.
For your messages/elements; when handling the specific creation events of your elements either add to existing or create additional event-handlers, to store to a messages read-model with a status of new and appropriate information about the element.
As part of you're user login I don't see why you can't raise a user-logged-in event (from the security/query service depending on how your implementing authentication) to say the user has logged in. An event-handler could capture this and write the last-login timestamp to a specific user-last-login read-model.
In addition the user-logged-in event-handler would need to update all the new messages (for that user) to an unread status. Seeing as we're changing the status of the messages as the user logs in do you still need to store the last-login timestamp?
For your last-accessed timestamp, perhaps you could just work this into your query service as queries for your different elements complete. Raise a query-completed event with element id/type information.