How to copy assets to build folder in FDT? - eclipse

Flash Builder has an option to "Copy non-embedded files to output folder", which will copy resources loaded at runtime / not compiled into the application from source folders into the /bin-debug (build) folder.
How can I do this with FDT? Do I have to use an Ant task? If so -- I'm not familiar with Ant, how would I set this up?

I guess Ant's not so hard...the following did the trick:
<project default="copy">
<property name="from" value="./assets"/>
<property name="to" value="./bin/assets"/>
<target name="copy">
<echo message="Copying assets..."/>
<copy todir="${to}" >
<fileset dir="${from}"/>
And I ran it via a Debug Configuration:


eclipse.buildScript Complete Example Script for headless build

I am trying to generate a build script for a plugin outside the IDE
Below is mybuild.xml
<project name="" xmlns=''>
<target name="build.plugin">
<antcall target="generateBuildScript" />
<ant dir="${workspace.dir}/${}"
target="build.update.jar" />
<copy todir="${eclipse.dir}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${workspace.dir}/${}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<target name="generateBuildScript">
<eclipse.buildScript elements="plugin#${}"
Expecting build.xml to be generated Please Guide me
When I run above script
$java -jar {$Eclipse.Dir}/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.100.v20150511-1540.jar -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile <Project_path>\mybuild.xml
I nothing is happening on build success.
Here i have found the answer may help some new bees like me..
<project name="" xmlns=''>
As there is no default set, it is not generating the required jar file so
modified only the first line as
<project name="" default="build.plugin" xmlns=''>
now the required jar is generated under plugin folder and even copied to plugin folder of eclipse.
baseLocation : Target Plugins Directory absolute path.
buildDirectory: Absolute path to the plugin folder in which the Plugin Project is present.

Sencha CMD Ant integration for custom web application

We are trying to integrate the Sencha CMD to our custom application ant script( build.xml) inorder to do minification of js files. Could you please let us know the steps needs to be followed for minifcation of js files . It could be useful if you could provide sample file to achieve this. We tried the following steps as per the manual to just include the sencha.jar which resulted in error "init-sencha-cmd:
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource com/sencha/ant/antlib.xml."
I have added the target "init-sencha-cmd" as dependency to target "build" and a property build.dir (basedir="." configured in the start of xml)
<target name="build" depends="init, dependencies, pre-compile, compile, post-compile,init-sencha-cmd" description="Builds the project." />
<property name="build.dir" location="${basedir}"/>
<target name="init-antcontrib">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${Bundles.WebCharts.lib}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
<target name="init-sencha-cmd" depends="init-antcontrib">
<taskdef resource="com/sencha/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="/Users/hatamm/bin/Sencha/Cmd/"/>

NAnt + Project with GUID must be included

I just started using NAnt today, I followed some of the examples. I am having a hard time with one issue:
Its saying: "Project with GUID '{32845370-6F32-411F-B4C5-383F9C3EDE29}' must be included for
the build to work."
Now I was able to track down the project. Here is my directory structure:
c:\dev\stockclockbuild -> this is where the solution and build file is located.
So I run the command:
nant -buildfile:c:\dev\stockclockbuild\
I have a project that it located in c:\dev\_sharedlibs\mdrlibs called "MDR.StockPlatform" which seems to get included, but within that project file I found the project (dependency) that has the GUID mentioned in the error.
That project is called "MDR.Base" but its located in the same folder as MDR.StockPlatform.
Also if I were to open this solution and build it in visual studio it builds without errors.
Here is the complete verbose output:
c:\Dev\_Misc\Tools\nAnt\bin>nant -buildfile:c:\dev\stockclockbuild\
NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 6/9/2012)
Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
Buildfile: file:///c:/dev/stockclockbuild/
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Target(s) specified: rebuild
[solution] Starting solution build.
[solution] Loading projects...
[solution] Loading project 'c:\dev\stockclockbuild\StockClock.Common\StockClock
[solution] Using MSBuild version 4.0.30319.1.
[solution] Loading referenced project 'c:\dev\_SharedLibs\MDRLibs\MDR.StockPlat
Project with GUID '{32845370-6F32-411F-B4C5-383F9C3EDE29}' must be included for
the build to work.
Total time: 0.6 seconds.
Here is a copy of the build file:
<project name="Solution Build Example" default="rebuild">
<property name="configuration" value="release"/>
<target name="clean" description="Delete all previously compiled binaries.">
<include name="**/bin/**" />
<include name="**/obj/**" />
<include name="**/*.suo" />
<include name="**/*.user" />
<target name="build" description="Build all targets.">
<call target="build.stockclock"/>
<target name="rebuild" depends="clean, build" />
<target name="build.stockclock">
<solution configuration="${configuration}" solutionfile="Stockclock.sln" verbose="true">
I'm assuming you're using a modern IDE, and from the NAnt Documentation:
Note: Right now, only Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 solutions and
projects are supported. Support for .NET Compact Framework projects is also not
available at this time.
In my NAnt scripts I use the NauckIT MSBuild task:
<msbuild projectFile="${solution.file}" targets="Build" verbosity="Quiet">
<property name="Configuration" value="${build.configuration}" />
<property name="Platform" value="${build.platform}" />
<arg value="/flp:NoSummary;Verbosity=normal;LogFile=${build.log}" />
<arg value="/p:SignAssembly=true" if="${isReleaseBuild}" />
<arg value="/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=${solution.keyfile}" if="${isReleaseBuild}" />
<arg value="/p:DelaySign=false" if="${isReleaseBuild}" />
However that is a personal preference as you could also use the NAnt exec task and call msbuild directly.

Include/Exclude buildfiles

How do you do this? Given several build files, I only want to include the ones where the target (specified from the command line) exists. Using target::exists in does not seem to work. Thanks.
<target name="*">
<property name="" value="${target::get-current-target()}"/>
<nant target="${}">
<include name="*.build" if="${target::exists(}"/>
<!-- avoid recursive execution of current build file-->
<exclude name="${project::get-buildfile-path()}" />
Using robaker's solution, my final build file looks like this. It does not fail anymore if the target is not found in a certain build file (unlike my previous code).
<include buildfile=""/>
<include buildfile=""/>
<target name="*">
<nant target="${target::get-current-target()}"/>
Why not just use the include task to include all your child build scripts instead?

How can I automate (script) creating a war file in eclipse?

It's 5 button clicks to get eclipse to create a deployable war file for my eclipse project, I figure there's probably some eclipse command line option to do the same thing, so I can just write it into a script, but I'm not seeing it.
Use the Ant war task, set up a relevant build file and you can just hit the "external tools" button to execute it.
You could also setup a Maven build for your web project. Typing mvn package from the command line would then build the project for you.
For integration between Maven and Eclipse, see m2Eclipse and Maven Eclipse Plugin.
I cannot say anything about the WAR packaging itself, sorry.
But as I wrote in
How do I automatically export a WAR after Java build in Eclipse? : If you can describe the WAR packaging with an Ant script, you can have that Ant script being executed automatically after each change to your project. Use Project->Properties->Builders->Add->Ant Builder. Give that builder you custom Ant script and it will automatically be executed after the "normal" builders of your project.
You can even specify in the settings of the builder, if it shall only react on changes to specific files and so on.
The Ant builder is kind of a Swiss army knife for anything you want to automate in the project build without having to use the big tools like maven.
This Ant script should work for standard Dynamic Web Project structure of project:
Create Ant build.xml with replacing of two properties at begining:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Deploy From Eclipse to JBoss" basedir="." default="deploy">
<!-- This replace with yours project name and JBoss location: -->
<property name="warfile" value="MyProject"/>
<property name="deploy" value="/home/honza/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments"/>
<target name="create">
<war destfile="${warfile}.war" webxml="WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml" update="true">
<classes dir="build\classes"/>
<fileset dir="WebContent">
<exclude name="WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
<target name="copy">
<copy todir="${deploy}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="${warfile}.war"/>
<target name="clear">
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${deploy}" defaultexcludes="false">
<include name="${warfile}.*/**" />
<target name="deploy">
<antcall target="create"/>
<antcall target="clear"/>
<antcall target="copy"/>
Now should command "ant" do WAR creation and copy them to the JBoss. JBoss automatically deploys wars which finds in deployment directory.
For automatic run after build (Project - Build) add this Buildfile here:
MyProject - Properties - New - Ant builder