keyboard shortcuts don't work - eclipse

I'm new to eclipse. Just started today, with an strange problem.
No keyboard shortcuts work. When I press Ctrl+F11 for Running program, nothing happens. But if I choose Run from top menu, it runs the program. Editor shortcuts, like Ctrl+Z work.
I'm running Windows 8.1 on HP Probook; with Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2 (build id: 20140224-0627)

First,When you use shortcut keys, check if the current selected or active source code file has the main method and not your other class.


Eclipse Displays Popup on Rename/Refactor Command

I am getting a popup to choose a command to run when pressing the rename/refactor shortcut. I highlight a file in the Package Explorer, press the command, and popup!?!?!
I have used Eclipse for 13 years, and I have never seen anything like this issue. The rename/refactor shortcut has worked flawlessly on every other instance of Eclipse I have ever used.
The closest help which Google could find is to open the shortcut preferences. I unbinded every command associated to the shortcut binding. Still, the popup continues to appear.
If any of this helps, I am on MacOS Monterey 12.5 and using Eclipse 4.22.0.
Shortcut Command Choice Popup

Why sysout shortcut won't work in Eclipse on Mac?

I have been a windows user since the beginning, just recently switched to MacOS, all the preferences settings in my Eclipse, they are all set to default with sysout option on, but when I typed sysout in eclipse, it won't automatically go into System.out.println(). I've checked several other related topics as well as most of the resources which mention 'ctrl + space' (Which worked perfectly on Windows for me). But, when I try to use 'command + space' on my Mac it just launches Spotlight search & I have even tried resetting the commands to default in Eclipse, Please let me know how I can get my sysout working.
Just to be simplify in images.
Try to unbind the shortcut on mac:
1- Mac Preferences of system
2- Choose Keyboard:
3- Go to Layout of keyboard and Uncheck "ˆspace"
You can try to change on eclipse, but if you want to use "^space" to shortcut, will be necessary unbind this on mac. By default or mac keys as shortcut to change keyboard type.
(Eu quero Ibagens!)

NetBeans 8.2 - next tab / previous tab shortcuts not working

When I upgraded to NetBeans 8.2 on two separate Windows 7 computers I've lost possibility to use Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown, which switch tabs.
I had to reassign the shortcuts to other, far worse combinations. It's just these shortcuts don't work any longer in NB 8.2, however they're listed in the settings page.
Note: the same shortcut works in Notepad++, so it's not some OS issue.
Any ideas on that one? Thanks :)
i ran into the same issue using netbeans 8.2 on ubuntu 16.04
for me, the problem was the Nimbus look-and-feel. running with "--laf Metal" or omitting the laf entirely fixed the problem for me. i'm not able to test on win7, but it's worth experimenting with the laf value
If you're running Ubuntu as a Parallels VM on Mac, this worked for me:
Go to your VM's "Configure..." menu
Select "Mouse & Keyboard"
Click "Open shortcuts preferences..." button
Select "Application shortcuts"
Uncheck "Show Previous Tab" and "Show Next Tab" (yes, it's counterintuitive)
Make sure you have your keyboard shortcuts set in Netbeans for Ctrl+Tab & Ctrl+Shft+Tab

Eclipse Juno for OS X Content Assist menu item selection from keyboard

Something has changed from Indigo to Juno which has made me much less efficient:
Content Assist menus items can't be cycled through using the "Line Down" shortcut anymore
Is there anything I can do to bring back the working behaviour?
OSX Mountain Lion (v10.8.3)
Eclipse (v4.2.2, Build: M20130204-1200)
Command: "Line Down", bound to: CTRL-N, when: In Windows
Shortcut to invoke Content Assist: OPTION-/, when: In Dialogs and Windows
The exact same configuration, changing only Eclipse to Indigo (Version: 3.7.2; Build id: M20120208-0800) works perfectly. I have lots of muscle memory to undo if I can't fix this.. :(!
I want to set up a bounty for a solution to this but it says I have to wait 2 days before doing so..
Reference links:
Navigating the Content Assist List in Eclipse
One thing you can do is go to
And from there you can change the binding of the commands you want to use. They are all there from copy and paste to running tests and refactoring. So if you assign several Ctrl+N you will get a list with all the commands you bound to and can click on the one you want.
Is this kinda what you had in mind?

Eclipse + pydev - Missing Console-view toolbar in minimized mode

I'm using Eclipse + pydev plugin as the development environment. In fact my application needs a big console area and I usually resize the console and minimize it, so that whenever I run the application, it automatically shows up.
But when I minimize the console view or detach it or mark it as Fast View, the toolbar for controlling the running process and locking the scroll disappears.
Can I have both minimize functionality and Process control toolbar ?
Eclipse : Galileo Build id: 20090619-0625
Pydev : 1.5.3
Right now, in Eclipse/PyDev, you can't have the toolbar when it's minimized (you have to open it to access it), but most of what you need should be available through shortcuts (some may need focus on a PyDev editor):
Terminate current process: Ctrl+F2
Terminate all processes: Ctrl+Alt+F9
Terminate / relaunch last launched process: Ctrl+Shift+F9
To launch the currently open editor: F9
To relaunch the last launch (provided you followed the steps at: Ctrl+F11
To debug the last launch: F11
To show the console view: Alt+Shift+Q, C
And if you want, you should be able to configure those in the keybindings (Ctrl+Shift+L twice to open the preferences page to do so).
I used eclipse with pydev and it drove me nuts. I use Netbeans 6.8 right now which came bundled with its own python plugin that is a lot better. Especially when it comes to debugging.