Guide won't automatically generate an m file - matlab

I am working in matlab gui GUIDE and I am trying to rename a file. I open the fig file in GUIDE and save it as the new file name but a new .m file is NOT created. Consequently I cannot run the gui or edit the file. I have seen a lot of posts about this and many people say "Save As" should just work which is strange because it was working for me yesterday too. Does anyone know the reason why sometimes GUIDE does not automatically generate an m file?

The two files MUST have the same name. See the documentation here:
Further more, I can't find specific examples in the documentation, but there seems to be a common issue with Callbacks and UI property names getting a little messed up. The best bet is of course is to not touch the file names (or create the GUI programmatically) but now that the damage is done, I would reccommend:
Making sure both files have the same name
Checking all button callbacks to make sure they point to the right file
Checking the tag of all your graphics objects to make sure they are the sames
Double check in your GUIDE options that it is still set to generate an mfile ( Tools > Gui options > Create m file )
Best of luck, GUIDE can be good, but is very far from perfect. (especially in times like now)


how to edit advanced new file extension vs code to work without a workspace

I found this extension called advanced-new-file by patbenatar in vs code that lets you create files anywhere with a custom directory you can create on the spot and things like that, but it only works when using a workspace. There is another one called Advanced New File by Dominik Kundel that sort of does the same thing but anywhere even if you have no workspace opened, but it has a bit less features. Does anyone know how I can modify the first one so that I can use it without having to create/open a workspace?

Dymola - Is there any difference between "Open" and "Load" files?

I’ve been using Dymola (version 2017) for three months and I’d just like to ask a simple issue that I think about it nearly every day. Is there any difference between the file tool “Open” and “Load"? I'm used to use Load for “load” the library packages and Open for “open” the model files, but I've tried to switch them few times and I didn’t notice any difference. I guess that it isn’t relevant and actually it’s just out of curiosity, but maybe someone in this community is able to shed some light on why there are two buttons. Thanks in advance.
Both load your .mo files into the package browser. But Open changes the working directory to the location of the .mo file, whereas Load does not.
From the command line:
openModel("", changeDirectory=false) // corresponds to load
openModel("") // corresponds to open
You can check your current working directory by typing cd on the command line.

Writing a macro

I'm mostly new to programming and so I have come here for some help.
Recently, at work, the program that we have used for years has drastically changed and all of our old file types are no longer supported. This has left us completely out in the cold as to how we can access our old files without using the older software. With that being said, here is my problem with macros that I'm in need of help:
I need to be able to open a file in a specific program, copy all the text in the file, paste the text into a new notepad document and then save the notepad file with file's original name as a simple text document. I need to do this to an entire folder (and eventually folders within a folder but that can wait for now)
If I need to clarify anything let me know. Like I said, I'm new to this stuff and I'd appreciate any tips you guys could give me.
Since you mention Notepad, I'll assume that you are working in Windows. In that case, you're probably best off writing it in PowerScript. I don't have the skills for that, but if you add "Windows" and "PowerScript" to the tags, you may have a better chance of find someone sho does. (You may want to try this question over at SuperUser)

VS2005 - Automatically requesting checkout of form on open, with "View Designer"

I'm trying to integrate our Source Control(SourceAnywhere) with VS and are getting a lot of push back because of this one issue.
Almost every time we open some of our Windows forms using 'View Designer' it edits the file (* appears beside file name). Nothing has yet been changed, I've tried comparing the before and after files and they are exactly the same. If we have the solution bound it will check the file out, but even if its not bound it still 'edits' the file. When you try to check the file back in, it doesn't get a new version or anything.
I've done some searching and haven't been able to find any way to change this behavior.
This is a huge pain point for me as if someone already has the form checked out and someone else tries to open it, they just get told that it can't be checked out, and the form won't open. Or, someone who has no intention to edit the form, will now have the form checked out but hasn't made any changes.
This usually happens when there are controls within the form that have "Dock" set. If the IDE feels it needs to resize the form, then those controls will also be resized, and all of that information needs to get re-written to the source file. In the case where you're editing a form named "Form1" this source file is not Form1.cs, but rather Form1.Designer.cs - try comparing that file with the version from source control.
Alternatively, move to a source control system that doesn't use locking by default (for example, Subversion) or disable that feature in SourceAnywhere. This will require users to manage merge conflicts, but allows multiple users to work on a single file at the same time.

How to Change Netbeans Fonts and Colors Preview Document?

Within the Netbeans 6.5's Tools -> Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Syntax dialog, you have the ability to change the look and feel of the Netbeans text editor. When you select a language, you are presented with a preview of your font/color scheme. However, when I preview Java, there are far more options for syntax changes than are being displayed in that preview window. If I were able to view a more robust piece of code, I'd be able to see the immediate effect of more of the options.
How can I supply a preview document to view my font/color changes?
After looking into this some more, I've been able to narrow down the problem a bit. From what I can tell, everything in Netbeans is considered a plugin. The GUI editor is a plugin, and even the text editor is a plugin. This means that what ever piece of Netbeans that actually analyzes Java code and does syntax highlights is also a plugin (since Java is just one of many languages Netbeans highlights, it makes sense this is a plugin).
I think fromvega is on the right track with his suggestion. The tutorial for creating a manifest file editing plugin pointed me in the right direction. The tutorial eludes to a file used as a sample document used for font/color previews. It tells you how to create one inside this new plugin project. (Located in "Registering the Options in the NetBeans System Filesystem", part 4. About 4/5 of the way down the page.)
My next line of thought was to look for the Java syntax editing mode plugin and find this file and update it with a richer example file. I looked in the installation directory and came up empty, but I found what looks like the appropriate files within my user settings directory. There is a config directory with a lot of subfolders within my user directory (Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\saterus.netbeans\config).
I've been poking around inside this directory a bit, but have only found the xml files the manifest tutorial talks about. I have been unable to find the extensionless sample file for the Java plugin that I believe should be there.
Since I've hit a brick wall for the moment, I thought I'd toss it back to the SO community and see if you guys might make the last leap and find the solution.
Just for anyone who wants to alter this themselves it is possible on a unix machine to use grep to locate the file i.e.
grep -lr "some part of the current sample code" /path/to/netbeans
I used this method to locate the ruby example filename and from that identified that it is kept in org-netbeans-modules-ruby.jar as a file called RubyExample. By simply altering that file I was able to construct a better sample file for my own use.
Hope this helps someone!
The document which is displayed (for each mime type) is specified in a particular folder in the "system file system" (which is a NetBeans concept which is a virtual file system composed from contributions from individual modules; this is how functionality is dynamically registered in NetBeans).
Modules typically specify their system file system contributions in a file named "layer.xml" in the plugin. The create plugin templates typically offer to create this for you.
For example, here's how the Python example is registered:
<folder name="OptionsDialog">
<folder name="PreviewExamples">
<folder name="text">
<file name="x-python" url=""/>
Here, is a sample file in the same directory as the layer file.
Therefore, what you need to do is create a plugin which overrides the existing registration(s) for the mime type(s) you care about and provide alternate sample documents. You may need to hide the existing registration first (see the _hidden
part from ).
Hopefully this guides you in the right direction.
However, in thinking about it, we probably ought to make the preview area editable - so people can cut & paste whatever codefragment they care about right in there. This wouldn't be persistent, so whenever you change languages you get the original samples back - but it provides a quick way to see your own code. This shouldn't be just for the Fonts & Colors customization, but for the Formatting preview panels as well.
I've filed an issue against NetBeans for this:
-- Tor
I think you can only accomplish that with a new plugin, since you need somekind of parsing to define what is what.
Give a look a these tutorials, I haven't read them in details but they seem to show you how to do what you want: