facebook share button showing wrong thumbnails - facebook

I'm using the Facebook Share Button widget, which in general is working fine.
It's showing the image declared in the "og:image" meta tag , but additionally it's showing other images that are in the page, but that are not relevant to the actual content of the page. I don't want these additional thumbnails to show, I just need to show the image declared in the "og:image" meta tag, I don't want any other pictures.
This is the link I'm talking about.
The article is in Spanish, so to clear it out "Compartir" means Share in English, so the Facebook Share Button is the one that says "Compartir".
Thanks in advance for your help

ok, I found out what was happening...
Many thanks to Ranveer and WizKid. I didn't know about that debugger. It was because the image had lower resolution.
Link for the debugger: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/


Hide images on Facebook share

Is there any way to do NOT display any images on FB share dialog?
I checked No Thumbnail in Debug but it doesn't affect on the page. I left meta og:image is empty for the content attribute as well.
I only want to display TEXT ONLY share dialog.
Any ideas?

Strange image displayed under the like button

on a site I created I have added a standard like function for advertisements users made.
Whenever I use like on a product page it works fine, e.e. http://www.markt4art.nl/Advertenties/ToonProduct.php?A=101 but on a Services page it shows a weird icon, e.g. http://www.markt4art.nl/Advertenties/ToonDienst.php?A=90
Even when I delete this image from my directory Facebook still show this weird and unwanted image.
Please explain how I can fix this and (if applicable) how I can determine myself which image Facebook will use to make a thumbnail.
This is a critical errors as all facebook likes are now very wrong...
Thx for your help.
You need to choose what image Facebook will use for the thumbnail. If you don't, Facebook will just find a random image on the screen and use it. For your first page it's using the beach picture. For the second it's using the ugly yellow 'play' button right next to where it says "Showreel".
To specify what image should show up you need to add a meta tag to your head like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://Your image location.jpg" />
More info here: http://blog.smartwebsitetips.com/75/how-to-force-facebook-choose-right-image-for-like-button/

Dynamically changing Open Graph properties for Facebook Like button?

I am using the jQuery PrettyPhoto as an image gallery. Each image has it's own facebook-like button on the bottom of the image modal. I'd like to have the image that was liked to appear as the thumbnail on the 'user who clicked like's status update related to liking the image. (Also, I'd like the title to be unique, but I am assuming they can be changed the same way, if at all.)
As of now, the Facebook snippet seems to be scraping the gallery meta properties on load, grabbing the og:title and og:image content that is listed there. I've tried to dynamically change these values whenever a new gallery image is clicked, but it seemed to be using the values of the page loaded meta content (which makes sense).
Is there a way to change what the facebook like button sees as the image it should use on-'like'? Each gallery image is dynamically loaded on the same page, only changing the achor value per image. I've tried a number of ways with no success, but maybe someone has some experience with this or a similar issue.
Thanks for any help or leads!
As you didn't supply any example, I checked with here. As I can see they also use original like button, so the og:title and og:image should be different in each image. Instead of images, can you use html in every popup and put image, your like button etc there?
PS: Or else, you have to dynamically change the title of gallery by javascript, which is not a very idea situation. Facebook will always look for og:title for scrapping data, you can't simply feed it by custom code.

adding facebook like and tweet buttons to an exhisting tumblr theme

I am trying to add facebook 'like' buttons and tweet buttons at the end of each blog post on my tumblr blog. I used the 'minimalist' theme on tumblr. Ive tried just about every method to insert the html properly and nothing has worked. Below it the current full HTML that I am using. If you go to my site right now there is a facebook button and it actually works but there is a ton of blank space underneath that I cant get rid of. Also, it works in Safari but not Firefox which is odd. The fbook code is right before {/block:posts}. I've been able to look at other formats of buttons but they either like my entire page rather than individual posts or I have this same spacing/firefox issue. Can anyone help?
I cant even get that. I've done this task a few times before with other themes and it is no problem at all. It sounds like you didn't uncheck the boxes on Facebook that enable the big black space go back to f.b. and get a new code made from the link page. Do not forget to uncheck the unneeded stuff or that will also be embedded in the code given you.

Showing different content in Facebook iframe WITHOUT using "Like"

OK, this is not the question you might think. We need to set up a tab on a Facebook page & of course that now means iframes, not FBML.
The initial content displayed will be a graphic containing a question. The answer, in the shape of another graphic, is to be revealed by clicking on the first image. The initial image must be replaced by the second (which shows the answer).
"Like" does not enter in to this: the function is the same whether the user "likes" the page or not. It's just "click this image to display the answer".
As iframe newbs, this is causing us a bit of a headache - so can anyone help ?
The iframes in Facebook now function just like a normal web page. Just capture the click event on the initial image using javascript (and/or jQuery) and display replace it with the new imagery.