I need to install MELPA into my emacs 23.3 version. I have googled for the ways to install it but couldn't find/understand any of them.
Can anyone please help me with installing MELPA. I am using ubuntu 12.04
I need MELPA to install OmniSharp which will help for autocompletion in C#
MELPA is actually just a repository of emacs packages. The emacs package manager has been included in emacs since version 24. For 23.3 you first need to get a compatible version of package.el (there is one here).
After putting package.el in your load-path, you then need to add MELPA to the list of repositories:
(require 'package)
;; Any add to list for package-archives (to add marmalade or melpa) goes here
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("MELPA" .
From the EmacsWiki.
To then install OmniSharp, first refresh the package archive with M-x package-refresh-contents, then you can use M-x package-install RET omnisharp.
I have been developing application in VSCode. My team suggested me to switch to IntelliJ. The shortcuts are new to me. Is there any universal Keymap is followed for all IDE's.
There is a VSCode Keymap that you can install as a VSCode Keymap plugin and select it in Keymap settings.
But if you all your team use the IntelliJ IDEA and you plan to use it onwards, I would advise you to consider learning the IntelliJ IDEA's native keymap just to always be on the same pair/page with your colleagues and other IJ developers.
After installing Anaconda3
Build the python environment with VSCode, and when I installed the python plug-in, VSCode couldn't recognize the 'python: Select Interpreter' command
VSCode prompts "No Commands matching"
Try reinstalling the plugin, but it still won't work. I checked the VSCode documentation and found no method
Does anybody have this problem? How to solve it
I am try to use el-get to manage my packages because it is good to update the latest from github. But sometimes the package I want is only available in ELPA. So I use
(:name <package_name> :type elpa)
to install them.
Now my problem is:
I installed org-mode with el-get and try to install org-gcal by
(:name org-gcal :type elpa)
The "org-gcal" depends on org-mode 8.2.4 which I already have under el-get directory, but it still said it can't find it and will install org from elpa again.
How could I solve this kind of dependence problem between elpa and el-get?
You can't “solve” this dependency problem in that you could teach ELPA about el-get packages. That's not (easily) possible.
el-get understands ELPA packages, but not vice versa. ELPA does not see el-get packages, and hence cannot use them to resolve package dependencies.
The only reasonable way out is to use ELPA to install Org, and other packages as well. Recent Org releases are available from the default GNU ELPA archive or from Org Mode's package archive. The popular MELPA archive provides VCS snapshots for over 1000 other packages.
I am trying to install the codecheck plugin for gVim, but to do so I must compile gVim with the plugin.
On apt, every apt-get source to a gVim package downloads the normal Vim source, so I guess compiling the GUI must be a configure option. However, I can install the plugin on Vim but I can't compile gVim (since when I make there appears no gVim executable).
Any help compiling gVim?
I'm pretty sure you can just add --enable-gui=gtk2 when configureing. At least, that's how I remember doing it.
apt-get build-dep vim to install the build dependencies for Vim.
Read src/INSTALL, as explained in the README.txt in the top-level directory of the source, to see how to configure and compile it.
After you've got your dependencies installed and you can't find the gvim executable, then try vim -g from the terminal - that's the flag for starting in GUI mode. It's always worth a shot.
It seems this is a more updated version: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Building_Vim
I'm using Gnu Emacs on OSX, Windows, and Linux. Is there some command which can download and install packages (or .el files) automatically? I've seen there are some work-in-progress projects on the internet (after googling) but I was wondering if I was missing some awesome package manager out there that just works.
Yes, the Emacs development mailing list has a long discussion regarding integrating a package manager package.el into the next major release of Emacs: Integrating package.el. It automatically downloads and installs packages from the ELPA (Emacs Lisp Package Archive. Read the installation page to obtain the latest.
You could also try el-get. I handles installation of packages from ELPA, git, and apt-get among others.