r.js throws an error every time I try to assign a variable in Coffee-Script - coffeescript

So I'm using r.js to build a bunch of my files -- some of which are Coffee-Script. I am using the Require plugin require-cs to handle this.
Here is a look at my Require.js config, a la rjs:
baseUrl: SRC_PATH,
include: channelMap[channel],
optimize: 'none',
stubModules: ['cs', 'tpl', 'less', 'text'],
exclude: ['normalize', 'coffee-script', 'underscore'],
CoffeeScript: {
header: false,
// since we use AMD, there's no need for IIFE
bare: true
separateCSS: true,
skipModuleInsertion: true,
// If something needs to be present for tests too and not only for
// the build step, then add it tools/karma-amd.js instead
paths: _.extend({
'less-builder': 'vendor/require-less/less-builder',
'normalize': 'vendor/require-less/normalize'
}, rjsPaths),
wrap: true,
less: {
paths: [path.join(BASE_SHOP_FOLDER, 'static', 'zalando', 'css', channel)]
out: path.join(BUILD_PATH, channel, BUILD_BASE_FILE_NAME + '.js')
}, function () {
// this needs to be async because less builder uses
// process.nextTick() to write the file
Even the most simple .coffee file seems to fail violently. E.g.
define [], ->
foo = "hello world"
return foo
throws the following error:
the variable "foo" can't be assigned with undefined because it has not been declared before
foo = "hello world"
When I use replace require-cs's coffee-script.js with the older version of 1.6.3 everything works just fine.

Your code compiles BTW. Try to go to CoffeeScriptDahWebSite and click on TRY COFFEESCRIPT and you will see that it is valid code.
From the define [], () -> code ..., I assume you are using the CoffeeScript plugin with require.js. I am ready to bet your issue is in the require.js configuration (which should be your main.js file or whatever you named it) since the error you get looks oddly like the JavaScript interpreter trying to run the invalid code you wrote (for JavaScript that is :). Meaning, your plugin is not there at all.
If you give me your require configuration maybe I can edit this answer and help you more.
I see you edited your question, but you provided me the wrong file. What you showed me was the r.js optimizer configuration, instead of the main.js which specifies how cs.js and coffee-script.js files are loaded. The error might be in your optimizer, but I can't know without seeing your other config.
A reiteration of that, show me the entry point of your program, the data-main that is loaded in your HTML.

I was unable to recreate the issue:
$ cat ./etc/temp1.coffee
define [], ->
foo = "hello world"
return foo
$ coffee --version
CoffeeScript version 1.7.1
$ which coffee
$ coffee -cp ./etc/temp1.coffee
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1
(function() {
define([], function() {
var foo;
foo = "hello world";
return foo;
$ coffee -cpb ./etc/temp1.coffee
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1
define([], function() {
var foo;
foo = "hello world";
return foo;

Turns out the problem was with my previous version of 1.7.1. Someone Beautified it and broke everything. Everything works as advertised when I go out of my way to get coffee-script.js from http://coffeescript.org/extras/coffee-script.js


How to retrieve PACKAGECONFIG variable from another recipe to a bbclass

For one of my requirements, I need to call a specific tasks based on whether a packageconfig variable is defined in another recipes or not.
For example:
We have a recipe called recipes-crypto where, in the .bb file we have:
PACKAGECONFIG[veritysetup] = "--enable-veritysetup,--disable-veritysetup"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
Then, in my meta-qti-bsp/classes, I have qimage.class, where I wanted to do like this:
if ${#bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'veritysetup', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
#Call some function
But it gives errors:
ERROR: ParseError at /local/mnt/workspace/PINTU/WORK/Y2021/NAD-CORE-WORK/NEW_C10_30Nov/poky/meta-qti-bsp/classes/qimage.bbclass:102: unparsed line: 'if ${#bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'veritysetup', 'true', 'false', d)}; then'
How to make veritysetup variable get recognised in my class file?
I saw some examples and added this on top:
PACKAGECONFIG_append_class-native = " veritysetup"
But with this also it gives the same error.
I am using this veritysetup command only during build time.
So, I wanted to execute this command if and only if this PACKAGECONFIG variable is defined.
What is the best way to do it ?
veritysetup is not a value of PACKAGECONFIG, but it is a flag.
PACKAGECONFIG has many flags and each flag has its value.
For more information about variable flags check this link.
So, here is an example of how to check if that flag is activated:
PACKAGECONFIG[veritysetup] = "--enable-veritysetup,--disable-veritysetup"
if [ ${#d.getVarFlag('PACKAGECONFIG', 'veritysetup', False)} ]; then
bbwarn "veritysetup is activated with value: ${#d.getVarFlags('PACKAGECONFIG').get('veritysetup')}"
bbwarn "veritysetup is not activated."
addtask do_check_verity
If you run:
bitbake verity-example -c check_verity
You will get the warning:
WARNING: verity-example-1.0-r0 do_sample: veritysetup is activated
with value: --enable-veritysetup,--disable-veritysetup
Actually, I did it in this way and it worked for me.
The following is already enabled in recipes-crypto like this:
PACKAGECONFIG[veritysetup] = "--enable-veritysetup,--disable-veritysetup"
Now, in our .bbclass I just called like this:
DEPENDS += "cryptsetup-native openssl-native"
PACKAGECONFIG_append = " veritysetup"
**==> This is the main part how we can check, if a packageconfig variable is enabled elsewhere or not**
Then I can check the condition like this:
if not bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'veritysetup', True, False, d):
//dome something
//done something else

Jest: Cannot use import statement outside a module

I got an error when I run test using Jest, I tried to fix this error for 2 hours. But, I couldn't fix it. My module is using gapi-script package and error is occurred in this package. However, I don't know why this is occurred and how to fix it.
module.exports = {
"collectCoverage": true,
"rootDir": "./",
"testRegex": "__tests__/.+\\.test\\.js",
"transform": {
'^.+\\.js?$': "babel-jest"
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js"],
"moduleDirectories": [
module.exports = {
presets: [
import methods, { typeToActions } from '../lib/methods';
import { gapi } from "gapi-script";
Error Message
{ gapi, gapiComplete } from './gapiScript';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
What is wrong with my setting?
As of this writing, Jest is in the process of providing support for ES6 modules. You can track the progress here:
For now, you can eliminate this error by running this command:
node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/.bin/jest
instead of simply:
Be sure to check the link before using this solution.
I solved this with the help of Paulo Coghi's answer to another question -
Does Jest support ES6 import/export?
Step 1:
Add your test environment to .babelrc in the root of your project:
"env": {
"test": {
"plugins": ["#babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs"]
Step 2:
Install the ECMAScript 6 transform plugin:
npm install --save-dev #babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs
Jest needs babel to work with modules.
For the testing alone, you do not need jest.config.js, just name the testfiles xxx.spec.js or xxx.test.js or put the files in a folder named test.
I use this babel.config.js:
module.exports = function (api) {
const presets = [
return {
Adding "type": "module" in package.json or using mjs as stated in other answers is not necessary when your setup is not too complicated.
I have also faced the same issue and this was resolved by adding following command-line option as a environment variable.
export NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules npx jest //linux
setx NODE_OPTIONS "--experimental-vm-modules npx jest" //windows
Upgrading Jest (package.json) to version 29 (latest as of now) solved this problem for me.

Passing environment variables to NOW

I am trying to pass firebase environment variables for deployment with now.
I have encoded these variables manually with base64 and added them to now with the following command:
now secrets add firebase_api_key_dev "mybase64string"
The encoded string was placed within speech marks ""
These are in my CLI tool and I can see them all using the list command:
now secrets ls
> 7 secrets found under project-name [499ms]
name created
firebase_api_key_dev 6d ago
firebase_auth_domain_dev 6d ago
In my firebase config, I am using the following code:
const config = {
apiKey: Buffer.from(process.env.FIREBASE_API_KEY, "base64").toString(),
authDomain: Buffer.from(process.env.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN,"base64").toString(),
In my now.json file I have the following code:
"env": {
"FIREBASE_API_KEY": "#firebase_api_key_dev",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN": "#firebase_auth_domain_dev",
Everything works fine in my local environment (when I run next) as I also have a .env file with these variables, yet when I deploy my code, I get the following error in my now console:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined
Does this indicate that my environment variables are not being read? What's the issue here? It looks like they don't exist at all
The solution was to replace my existing now.json with:
"env": {
"FIREBASE_API_KEY": "#firebase_api_key",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN": "#firebase_auth_domain",
"FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL": "#firebase_database_url",
"FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID": "#firebase_project_id",
"FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET": "#firebase_storage_bucket",
"FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID": "#firebase_messaging_sender_id",
"FIREBASE_APP_ID": "#firebase_app_id",
"FIREBASE_API_KEY_DEV": "#firebase_api_key_dev",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN_DEV": "#firebase_auth_domain_dev",
"FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL_DEV": "#firebase_database_url_dev",
"FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID_DEV": "#firebase_project_id_dev",
"FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET_DEV": "#firebase_storage_bucket_dev",
"FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID_DEV": "#firebase_messaging_sender_id_dev",
"FIREBASE_APP_ID_DEV": "#firebase_app_id_dev"
I was missing the build header.
I had to contact ZEIT support to help me identify this issue.

Karma preprocessor not running

My karma.conf.js includes:
plugins: [
preprocessors: {
'../../mypath/*.html': ['ng-html2js']
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
moduleName: 'templates'
(I've tried without specifying any plugins, too.)
My devDependencies include:
"karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor": "^0.2.0"`
My tests include:
These give the error:
Module 'templates' is not available!
Running karma with --log-level debug, I do not see any [preprocessor.html2js] entries. (I do get Loading plugin karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor.)
What am I doing wrong?
The issues were that the templates must be listed under files as well, and that the glob pattern in preprocessors must match. This is implied by the documentation.
files: [
// .js files
preprocessors: {
'../../Scripts/angular-app/**/*.html': ['ng-html2js']
Note that **/*.html does not match parent directories of the basePath.
karma start --log-level debug will display DEBUG [preprocessor.html2js] entries when everything is correct.
I was also able to remove the plugins section.
To get the correct cache ID, I used:
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
// Load this module in your tests of directives that have a templateUrl.
moduleName: 'templates',
cacheIdFromPath: function (filepath) {
return filepath.substring(filepath.indexOf('/Scripts/angular-app/'));
If a template references a custom filter, the filter must be loaded in files and the filter's module must be loaded in your directive tests.

JSDoc output inconsistent between gulp-jsdoc & standard CLI

I'm trying to build docs for a simple set of JS code (given below). If I use gulp, the docs are created how I would expect them. If I use the CLI, the docs are incomplete.
Here's my JS code:
// BASE.js
/** #module BASE */
var BASE = {};
// MOD1.js
/** #class MOD1 - Test module */
BASE.MOD1 = Object.create({});
* Just a test function
* #param {Object} var1 - A test variable
BASE.MOD1.testFunction = function(var1){
My gulp file:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
jsdoc = require('gulp-jsdoc'),
outDir = './gulp-docs/',
docInfo = {},
docOptions = {},
docTemplate = {},
srcFiles = [
gulp.task('default', function() {
return gulp.src(srcFiles)
.pipe(jsdoc.generator(outDir, docTemplate, docOptions))
And my command line:
C:\DocTest> jsdoc BASE.js MOD1.js --configure rawconf.json --destination raw-docs
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true
"plugins": [],
"templates": {},
"opts": {
"package": "./rawpackage.json"
I run both gulp and the jsdoc command from the Node.js command prompt.
Output from gulp is the following files:
Output from the CLI is the following files:
There are some small differences which I can chalk up to the differences between the gulp-jsoc version of jsdoc (3.3.0-alpha5) and the current version (3.3.0-beta3).
But the biggest difference is that while in the gulp output, I can find information on testFunction, there is no information to be found at all regarding testFunction anywhere in the CLI output. I've even searched the HTML code--nothing.
So did I do something wrong? I'm just trying to achieve parity at this point, and I've exhausted any documentation I could find online.
If you look at the gulp-jsdoc github page here, there's a "Big Fat Warning" that this plugin isn't being kept up to date.
Try using the gulp-shell plugin. You can use exactly what you typed into the command line.