When I change a diagram, I want source code to update and when I change source code I want the diagram to update. How?
EA does not automatically synchronize changes in either direction.
To update diagrams when source code changes:
Click the "Save Source and Re-Synchronize Class" button on the source
code editor toolbar, or
Open Tools | Options | Source Code Engineering | Code Editors and enable the "Automatically Reverse Engineer
To update source code when diagram changes:
Right-click the Package in the Project Browser which contains your classes and select Code Engineering | Live Code Generation.
For deleting an attribute and method in source code to work:
See: Tools | Options | Source Code Engineering | Attribute/Operations.
Check On reverse synch, delete model associations not in code and
delete model associations not in code as well as delete model methods
not in code and prompt to delete code features not in model.
I want to create a standard VS Code snippets file for my team. We use Perforce for version control and I'd like to create a snippet file in our project folder and point VS Code to it. I just want people to be able to sync up and have them just have updated snippets.
I think Project-level snippets will do what you want:
Project level snippets
Snippets can now be scoped to a project and
shared with your team. Simply use the Preferences: Configure User
Snippets command or create *.code-snippets file in the .vscode folder.
Project snippets work just like other snippets, they show up in
IntelliSense and in the Insert Snippet action where they now have
their own category
More info: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_28#_project-level-snippets
I just discovered that Visual Studio 2019 wouldn't rebuild my Entity Framework models. Even if I right clicked the EDMX diagram file and selected, "Run Custom Tool" nothing would happen. Lot of posts here and elsewhere said to also Run Custom Tool on each *.tt file. But that wasn't possible since the "Custom Tool" property of all *.tt files was not set. At first I figured I'd use the same custom tool indicated on my .edmx file, which is EntityModelCodeGenerator.
Solution: The *.tt files need to have TextTemplatingFileGenerator set as their Custom Tool.
Set the Custom Tool property of each of your *.tt files to TextTemplatingFileGenerator.
I'm working on Database-first Entity data model. Due to nature of project there are lots of entities and I've a single .edmx file for that.
Every time I've to regenerate edmx file it takes a lot of time and some amount of time is consumed in loading the diagram in Visual Studio (2015). I don't want Visual Studio to open the diagram automatically as its not useful to me.
Is there any way to regenerate the edmx file without automatically loading diagram in Visual Studio?
I've checked on various sources but couldn't find any way to do it.
To regenerate, right click on the edmx file and select "Run Custom Tool"
To stop loading the Diagram:
Right-click on the edmx file and click "Open With..."
Then select "Source Code (Text) Editor and then click "Set as Default".
You can change it back to the "ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer" at a later date by performing the same process.
I have recently updated to Visual Studio 2015. Opened up my solution and works. Till I decided to add in an entity to my edmx. So I double-clicked on the edmx file to open the diagram like it should or maybe the model browser at least but it only opens an XML page. I checked any missed installation from the setup but didn't find anything about entity framework there. I tried to create a test solution and create another edmx but ADO.NET entity is missing as well. What is going on? Am I going to revert back to Visual studio 2013?
For me, the sequence was:
Double-click the .edmx file
Right click any white space in the opened diagram
Click Model Browser in the context menu that appears
If it opens as XML then it means that eventually XML Text Editor is set as default program to open edmx file. You can follow these steps to open in ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
right click on your edmx file
and select open with and select the option as show in below image.
Alternate solution as the upvoted answer didn't work for me in VS2017:
Under the menu bar ribbon -
Select 'View'
Select 'Other Windows'
Select 'Entity Data Model Browser'
we're using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 with Entity Framework 6.0.2.
Our process for adding new tables, and new pocos is described in these steps:
Define new tables in the database project.
Publish the database to localdb server
Open EDMX-Designer and right click somewhere in the designer and select "Update Model from Database..."
Save the EDMX
The Code-Generator re-creates all pocos under the edmx-name.tt file inside of the edmx-name.edmx container.
In most of the cases everything works fine! In some cases the code-generator removes certain files from the source control. Most of the files existed already before the "Update from Database..." process, and were already under source control. I have to right-click the edmx-name.tt file and select "Add files to source control" to fix this.
This is a nightmare for the development process in the team! If it would happen always, I would always check the pocos by myself before checking in. But it is totally random, I can not see a reason why this is happening.
Is anyone experiencing problems like that? How can we fix that?
(I have had problems like that with other Versions of EF, too)
You should not have generated files under source control. If you remove them, but keep your entity model, them this will not be an issue.