I want to redirect the standard input in my Clojure benchmark. I have passed the file as an argument and I am trying to find the equivalant code in java:
System.setIn(new FileInputStream(filename));
but for Clojure.
The main issue is that I use the DaCapo suite to calculate the performance of Benchmark and the method that loads the benchmark does not recognize special characters like "<" in contrast to the cmd (running the benchmark's jar directly from the cmd..).
This is what I am trying to do..but still does not work.. I think that br has the standard input from the in and it is used by the rest of the program. How can I change the in while I have in the args the desired path, so I can run the benchmark correctly? This is my effort with the "system/setin"
(defn -main [& args]
(let [max-dna-chars-per-line 60
jk (with-open [is (clojure.java.io/input-stream (first args))]
(System/setIn is))
br (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*)
bw (java.io.BufferedWriter. *out* (* 16 8192)) ; 16 * default size, I think
;; We could use the map complement-dna-char-map instead of
;; complement-dna-char-fn, but when I tested that, the program
;; spent a lot of time running the hashCode method on
;; characters. I'm hoping this is faster.
complement-dna-char-vec (make-vec-char-mapper complement-dna-char-map)]
(loop [[desc-str dna-seq-str more] (fasta-slurp-br br)]
(println-string-to-buffered-writer bw desc-str)
(print-reverse-complement-of-str-in-lines bw dna-seq-str
(when more
(recur (fasta-slurp-br br))))
(. bw flush)))
System.in is normally wrapped in *in*. It is a dynamic binding intended to be rebound in local scope with binding, like so:
(with-open [is (clojure.java.io/reader "/tmp/foo.txt")]
(binding [*in* is]
(println (read-line))))
Note that it is a wrapper of System.in, not System.in itself, and changing this binding does not change System.in. It only affects the Clojure functions that use *in*, such as read-line here.
If you are calling some Java code that wants to read System.in, you have to call System.setIn:
(with-open [is (clojure.java.io/input-stream filename)]
(System/setIn is)
These are the options in Clojure and Java, but I still am not sure I understand your use case. Please clarify in comments if that does not quite make sense.
EDIT: Regarding your program, if you are creating the buffers, do you really need to create them off *in*? What's the difference vs. just opening your own stream?
After trying so many different things I finally found the answer...
I had to use the file reader inside the buffer so the code is like this:
(defn -main [& args]
(let [max-dna-chars-per-line 60
br (java.io.BufferedReader. (clojure.java.io/reader (first args)))
bw (java.io.BufferedWriter. *out* (* 16 8192)) ; 16 * default size, I think
where the args contain the filename ...
I would like to get the results of a function which calls a shell command and returns a string.
I am using racket, and this is my first attempt:
(define (run-function)
([stdout (some-function)]
[output (process-string stdout)])
;; many more lines...
It seems to work well enough, but suppose that I would like to write functions similar to run-function for many other shell commands.
To avoid code duplication, I could just define a more general function like this:
(define (shell cmd)
([stdout (cmd)]
[output (process-string stdout)])
;; many more lines...
and then call for example (shell ls) or (shell pwd).
An alternative would be using a simple macro:
(define-syntax shell
(syntax-rules ()
[(shell cmd)
([stdout (cmd)]
[output (process-string stdout)])
;; many more lines...
This would also have the advantage of allowing a more general syntax, for example I could easily change the macro so that it takes as many parameters (commands) as I want, but I am sure the same behaviour could be replicated by writing the higher order function more sensibly.
Q. What are the pros/cons of writing a higher order function vs a macro? Is there a clear winner between the two?
I agree with what #MLavrentyev said, "use a function if you can".
And the Racket style guide also says:
Define functions when possible, Or, do not introduce macros when functions will do.
But why? One reason is that if you write shell as a function, you can pass shell to other functions. You can do the same with macros via the identifier macro feature, but it's much more difficult to do so (and you will effectively end up creating a function anyway).
Another reason is that using macros will make compiled code larger than using functions. This is because macros are expanded at compile-time, and the expanded code is then compiled (into bytecode in Racket BC, machine code in Racket CS). So it's as if you write (let* ...) over and over again. If you distribute the compiled or executable Racket program, you wouldn't want the size to be large.
In fact, a good practice when writing a macro is to try to stuff code into functions as much as possible. Instead of writing:
(define-syntax-value (debug code)
(let ([val code])
(printf "~a evaluates to ~a\n" (quote code) val)
it would be better to write it as:
(define (debug-core expr val)
(printf "~a evaluates to ~a\n" expr val)
(define-syntax-value (debug code)
(debug-core (quote code) code))
I love Racket's #;. I want to see it in every language that I ever use again. Can it be added to other Lisps via their macro systems? Or does the commenting character break the macro system's ability to read the code?
A sufficient answer will demonstrate a macro being built in any Lisp other than Racket that allows for a change in the commenting system. You need not actually implement Racket's #;, but I would like it if you do. Lisps with the least similarity to Racket, e.g. Clojure or any non-Scheme will be particularity nice to see.
#; isn't a macro, it's what Common lisp would call a readmacro: what it does is defined at read time, not later than that. Read macros which aim to completely suppress input are mildly perilous because there needs to be a way of saying 'read the following thing, but ignore it', and that's only possible if any other readmacros behave well: there's nothing to stop someone defining a readmacro which produces some side-effect even if reading is suppressed.
However, well-behaved readmacros (which includes all of the standard ones and the rest of the standard reader) in CL won't do that: they'll listen to whether reading is being suppressed, and behave accordingly.
CL allows you to do this as standard by using its conditionalisation on features, and in particular #+(or) <expr> will always skip <expr>.
But you can define your own: #; is not predefined so you can define it:
#\# #\;
(lambda (stream char n)
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((*read-suppress* t))
(dotimes (i (or n 1) (values))
(read stream)))))
After this, or at least with a better tested version of this, then #; <expr> (or obviously #;<expr>) will read as whitespace, and #2; ... ... will skip two following expressions:
> (let ((x #;1 #2; 2 3 4)) x)
What you are looking for is #+(or) reader macro.
Since (or) evaluates to nil, the condition is always false the following form is never evaluated.
I'm new to Racket, and I am trying to write a function to read the lines of a file, parse each line into a struct, and return a lazy sequence of my data type. Here is a simple example of my input format (a matrix with row and column names). My actual input format also includes a header line, which I am omitting here, and consists of very large files, which is why I need the laziness.
R1 1.0 2.3 1.2
R2 1.2 3.1 3.4
Here is my latest attempt:
(struct row (key data))
(define (read-matrix in)
(for [(line (in-lines in))]
(let ([fields (string-split line "\t")]
(row (first fields) (list->vector (map string->number (rest fields))))
I have also tried numerous other approaches including using call-with-input-file. My problem with the approach above is that if I use #lang racket it isn't lazy, and with #lang lazy string-split isn't defined. I should add that in my use case, the semantics I want is to close the port when the entire sequence has been consumed, because I can guarantee that either the whole sequence will be consumed, or the program will terminate.
So, am I on the right track? What approach should I take to solve this problem? Thanks!
I was composing this answer off-line, and came back to find you'd mostly answered it already. I'll post anyway in case the details are helpful to anyone.
If you really need #lang lazy, and want to use string-split, I think you can simply (require racket/string) to use it?
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean by "lazy", here. Using in-lines will not suck the entire file into memory, if that's your concern. It will process things one line at a time.
One thing you could do is define a helper function, that handles reading and parsing the line, checking for eof, and closing the input port automatically:
(struct row (key data)
;; Example couple lines of input to use below.
(define text "R1 1.0 2.3 1.2\nR2 1.2 3.1 3.4")
;; read-matrix-row : input-port? -> (or/c eof row?)
;; Given an input port, try to read another row.
(define (read-matrix-row in)
(match (read-line in)
[(? eof-object?)
(close-input-port in)
[line (match (string-split line " ")
[(cons key data)
(row key (list->vector (map string->number data)))])]))
You could use this function in a number of ways. One way is with in-producer:
;; Example use with in-producer:
(let ([in (open-input-string text)])
(for/list ([x (in-producer read-matrix-row eof in)])
;; => (list (row "R1" '#(1.0 2.3 1.2))
;; (row "R2" '#(1.2 3.1 3.4)))
That example uses for/list to make list. Of course if you have a giant input file, that will yield a giant list. But you could display them one by one, or write them one by one to a file or database:
;; Example use, displaying one by one.
(let ([in (open-input-string text)])
(for ([x (in-producer read-matrix-row eof in)])
(displayln x))) ;or write to some file, for example
If instead you prefer a stream interface, it's easy to create a stream from any sequence including `in-producer':
;; If you prefer a stream interface, we can use sequence->stream to
;; transform the producer sequence into a stream:
(define (matrix-row-stream in)
(sequence->stream (in-producer read-matrix-row eof in)))
;; Example interactive use of the stream
(define stm (matrix-row-stream (open-input-string text)))
(stream-empty? stm) ;#f
(stream-first stm) ;(row "R1" '#(1.0 2.3 1.2))
(stream-empty? (stream-rest stm)) ;#f
(stream-first (stream-rest stm)) ;(row "R2" '#(1.2 3.1 3.4))
(stream-empty? (stream-rest (stream-rest stm))) ;#t
Try using the functions from SRFI-13, which is a string manipulating library also available in #lang lazy:
(require srfi/13)
And then do this:
[fields (string-tokenize line)]
Ultimately I found that the answer was to use Racket's sequence, streams, and generator libraries for this kind of thing. The generators are especially nice, allowing a simple Python-like "yield" function. These features allow lazy sequences without full-on lazy evaluation as provided by #lang lazy.
I'm trying to create a new language in Racket where statements are on separate lines. A newline defines the end of a statement and the start of a new one.
I read through the Create Languages chapter of the guide which was very useful but the examples were focused on extending s-exp-like languages. The only option I see is manually writing my own parser for read and read-syntax.
I was hoping to use readtables but I don't know if I can. I tried:
(make-readtable #f #f 'non-terminating-macro my-read-line-fn)
but I don't know if this is much help. I guess I could create a sub-readtable that does things like read-word, read-string which I dispatch to based on what character my-read-line-fn gets.
Is that the best strategy or is there a predefined way of reading until the end of line?
I don't think you need to do anything with the readtable. Your lang/reader.rkt can provide your own read-syntax that can read/parse however it wants, and presumably stop when it encounters EOL.
One interesting example is Brainfudge. Its concept of a "statement" is a single character, but IIUC also [ brackets ].
See its lang/reader.rkt and parser.rkt for the low-level bits, and then try to understand how that is ultimately evaluated as Racket expressions.
You do indeed need to write version of read and read-syntax that parse your language. The readtable is only meant to modify the builtin read, so I suggest that you take a look at Parser Tools (http://docs.racket-lang.org/parser-tools/index.html), which is tool for writing parsers in the lex/yacc style.
An alternative is to use ragg:
Install Ragg using the package manager in DrRacket. Search for ragg in the list of available packages.
Make your own reader.rkt:
#lang s-exp syntax/module-reader
(test test)
#:read-syntax my-read-syntax
#:read my-read
;; override default read (won't be used but is required)
(define (my-read in) (read-line in))
;; override read-syntax by reading in one string at a time and
;; pass it to statement-string->code to get code as dara and
;; make it syntax with datum->syntax
(define (my-read-syntax in)
(datum->syntax #f (statement-string->code (read-line in))))
;; This is actually how you want your code
;; to become s-expressions. I imagine that my
;; module has a primitive called code that
;; interprets the string as is
(define (statement-string->code str)
(list 'code str))
Racket doesn't have "statements", so the concept of newlines ending "statements" is nonsensical.
If your motivation is to reduce or do away with parentheses, I encourage you to use a "standard alternative" reader like sweet-expressions, rather than making something home-grown.
I'm learning LISP for a class. I have a basic workflow setup in Ubuntu with my LISP file in VIM and an interactive LISP prompt in a terminal that I'm using to test code as I write it. Is there a way to get LISP to load a specific file every time I type a command? It's getting a bit tiring having to constantly input (load 'initial-code.cl) (yes, even when I am using the terminal's history).
Can always try:
(let (fn)
(defun l (&optional filename)
(if filename
(setf fn filename))
(load fn)))
Works like this:
[2]> (l "x.lisp")
;; Loading file x.lisp ...
;; Loaded file x.lisp
[3]> (l)
;; Loading file x.lisp ...
;; Loaded file x.lisp
Pretty simple.
You can also do something like:
(defun go ()
(load "project.lisp")
(yourfunc 'your 'parameters))
Then you just type (go) and it reloads your file and calls your main entry point.
Or even combine them:
(defun gogo (&rest args)
(l) ;; call (l "file.lisp") first to initialize it
(apply #'yourfunc args))
then you can change your parameters easily
(gogo 1 2)
(gogo 2 4)
Ya know, it's lisp. Don't like something, change it.
With more time, you can write a simple wrapper that can build these on the fly. But you get the idea.
Most Lisp programmers would encourage you to use SLIME.
If you like Eclipse, there is also a Lisp plugin.
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but at least you can be aware of some alternatives.
You can try slimv, it is like slime for vim.