Get a class from a type scala - scala

In scala, I want to be able to say
val user = Node.create[User](...) // return User object
So here's what I have so far:
def create[T : TypeTag](map: Map[String, Any]) {
val type = typeOf[T]
// create class from type here???
I've been digging around how to create classes from generic types and found out that using ClassManifest seems to be deprecated. Instead, type tags are here, so I'm able to do something like this typeOf[T] and actually get the type.. but then I'm lost. If I could get the class, then I could use something like class.newInstance and manually set the fields from there.
Question is: given a type, can I get a class instance of the given type?

The easiest way in fact is to use ClassTag:
def create[T : ClassTag](map: Map[String, Any]): T = {
val clazz: Class[_] = classTag[T].runtimeClass
clazz.newInstance(<constructor arguments here>).asInstanceOf[T]
ClassTag is a thin wrapper around Java Class, primarily used for arrays instantiation.
TypeTag facility is more powerful. First, you can use it to invoke Java reflection:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def create[T: TypeTag](map: Map[String, Any]): T = {
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader) // current class classloader
val clazz: Class[_] = mirror.runtimeClass(typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass)
clazz.newInstance(<constructor arguments here>).asInstanceOf[T]
However, Scala reflection allows to instantiate classes without dropping back to Java reflection:
def create[T: TypeTag](map: Map[String, Any]): T = {
// obtain type symbol for the class, it is like Class but for Scala types
val typeSym = typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass
// obtain class mirror using runtime mirror for the given classloader
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader) // current class classloader
val cm = mirror.reflectClass(typeSym)
// resolve class constructor using class mirror and
// a constructor declaration on the type symbol
val ctor = typeSym.decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val ctorm = cm.reflectConstructor(cm)
// invoke the constructor
ctorm(<constructor arguments here>).asInstanceOf[T]
If you want to create a class with overloaded constructors, it may require more work though - you'll have to select correct constructor from declarations list, but the basic idea is the same. You can read more on Scala reflection here

There is a way to do it with reflection: either runtime reflection, or in a macro. Regarding runtime reflection way, you can have a look at my blog post where I tried to do something like what you are trying to do now. Using compile-time reflection with macros might be a better option, depending on your need.


Scala resolving Class/Type at runtime + type class constraint

I have a generic function that require a HasMoveCapability implicit instance of the type T (type class pattern)
trait HasMoveCapability[T]
def doLogic[T: TypeTag: HasMoveCapability](): Unit = println(typeTag[T].tpe)
Then I have these two classes which have implicit instances for HasMoveCapability[T]
case class Bird()
object Bird {
implicit val hasMoveCapability = new HasMoveCapability[Bird]{}
case class Lion()
object Lion {
implicit val hasMoveCapability = new HasMoveCapability[Lion]{}
My question is the following:
I need to resolve the type (Lion or Bird) at runtime depending on an argument and call the function doLogic with the good type.
I tried
val input: String = "bird" // known at runtime
val resolvedType: TypeTag[_] = input match {
case "bird" => typeTag[Bird]
case "lion" => typeTag[Lion]
doLogic()(resolvedType) // doesn't compile
// `Unspecified value parameters: hasMoveCapability$T$1: HasMoveCapability[NotInferredT]`
What I would like to do is something like:
val resolvedType: TypeTag[_: HasMoveCapability] = input match{...}
The workaround that I am using so far is to call the function in the pattern match:
input match {
case "bird" => doLogic[Bird]
case "lion" => doLogic[Lion]
But by having many functions, the pattern match is getting duplicated and hard to maintain.
I am open to change the design if you have any suggestions :D
You should describe your problem better. Currently your type class HasMoveCapability doesn't seem to do anything useful. Currently what you do seems a hard way to transform the string "bird" into "Bird", "lion" into "Lion".
If you control the code of doLogic you seem not to need TypeTag. TypeTag / ClassTag is a way to persist information from compile time to runtime. You seem to do something in reverse direction.
Type classes / implicits are resolved at compile time. You can't resolve something at compile time based on runtime information (there is no time machine taking you from the future i.e. runtime to the past i.e. compile time). Most probably you need ordinary pattern matching rather than type classes (TypeTag, HasMoveCapability).
In principle you can run compiler at runtime, then you'll have new compile time inside runtime, and you'll be able to infer types, resolve implicits etc.
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{TypeTag, typeTag}
object App {
trait HasMoveCapability[T]
def doLogic[T: TypeTag: HasMoveCapability](): Unit = println(typeTag[T].tpe)
case class Bird()
object Bird {
implicit val hasMoveCapability = new HasMoveCapability[Bird]{}
case class Lion()
object Lion {
implicit val hasMoveCapability = new HasMoveCapability[Lion]{}
val input: String = "bird" // known at runtime
val tb = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
tb.eval(tb.parse(s"import App._; doLogic[${input.capitalize}]")) //App.Bird
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ()
scala get generic type by class

How can I dynamically type cast a value in Scala?

I want to the equivalent of x.asInstanceOf[T] when I don't know T until runtime. (I'm using Dotty, so Scala reflection is not available.)
I tried this, but it didn't work:
object DynaCaster:
def cast( victim: Any, asA: Class[_] ) =
val classTag = ClassTag.apply(asA)
private def _cast[T](v: Any)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): T = v.asInstanceOf[T]
Intended use:
val x: SomeThing = ... // where SomeThing is a case class extending trait AnyThing
val anyThingValue = DynaCaster.cast(x, Class.forName("com.mystuff.AnyThing"))
// anyThingValue is now of class AnyThing
// Note: My actual use case cannot know the end types beforehand. For example, this won't
// work for my use:
// val anyThingValue: AnyThing = ...
What's my mysterious use case? I'm dynamically calling a class constructor obtained via Java reflection. Its arguments are typed to a trait, while the actual arg values are typed to concrete classes of that trait. I need to dynamically cast the concrete class values to their trait types in order to invoke the constructor.

Calling method via reflection in Scala

I want to call an arbitrary public method of an arbitrary stuff via reflection. I.e. let's say, I want to write method extractMethod to be used like:
class User { def setAvatar(avatar: Avatar): Unit = …; … }
val m = extractMethod(someUser, "setAvatar")
From the Reflection. Overview document from Scala docs, I see the following direct way to do that:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def extractMethod[Stuff: ClassTag: TypeTag](
stuff: Stuff,
methodName: String): MethodMirror =
val stuffTypeTag = typeTag[Stuff]
val mirror = stuffTypeTag.mirror
val stuffType = stuffTypeTag.tpe
val methodSymbol = stuffType
However what I'm bothered with this solution is that I need to pass implicit ClassTag[Stuff] and TypeTag[Stuff] parameters (first one is needed for calling reflect, second one — for getting stuffType). Which may be quite cumbersome, especially if extractMethod is called from generics that are called from generics and so on. I'd accept this as necessity for some languages that strongly lack runtime type information, but Scala is based on JRE, which allows to do the following:
def extractMethod[Stuff](
stuff: Stuff,
methodName: String,
parameterTypes: Array[Class[_]]): (Object*) => Object =
val unboundMethod = stuff.getClass()
.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes: _*)
arguments => unboundMethod(stuff, arguments: _*)
I understand that Scala reflection allows to get more information that basic Java reflection. Still, here I just need to call a method. Is there a way to somehow reduce requirements (e.g. these ClassTag, TypeTag) of the Scala-reflection-based extractMethod version (without falling back to pure-Java reflection), assuming that performance doesn't matter for me?
Yes, there is.
First, according to this answer, TypeTag[Stuff] is a strictly stronger requirement than ClassTag[Stuff]. Although we don't automatically get implicit ClassTag[Stuff] from implicit TypeTag[Stuff], we can evaluate it manually as ClassTag[Stuff](stuffTypeTag.mirror.runtimeClass(stuffTypeTag.tpe)) and then implicitly or explicitly pass it to reflect that needs it:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def extractMethod[Stuff: TypeTag](
stuff: Stuff,
methodName: String): MethodMirror =
val stuffTypeTag = typeTag[Stuff]
val mirror = stuffTypeTag.mirror
val stuffType = stuffTypeTag.tpe
val stuffClassTag = ClassTag[Stuff](mirror.runtimeClass(stuffType))
val methodSymbol = stuffType
Second, mirror and stuffType can be obtained from stuff.getClass():
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def extractMethod(stuff: Stuff, methodName: String): MethodMirror = {
val stuffClass = stuff.getClass()
val mirror = runtimeMirror(stuffClass.getClassLoader)
val stuffType = mirror.classSymbol(stuffClass).toType
val stuffClassTag = ClassTag[Stuff](mirror.runtimeClass(stuffType))
val methodSymbol = stuffType
Therefore we obtained Scala-style reflection entities (i.e. finally MethodMirror) without requiring ClassTag and/or TypeTag to be passed explicitly or implicitly from the caller. Not sure, however, how it compares with the ways described in the question (i.e. passing tags from outside and pure Java) in the terms of performance.

Importing generic implicits from class instances

I'm trying to make a generic implicit provider which can create an implicit value for a given type, something in the lines of:
trait Evidence[T]
class ImplicitProvider[T] {
class Implementation extends Evidence[T]
implicit val evidence: Evidence[T] = new Implementation
To use this implicit, I create a val provider = new ImplicitProvider[T] instance where necessary and import from it import provider._. This works fine as long as there is just one instance. However sometimes implicits for several types are needed in one place
case class A()
case class B()
class Test extends App {
val aProvider = new ImplicitProvider[A]
val bProvider = new ImplicitProvider[B]
import aProvider._
import bProvider._
val a = implicitly[Evidence[A]]
val b = implicitly[Evidence[B]]
And this fails to compile with could not find implicit value for parameter and not enough arguments for method implicitly errors.
If I use implicit vals from providers directly, everything starts to work again.
implicit val aEvidence = aProvider.evidence
implicit val bEvidence = bProvider.evidence
However I'm trying to avoid importing individual values, as there are actually several implicits inside each provider and the goal is to abstract them if possible.
Can this be achieved somehow or do I want too much from the compiler?
The issue is that when you import from both objects, you're bringing in two entities that have colliding names: evidence in aProvider and evidence in bProvider. The compiler cannot disambiguate those, both because of how its implemented, and because it'd be a bad idea for implicits, which can already be arcane, to be able to do things that cannot be done explicitly (disambiguating between clashing names).
What I don't understand is what the point of ImplicitProvider is. You can pull the Implementation class out to the top level and have an object somewhere that holds the implicit vals.
class Implementation[T] extends Evidence[T]
object Evidence {
implicit val aEvidence: Evidence[A] = new Implementation[A]
implicit val bEvidence: Evidence[B] = new Implementation[B]
// Usage:
import Evidence._
Now, there is no name clash.
If you need to have an actual ImplicitProvider, you can instead do this:
class ImplicitProvider[T] { ... }
object ImplicitProviders {
implicit val aProvider = new ImplicitProvider[A]
implicit val bProvider = new ImplicitProvider[B]
implicit def ImplicitProvider2Evidence[T: ImplicitProvider]: Evidence[T]
= implicitly[ImplicitProvider[T]].evidence
// Usage
import ImplicitProviders._
// ...

What feature of Scala allows for Props[SomeActor] syntax

One aspect of Akka I've always just glossed over appears right in the canonical Hello World! example. That is, the syntax for creating a Props class:
val props = Props[MyActor]
Q. What mechanism in Scala is allowing for the type parameter (i.e. [MyActor]) to be specified in this way? I'm assuming this gets translated to a constructor/apply method on Props that takes a Class parameter? For instance, my guess is it's equivalent to:
val props = Props(classOf[MyActor])
I've always assumed classOf was "special" and somehow cheated in order to use the [] syntax. Since I see that Akka, a 3rd party library, utilizes the same syntax it would be great to see a simple REPL example that demonstrates how I can utilize this syntax for my own classes.
Instances of Props are ultimately of the following case class (
final case class Props(deploy: Deploy, clazz: Class[_], args: immutable.Seq[Any])
Since this is a case class, scala will generate default apply method of
Props.apply(deploy: Deploy, clazz: Class[_], args: immutable.Seq[Any])
The Props companion object has several other apply methods which create instances of this class for you, using the default apply method. In the case of Props[MyActor], this is the method:
def apply[T <: Actor: ClassTag](): Props = apply(defaultDeploy, implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass, List.empty)
Props[MyActor] is syntactic sugar for Props.apply[MyActor](). So Props is using the reflection capabilities of ClassTag in order to get the runtime class of MyActor, so it can satisfy the parameter clazz: Class[_] of the Props case class.
It is the Scala ClassTag mechanism. For instance:
object Test {
def apply[T: ClassTag](s: String): Option[T] = ...
val foo = Test[Foo]("foo")
In the apply method you can simply do something like
val ctor = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.getConstructors.head
in order to get access to the first constructor of T for example.