cassandra 2.0.9: best practices for write-heavy columns - database-schema

I am a little confused by clustering in Cassandra. I have an application that is very write-heavy and update-heavy. With a traditional relational database, I'd partition data into two tables: one table for data that changes infrequently; and one table (with shorter rows) for the columns that change frequently:
For example:
create table user_def ( id int primary key, email list< varchar > ); # stable
create table user_var ( id int primary key, state int ); # changes all the time
But Cassandra seems to be optimized for accessing sparsely-populated columns, so I'm not sure there is any advantage in mimicking this approach for Cassandra schemas.
With Cassandra, is there any advantage in separating frequently-updated columns to a separate table/column-family (away from infrequently-updated columns) or should I combine all the columns together into one table/column-family? Do circumstances change if I have a compound primary key and clustering comes into play?

Cassandra treats primary keys like this:
The first key in the primary key (which can be a composite) is used to partition your data. This defines which node(s) your data is saved in (and replicated to). Other fields in the primary key is then used to sort entries within a partition. The whole partition is always going to be in one node (and replica nodes) in its entirety. Moreover, each entry within a node is sorted by the "other" fields in the primary key. [The first element of the primary key is called the partition key, while the other fields in the primary key are called clustering keys.]
Based on that, I'd say you might as well simply have a table with id, state and email. It looks like you're using skinny rows, and I don't think you'd gain anything (if any) of creating the separate tables.

I had approved ashic's answer until I came upon this:
which states (for delete-heavy access):
...consider partitioning data with heavy churn rate into separate rows and deleting the entire rows when you no longer need them. Alternatively, partition it into separate tables and truncate them when they aren’t needed anymore...
This falls under the 'queue' anti-pattern for the product.


Is it more efficient to create multiple tables for different users?

The title isn't very specific, so I'll elaborate.
I'm working on a database system in which users can add data to a postgres database though a watered-down API.
So far, all the user's data is compiled into one table, structured similar this:
userId int NOT NULL,
key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
data json not NOT NULL,
However, I am thinking that it may be more efficient (and a faster query) to instead give each userId it's own table:
CREATE TABLE UserData_{userId} (
key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
data json not NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE UserData_{anotherUserId} ();
I am worried that this will clog up the database, however.
What are the pros and cons for each? Under what load/speed requirements would each serve well? And which of these do you think would be better for a high-load, high-speed scenario?
What you are suggesting is essentially partitioning, so I suggest reading the docs about that. It's mainly advantageous when your operations each cover most of one partition (i.e. select all data for one user, or delete all data for one user).
Most use cases, however, are better served by having one properly indexed table. It's a much simpler structure, and can be very performant. If all of your queries are for a single user, then you'll want all of the indexes to start with the userId column, and postgres will use them to efficiently reach only the relevant rows. And if a day comes when you want to query data across multiple users, it will be much easier to do that.
I advise you not to take my word for it, though. Create both structures, generate fake data to fill them up, and see how they behave!
You might end up with x amount of tables if you have one per user. How many "users" do you expect?
The json data is unbound and might grow as your solution/app grows. How will you handle missing keys/values?
The Users table will grow horizontally (more columns) where you should always aim to grow vertically (more rows)
A better solution would be to hold your data in tables related to the user_id.
ie. a "keys" table which holds the key, date_added, active and foreign key (user_id)
This will also solve saving your data as a json which, in you example, will be difficult to maintain. Rather open that json up into a table where you can benefit from indexes and clustering.
If you reference your user_id in separate tables as a foreign key, you can partition or cluster these tables on that key to significantly increase speed and compensate for growth. Which means you have a single table for users (id, name, active, created_at, ...) and lots of tables linked to that user, eg.
subscriptions (id, user_id, ...), items (id, user_id, ...), things (id,user_id, ...)

In PostgreSQL 12, Does creating partitioning via inheritance improve query performance if queries are contained with a child table?

Using PostgreSQL 12, I'd like to take advantage of partitioning to 1: Aid in query performance, 2: Allow removing historic data more easily to keep mitigate database growth.
Unfortunately, declarative partitioning requires the key to be part of the PKs. A temporal field as primary key doesn't work well for my model -- so I'm exploring using inheritance instead (as per the docs).
My question is whether using this approach will similarly isolate the amount of rows that my SELECT statement will be exposed to if an item in my WHERE statement limits the results to a single child table.
Books => BooksJan2020, BooksFeb2020, BooksMar2020.
SELECT * FROM Books WHERE created < '01 20 2020' and author LIKE 'John%';
In declarative partitioning, I would expect the 'LIKE' statement to only be exposed to rows within the January table. Can I expect the same with inheritance? When studying how to create inherited tables, I don't see a mechanism that would tell the planner which child table to pull from.
You can do that by creating the appropriate check constraints on the inheritance children and leaving constraint_exclusion at its default value on.
But I want to dissuade you from using anything but declarative partitioning in v12. Partitioning by inheritance hurts. Besides, you cannot get a true primary key on anything that does not contain the partitioning key that way: even though you have a primary key on all partitions, nothing can prevent you from inserting the same key in different partitions.
My advice is to go with a primary key on (id, created). True, that does not guarantee global uniqueness of id, but it goes a long way towards that goal. With values generated from a single sequence, the risk of duplicates is marginal.
The remaining down side of a composite primary key is that you have to include both columns into any table that has a foreign key constraint to the partitioned table, but I'd say that is the price you pay for the advantages of partitioning. Besides, with inheritance partitioning you couldn't have foreign keys pointing to the partitioned table at all.

How to write another query in IN function when partitioning

I have 2 local docker postgresql-10.7 servers set up. On my hot instance, I have a huge table that I wanted to partition by date (I achieved that). The data from the partitioned table (Let's call it PART_TABLE) is stored on the other server, only PART_TABLE_2019 is stored on HOT instance. And here comes the problem. I don't know how to partition 2 other tables that have foreign keys from PART_TABLE, based on FK. PART_TABLE and TABLE2_PART are both stored on HOT instance.
I was thinking something like this:
create table TABLE2_PART_2019 partition of TABLE2_PART for values in (select uuid from PART_TABLE_2019);
But the query doesn't work and I don't know if this is a good idea (performance wise and logically).
Let me just mention that I can solve this with either function or script etc. but I would like to do this without scripting.
From doc at
"While primary keys are supported on partitioned tables, foreign keys
referencing partitioned tables are not supported. (Foreign key
references from a partitioned table to some other table are
With PostgreSQL v10, you can only define foreign keys on the individual partitions. But you could create foreign keys on each partition.
You could upgrade to PostgreSQL v11 which allows foreign keys to be defined on partitioned tables.
Can you explain what a HOT instance is and why it would makes this difficult?

Which index is used to answer aggregates when we have several indexes?

I have a table which is partitioned on daily basis, each partition has certainly a primary key, and several other indexes on columns which are not null. If I get the query plane for the following:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parent_table;
I can see different indexes are used, sometimes the primary key index is used and some times others. How postgres is able to decide which index to use. Note that, my table is not clustered and never clustered before. Also, the primary key is serial.
What are the catalog / statistics tables which are used to make this decision.

Doubt in clustered and non Clustered index

I have a doubt that if my table do n't have any constraint like Primary Key,Foreign key,Unique key etc. then can i create the clustered index on table and clustered index can have the douplicate records ?
My 2nd question is where should we exectly use the non clustered index and when it is useful and benificial to create in table?
My 3rd question is How can we create the 249 non clustered index in a table .Is it the meaning, Creating the non clustered index on 249 columns ?
Can you anyone help me to remove my confusion in this.
First, the definition of a clustered index is that it is physical ordering of data on the disk. Every time you do an insert into that table, the new record will be placed on the physical disk in its order based on its value in the clustered index column. Because it is the physical location on the disk, it is (A) the most rapidly accessible column in the table but (B) only possible to define a single clustered index per table. Which column (or columns) you use as the clustered index depend on the data itself and its use. Primary keys are typically the clustered index, especially if the primary key is sequential (e.g. an integer that increments automatically with each insert). This will provide the fastest insert/update/delete functionality. If you are more interested in performing reads (select * from table), you may want to cluster on a Date column, as most queries have either a date in the where clause, the group by clause or both.
Second, clustered indexes (at least in the DB's I know) need not be unique (they CAN have duplicates). Constraining the column to be unique is separate matter. If the clustered index is a primary key its uniqueness is a function of being a primary key.
Third, I can't follow you questions concerning 249 columns. A non-clustered index is basically a tool for accelerating queries at the expense of extra disk space. It's hard to think of a case where creating an index on each column is necessary. If you want a quick rule of thumb...
Write a query using your table.
If a column is required to do a join, index it.
If a column is used in a where column, index it.
Remember all the indexes are doing for you is speeding up your queries. If queries run fast, don't worry about them.
This is just a thumbnail sketch of a large topic. There are tons of more informative/comprehensive resources on this matter, and some depend on the database system ... just google it.