notifications or posts with facebook Login using graph api - facebook

i am building a website with Facebook login. is it possible to send a post to my friends time line or notification to my friends using graph API. i want to build invite Facebook friends to my website. can some one help me on this

Posting to the timeline of a friend was remove a long time ago, because it´s considered spam in most cases.
Notifications cannot be sent to friends either, luckily ;)
There are "App Requests", but they are only allowed for games on and not for external websites.
The best (and easiest) way for you is to use one of the Social Plugins:


Social media notification integration to our website

Following are my requirements
created space in website that user can come and sign up with FB or Instagram to integrate their account
Through Graph API for FB and API for Instagram, I can able to view and post the images to FB (post is not possible to instagram)
My requirement would be any activities (like and share ) happened at the FB or Instagram page should receives as notification to my website
I came to know there is no direct APIs available to achieving notifications but I have seen them in "Social Stream" app.
any help would be appreciated on how could achieve this functionality
You can get likes, comments and posts using API. You can poll them at regular interval, compare new data and create your own notifications.
(You have to get your app approved by Instagram to get API permissions, which may be possible for your usecase, if you do get approval, then its possible to achieve what you are trying to do.)

Send app invite request for a website to all friends of user?

I implemented a custom friends selector to send app invite requests for my website to a user's FB friends. But that show no of limitations, first that invitation may be sent to at max 50 people. I have seen games on FB sending app invite requests to user's all friends, wont that same kind of invite work for my website ?
Secondly Using the requests dialog with friend selector, there is no way to select all friends for invite. How could I make it better towards sending app invites to user's all friends ?
At some places in the FB devlopers docs, they mention explicity games & apps on facebook. If I am a website with a FB canvas page as well. Can I use the services availble for games on facebook? (Is it Legal ?)
App requests are for games, not for sharing a website.
The only serious (and not spammy) way to share a website on Facebook is to use the Send or Share Dialogs:
You may want to read this too:

Code for inviting friends

I need a code for inviting friends to a fanpage.
This is linking to the website. Is it possible to link to my fb fanpage?
Actually if you read the whole documents, that Request feature is for Facebook Application only. But here's a work around :
Create a Facebook Application
Have a great content where everyone wants to have
Put a Like Gate before they can access your great content
You can still use the App Request for your app while the user likes your page

Invite Friends Modal for Website off of Facebook

How do you allow your Facebook Connected users to invite their Facebook friends to your website?
All previous answers on SO are outdated referencing that it was previously possible with fb:multi-friend-selector, but since FBML will soon be deprecated, its not an option worth entertaining.
The only option I see now is to create a canvas app that redirects to my website but I would assume this is not permissible since only Canvas or Mobile apps can use the Requests dialog. I could build my own modal by getting the users friends and then sending them a message directly--also probably not permissible.
Nikolay did a fair assessment here, but was not provided a solid answer. Is Facebook locking down multiple friend invites and leaving only newsfeed posts and likes to webpages?
I use Social button like recommend and implement it with my site. ref to
So, we looked and it appears you cannot use the Invite Friends modal unless you are a mobile or Facebook canvas app.
We did, however, come up with a solution. Using the Open Graph API (see Publishing) and the publish_stream extended permission, you can post directly to a user's friend's wall. It cannot be a private message (publish_stream does not allow you to change the privacy of the message) but it does allow user's friend to get a notification of the post.
You can see it working in some of our developer's games on that are supporting our Pokki Games API. We came up with a nice modal that shows the user what the message they'll be posting looks like. This puts the user in control so they can click on their friend in a list of all their FB friends and makes the message more genuine (rather than automatically spamming all their friends with disingenuous messages).

Implementing comments and notifications using Facebook plugins

I have a reviews website where I want to integrate Facebook social plugins. I initially thought of integrating facebook comment plugin where users can write their reviews for the products I have listed on my site. But that seemed like laying waste to my own review functionality.
Here's the flow I came up with:
create a facebook app for the website
Users write a review and post it to their facebook profile
When some action happens on the review like when it is voted up or replied to, the user who posted the review to facebook gets notified via the facebook notification center
I fetch the likes, replies on facebook post and display them on my website on the review
Is it possible to implement this workflow? I basically want to send notifications to user from inside my website not from the facebook application I created.
This is possible using apprequests. One requirement for this to work is your website and facebook canvas app must be registered under the same 'app' (ie have the same appID) and be under the same base domain.