Webapp without a framework on pythonanywhere - pythonanywhere

Is it possible for me to write my own server and use that on pythonanywhere? I saw in the wsgi file that it just imports app as application from my source. Can I just supply an object called app that will behave in ways it expects? Where would I find all the info I need to make my own socket server work on pythonanywhere?

Yes and no. PythonAnywhere only supports WSGI applications, so you wouldn't be able to build your own socket server. But you could build an application that implements the WSGI protocol, without using any third party framework...
Here's an example of that last...


Can I use sockets on Appengine without a special lib?

I'm confused by the GAE documentations. It says App Engine supports sockets without requiring you to import any special App Engine libraries or add any special App Engine code. but it seems misleading as just above it says App Engine supports outbound sockets through the appengine/socket package.
I would like to connect to an IMAP server using the standard net package. Is that possible or I'm stuck with the GAE sockets API?
It is not possible to open an outbound socket without going through the appengine/socket api. This is because it works through RPC and an appengine.Context is needed to do that. You can still use the IMAP library you linked, though, as it provides a function to create a client with a given net.Conn. You can get a net.Conn from appengine/socket and pass it to NewClient to do your business. The reason it works on python and java is because they both use thread local memory to manage request state implicitly, whereas the go runtime does not.
Nothing stops you from connecting to an Imap server, since you will initiate an outbound connection. For java, the standard java mail packages work out of the box.
Only for paid apps though, i.e. you need to have billing enabled.

How to configure the base url of a Catalyst application?

I have developed a Catalyst application, which runs via the catalyst development server at, say, localhost:3000. Next I configured Apache to proxy requests to http://myhost/myapp/ to localhost:3000 using mod_proxy.
I would now like Catalyst to know that it has been publicly relocated to the base url myapp/ and take it into account when forming URLs via uri_for.
How can I do it?
KT, the easiest thing to do is to install Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::ProxyBase, as it is specifically designed to replace request base with the value passed by HTTP proxy.
The module is completely transparent and requires no modification of the existing app.

Best approach to integrate netty with openshift

In fact, I'm trying to see which would be the best approach to achieve play framework native support on openshift.
Play has it's own http server developed with netty. Right now you can deploy a play application to openshift, but you have to deploy it as a war, in which case play uses Servlet Container wrapper.
Being able to deploy it as a netty application would allow us to use some advanced features, like asynchronuos request.
Openshift uses jboss, so this question would also involve which would be the recommended approach to deploy a netty application on a jboss server, using netty instead of the servlet container provided by jboss.
Here is request for providing play framework native support on openshift There's more info there, and if you like it you can also add your vote ;-)
Start with creating 'raw-0.1' application.
SSH into the server and
download and install play into a directory here. $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR is supposed to survive redeploys of your application.
Now you can disconnect from SSH.
Clone the application repository. In the repository, there is a file .openshift/actions_hooks/start. It's task is to start the application using a framework of your choice. The file will need to contain at least (from what I know about Play)
$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/play-directroy/play run --http.port=$OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_PORT --some-other-parameters
You have to bind to $OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP:$OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_PORT. Trying to bind to different interface is not allowed, also most of the ports are blocked.
To create some sort of template, save the installation steps into .openshift/action_hooks/build file. Check if play is installed, if it is do nothing, if it's not, execute the installation process.

iPhone HTTP Server

Can someone give me simple code to help with creating an HTTP server for the iPhone. Something simple with much documentation would be appreciated. Anything you have please share.
There are sample codes from Apple and open source community such as cocoahttpserver TouchHTTPD.
Here's a summary blog
Another open-source HTTP server for iPhone is the lightweight GCDWebServer which is built on top of Grand Central Dispatch. It's only a few source code files and offers a simple and extensible API.
If you're unfamiliar with network programming your best bet is to first read Beej's Guide to Network Programming and then read the HTTP 1.1 spec before you look at source code (as you should have an understanding of the protocol before you start looking at implementations).
A simple Google search turned up cocoahttpserver and iSpit. Otherwise, you could download Apache and look at its source code, but that's not exactly a simple implementation.
It is possible to run a simple file server on iPhone/iOS.
I was able to use this method successfully. Here are the steps to create a simple file server which works on http protocol.
1. Install TestFlight app for iOS
2. Install iSH app from the Apple store or side load it from their website, as this app might not be available in the store depending on your country. I tried it from india in May 2020, and the app was not available in the store. So i did side load it from their website.
3. With iSH app, one has access to linux kernel of the iPhone. I did use a simple http server module from python and executed it on the linux shell.
4. Command to run the python based server on iPhone :
Python -m http.server 8080
5. Access the file server using the local ip that’s assigned to the iPhone in the network you are connected to. That means, if iPhone is connected to a WiFi SSID, depending on whether the router is configured to use static IP address assignment based on MAC address or using DHCP protocol, your iPhone will have an internal IP assigned by the router.
6. Command to access the file server : - modify the address depending on IP address of the iPhone and the port that server running on iPhone is configured to use. Paste this in a browser - one should be able to see the files listed in the directory where the server is running in.
Hope this was clear enough, for running a simple http based file server on iPhone using http.server module in python, over linux shell of the underlying kernel, using iSH.

Communicating with Java web app from non-java app through TCP/IP socket

Hosting an application on a web application server e.g. JBoss automatically brings in lots of app server specific functionalities with it e.g. security, clustering & load balancing etc. I have a situation where I have to develop a server app with which, legacy apps can talk to over TCP/IP socket as well as be highly available. Initially, I had though of using JBoss app server to leverage its clustering support for HA. However, I am not sure whether it would be possible to connect to a JBoss web app using pure TCP/IP sockets from both java and non-java apps.
What is the best way to achieve this without using web service or Http approach?
UPDATE: I am specially interested to know how legacy apps will connect to the hosted web app through TCP/IP socket.
A really simple solution to bridge the two worlds would be to add a simple Java server which maps the old TCP/IP requests to HTTP requests. This is probably a pretty braindead task, so this "server" will be simple to write and maintain. Also, this server won't need as much power since it just accepts and forwards connections (no business logic or DB code).
On the JBoss server, you develop like you normally would. The legacy apps connect to the little bridge server which passes the requests on to JBoss and translate the result back.
This ensures that you're building for the future: When new apps are developed, they can connect directly to JBoss and use all the great HTTP features.
There's no reason why you can't open up a normal socket in (say) a servlet application hosted in JBoss.
You can then get a byte stream from this. The headache is then to decide on a platform-independent representation of your messages, such that your client end can format and send such that the JBoss-hosted end can read. But it's all perfectly feasible.
I would implement a very simple http (1.0) client.