GEO2D index implementation in MongoDB - mongodb

I am using GEO2D index (for data stored as points on a two-dimensional plane) in MongoDB and wondering how it is working under the hood.
There is this page but it did not mention which algorithm it uses.
Is it using R-Tree indexes ?

No, like all other MongoDB indexes it's a B-Tree:
Behavior of Indexes
All indexes in MongoDB are B-tree indexes, which can efficiently
support equality matches and range queries. The index stores items
internally in order sorted by the value of the index field. The
ordering of index entries supports efficient range-based operations
and allows MongoDB to return sorted results using the order of
documents in the index.
There is an open ticket to implement R-Tree indexing for Geospatial but it's old so it does not appear to be coming any time soon:


How to modify 2dsphere index without downtime for $geoNear queries?

$geoNear queries both require a geospatial index and also require only one geospatial index.
From the docs:
$geoNear requires a geospatial index.
The $geoNear requires that a collection have at most only one 2d index and/or only one 2dsphere index.
If I need to make changes to an existing geospatial index on a production system with frequent (one every few seconds) $geoNear queries, how would I apply this change without downtime?
I'm using Mongo 3.4 if that matters, and could upgrade to 3.6 if that would make this easier.
I just tried this on MongoDB 4.2.x and it appears to no longer be an issue. I don't know in which version this issue was resolved/improved. I had two 2dsphere indexes on the same collection and no queries were having issues.
According to the docs, this is still an issue, but only for $geoNear queries, and you can work around it by telling it which index to use:
If your collection has multiple 2dsphere index and/or multiple 2d
index, you must use the key option to specify the indexed field path
to use.
If you do not specify the key, you cannot have multiple
2dsphere index and/or multiple 2d index since without the key, index
selection among multiple 2d indexes or 2dsphere indexes is ambiguous.

MongoDb index intersection usage

I have trouble understanding what MongoDB is doing with my queries. My documents contain almost exclusively array fields, keeping me from using compound indexes.
every field is Indexed with ensureIndex({FieldName:1})
The queries are AND concatenated like that:
{$and: [{FIELD1:"field1Val"},{FIELD2:"field2Val"},{FIELD3:"field3Val"}]}
If i run this query, MongoDB appears to be using only one index.
Why isn't MongoDB using all the Indexes in parallel and then intersects them?
The same problem solved with Lucene runs 8 times faster then my MongoDB implementaition does now.
(Before v2.6, one of MongoDB's well-known limitation is that it can use only one index per query except some special cases using $or
To improve query speed, you can use hint() to enforce the index used. Choose the most seletive index.)
As the comments say, its no longer true. Use index intersection. It seems that u can use at most 2 index intersected. See : When are Compound Indexes still relevant in MongoDB 2.6, given the new Index Intersection feature?
#JohnnyHK Ty for the comments, it makes me learn new things.

is there multikey index and compound index in hbase?

I 'm familiar with mongodb.
you know, there are many index types in mongodb, such as:
multikey index :
, which is very useful for keyword search, I ever used it to build a simple search engine.
compound index is also very useful in mongodb : which is used for multi fields' query.
but I need to migrate my database from mongodb to hbase, do you know some similar index in hbase which can realize the same function with multikey and compound index in mongodb?
HBase doesn't support secondary indexes, that's one of the trade-offs in order to be able to scale to massive data sets. These are the options you have:
It all depends on the amount of data you're going to handle and your access patterns. For me, both dual writing to "index" tables & summary tables are the best approaches, just keep in mind that this has to be done manually.
There is no concept of indexing in HBase as of now. I know there is some demand within the community for Indexing. But there are other projects which provide indexing on top of Hbase, One particular one i looked at was Huawei Hindex

Index Vs Query Criteria

I am new to MongoDB. I have read that Indexes limit the documents to be scanned when we query for some data.
I am confusing it with the Query Criteria as it limits the data.
For example:- db.users.find({score:{"$lt":30}}).
In the manual this example is given and explained in the sense of indexes. What are indexes and how are they different than Query Criteria?
Thank you
Indexes in MongoDB are similar, but not identical to indexes in relational databases. So, to get a basic feel, you can think of the two. Query criteria defines what subset of documents your queries are interested in. An index may be able to USE the query criteria to answer the query faster.
Suppose you have a collection with no indexes, and you do db.users.find({score:{$lt:30}}). With no index, you will need to scan the entire collection to answer the query, processing all documents regardless of their value. With an index on 'score', the query will be able to use the index to drill down on ONLY the documents that match your query, thereby executing faster.
Query criteria limits the data that is send to the client from server but it has to scan each and every document for the matching. On the other hand Index limits the scanning of the documents by having special data structure(B-tree in mongodb).

How can I specify the natural ordering in MongoDB?

Is there a way to specify the natural ordering of data in mongodb, similar to how a primary index would order data in a RDBMS table?
My use case is that all my queries return data sorted by a date field, say birthday. According to MongoDB: Sorting and Natural Order, the natural order for a standard (non-capped) collection is roughly the insertion order, but not guaranteed. This would imply sorting is needed after the data is retrieved.
I believe what you are referring to is a clustered index, not a primary index.
MongoDB 2.0 does not have a clustered index feature, so a regular index on date would be your most efficient option to retrieve.
It's probably premature optimization to think about the physical order on disk with MongoDB. MongoDB uses memory-mapped files, so depending on your working set + queries + RAM you may not need to load data from disk as often as expected.
If you are looking for something to act like the primary index in a RDBMS then sort by _id. It will be roughly insert order since the _id is prefixed with timestamp. If you try to use $natural order it will cause it to miss indexes.
Also, I would add that you should look into using the built-in timestamps in the document IDs instead of relying on a separate date field, as it allows you to store less data and removes an index.
I guess it would be difficult to achieve what you want without the help of indexes. To support sharding, the _id field in MongoDB takes values based on the timestamp at the moment the document is created. As a consequence, you can't have them monotonically increasing unlike the identity column in RDBMS table..I think you must create an index on Birthdate column if all your queries return documents sorted in the order of Birthdate. Once the index is created, the queries become efficient enough..
Refer this:
MongoDB capped collection and monotically increasing index