Is it possible to use Glade with Scala? - scala

In my hunt for various GUI frameworks, I remembered GTK being a fairly mature library for making user interfaces for desktop applications.
And it got me wondering, is it possible to use the Glade interface designer with Scala? Is there perhaps a Scala-optimised framework or library to make the process more painless?

It appears that there exists a GTK+ binding for Java, and from an unofficial source it seems like you can use this in Scala.
This binding contains class Builder with method addFromFile(), so you should be able to create a UI file in Glade, save it, then load it in your Scala project, and use the method getObject() to access the objects defined in Glade.
For more details you can refer to this question and its answers, which deal with Java, but should be very similar to Scala.

As Scala is interoperable with Java, you can use it's bindings. I highly recommend you to first see a scala REPL micro tutorial for Ubuntu then read and understand what is GtkBuilder and how to create Gtk+ interfaces using Glade. Then a proposed process could be:
Create your apps UIs using Glade
Call GtkBuilder in your Scala code to interact with UI parts (send receive data)
Create Scala script file for each UI
Create a separate backend app with REST interface to present app input/ouput as UI state changes
Connect the two apps
By doing so, you'll get a set of bash scripts (written in Scala) each draw a native UI when executed. Whenever the backend is running, it's possible for UI to be used as I/O of backend app.


Where should most of my platform specific code be in MVVM? (Beside View)

I'm Using Uno-Platform with MVVMLight trying to structure my project.
Should I put platform specific code inside ViewModel? or should it mostly be in Utils/Services?
I would recommend placing platform-specific code inside utility classes or services. Placing that code inside ViewModels would make it harder to reuse and potentially make the ViewModel impossible to run tests against.
Ideally, (not mandatory) you'll want to use Interfaces and dependency injection, provide one implementation for each platform you want to support, and try to implement the same interface for all of them. That way, your ViewModel will not have #if PLATFORM_A code.
Side note, remember Uno platform already offers a lot of platform abstractions through the UWP APIs. Like Geolocator, sensors etc.

easy to use framework for using GWT MVP with minimal coding

I am looking for a framework/library that generates most/all of the generic MVP code itself, so that I can then extend that code. In default GWT-Eclipse IDE setup, I have to write every bit of code by hand.
I have seen a few frameworks like Tessell which aim at generating a large part of the boiler plate code...Which framework do you recommend for this purpose, so that I can create new MVP-GWT apps with minimal effort/fuss?
Take a look at Tessell:
Tessell is a GWT application framework
Follows a Model View Presenter architecture
Less boilerplate (10x less LOC than hand-coded MVP)
View generation of the MVP/UiBinder interfaces/implementations that allow for fast, DOM-decoupled unit tests but that suck to code by hand
Rich models to make your application's presenter/business logic more declarative and have less spaghetti/inner class code
Dispatch-style server/client AJAX communication
Stubs for awesome, out-of-the-box tests
Conventions for forms, row tables, and cell tables
I know people who have used mvp4g on some large projects effectively.
I used gwtp in two projects and it worked really well.
It has the concept of nested presenters/views which might come handy if you want to create reusable MVP components.
The GPE (Google Plugin for Eclipse) and Google Window Builder together will generate most of what you need for MVP code using the GWT libraries. You go to New ->Window Builder->GWT UIBindder->MVP->MVP View. The Wizard will generate the uibinder code, a UI interface, a UI implementation, a place, and an activity. It will also use a client factory if you are using one. If you have a and/or a client.activity package(s) it will also put the places and activities in those packages for you.


Good day. I'm still learning GWT so please help me. I'm working on a project - Web Application with GWT on the Client Side. This app has lots of CRUD operations so I'd like to make a model for this. Can anyone suggest a prototype for my CRUD class?
CRUD on this app goes something like this:
When I clicked the Details button in a module, a popup will be shown that allows the user to do CRUD operations. This popup do have the module title, info on the selected item, and the buttons - Edit, New, Delete.
I have already finished building the base GUI for this project but I'm just starting to work on each module. I choose to begin on those module with CRUD operations. So, please help me and give your ideas on this project. Thanks in advance :)
Your question is a little bit general.
You probably have to deal with two questions which can be handled separately:
Communication with the backend.
GUI for CRUD operations
Communication with the backend:
It depends on which kind of backend you are using.
For Java backends the recommended client-server communication protocol is RequestFactory.
Non-Java-backend: In case you are using a non-java backend (python, PHP, etc) you have to use RequestBuilder using JSON or XML (I would recommend JSON).
For mapping JSON/XML to DTO's and vice verca you can use different methods:
Third party tools like piriti which are based on GWT generators
Javascript Overlay Types (JSO)
GWT Autobean framework (which is used by RequestFactory btw).
GUI for CRUD operations
For mapping your DTOs to your UI and doing the CRUD operations you can do it either:
with the Editor framework
I would recommend to use the Editor framework as it reduces the amount of boilerplate code
to move an object from your object graph to the UI and back.
The Editor framework works well with RequestFactory (RequestFactoryEditorDriver), Autobean (SimpleBeanEditorDriver) and Javascript Overlay Types.

Calling Native(C++) Code in GWT

I am developing an application in GWT which needs to call a native C++ code in Directshow to do some multimedia processing.I am guessing that I cant use JNI because GWT converts code to javascript.I did have a look at similar posts on the forum(and on GWT site about JSNI) but cant find a example that specifically talks about calling C++ code from GWT(its mostly about calling Java code from Javascript).Can anyone throw some light on this or direct me to a tutorial?
Where exactly is this code supposed run? Surely not on the client-side. Client-side native code is nowhere near mass adoption.
GWT can either interface with JSNI in order to write native JS code inside your GWT Java code, or to interface with Java back-ends, whilst the framework handles the RPC. Even without GWT you have no way to run native code from within the browser (at least in the near future).
Bottom line - if you can't do it in plain vanilla Javascript on the client side, you can't do it in GWT.
What you can do is use this native code in the back-end, and call it via classic JNI from your Java back-end classes (and then what difference does it make if it's part of a GWT project or not?), but it sounds like this is not the case.
First of all, have a clear separation of Client (HTML / Javascript running in the browser) and server components (java service servlets).
If I understood your problem statement right, You need the UI to collect parameters for your transcoders and your transcoders need to run on a Windows box.
You can look up any simple GWT application to figure out how to serve a GWT application in any container (perhaps jetty for the time being) and process basic HTML form inputs. Once you have all the parameters on the server, you need to figure out how to delegate these parameters posted from the browser (your GWT application) from the service servlet (running within a web server) to your DirectShow application. This point onwards its a java application talking to a native process problem.
You can use various ways to communicate parameters to your native directshow application. Simplest solution is to initiate the application with the exec method passing command parameters inline. Otherwise you can communicate to a running native application via TCP sockets or integrate the native app using JNI. It all depends on your architectural design, which approach you wish to take.

GWT Dynamic Module Loading

Is there a mechanism to dynamically load a GWT Module?
The idea is to create a pluggable GWT-based system: a core GWT module that dynamically loads another GWT module and a bus communication system to permit the communication through loaded modules.
Any help?
Possible duplicate of Web Application using OSGi and GWT
Also, see the information in this GWT User forum thread -
To summarize, its possible, but not recommended. Your requirement is orthogonal to GWT's philosophy and architecture. If you must, the GWT Exporter project is a useful starting point to enable communication between modules.
Code splitting does successfully handle the separated-loading issue -- but it does not address the separated-compilation issue.
Modular-interoperability with separated-compilation will never be the recommended default but GWT team should look into this in future.
If we are talking about a plug-in based architecture, different plug-in developer should develop their own UI and compile and give to the framework. Framework should dynamically load them.
I am still looking for and way to do it (do it better way).
You can use code splitting to dynamically loading the code when ever you want.
Have a look
See also comments at, starting at 6th comment.