facebook share before download - facebook

I wish to set up a facebook share gate to access my files in my website. when the user shares my website on their facebook acct, they can download the file. otherwise, no. This question is pretty similar to the post below. I tried the demo provided by adam with the downloaded file link inserted to the code. But it failed. It just show the file without popping out the usual facebook share dialogue in my website. However, if i tried the demo there, it did pop out the share dialogue together with the file even before i share. Am I missing something in the code? as i just copy the code in the demo to my website. Thank you.
Is it possible to add a link to download a file that can only be downloaded by sharing it on Facebook?
<p>This file is locked, to unlock and download it, share it</p>
<p class="hidden">Thanks for sharing, the file is unlocked and ready for download</p>
<p class="hidden">In order to download this file, you need to share it</p>
<a class="fsl fsl-facebook" href="#" id="facebook-share">
<span class="fa-facebook fa-icons fa-lg"></span>
<span class="sc-label">Share on Facebook</span>
<a class="fsl content-download" href="http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140510200316/spiritanimals/images/0/05/Tiger.jpg" id="download-file">
<span class="fa-download fa-icons fa-lg"></span>
<span class="sc-label">Download File</span>
adam's demo code


Creating a Facebook share button with customized url, title and image

Facebook used to allow custom parameters in the Facebook share button, but it is not working now. What I need is to create a Facebook share button which will have a custom title, url, image, description, etc. It cannot be done using meta tags because there are multiple share buttons on a single page. Each should have a different title, urls, images etc. I heard it can be done using the Facebook app - using app id or something.
I tried this but it's not working:
<a title="send to Facebook"
Unfortunately, it appears that we can't post shares for individual topics or articles within a page. It appears Facebook just wants us to share entire pages (based on url only).
There's also their new share dialog, but even though they claim it can do all of what the old sharer.php could do, that doesn't appear to be true.
And here's Facebooks 'best practices' for sharing.
This is the code as 2017:
<i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i>
Share on Facebook
Facebook now takes all data from OG metatags.
NOTE: This code assumes you have OG metatags on in site's code.
Use facebook feed dialog instead of share dialog.
Crude, but it works on our system:
<div class="block-share spread-share p-t-md">
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://www.voteleavetakecontrol.org/our_affiliates&title=Farmers+for+Britain+have+made+the+sensible+decision+to+Vote+Leave.+Be+part+of+a+better+future+for+us+all.+Please+share!"
<button class="btn btn-social btn-facebook">
<span class="icon icon-facebook">
Share on Facebook
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/FarmersForBritain" target="_blank">
<button class="btn btn-social btn-facebook">
<span class="icon icon-facebook">
Like on Facebook

Customizing Addthis Plugin - passing url using classic asp

I am having lots of problems while coming up with a solution.
I have a website that share text or image greetings( text greeting only at this time) on facebook or twitter etc. I planed to use Addthis.
So I created a function like this
Function DisplayShareDiv(surl, sT, sSummary)
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style"
addthis:title="<%=sT %>"
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = { "data_track_addressbar": true };</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=###################3"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
end function
Now problem is that title appears when click on facebook or twitter but url doesn't. I also want to add the description to it. I have og tags too but they need to be dynamic too and i am having problems with fb not picking up that info either. Even though i have run it through debugger. I am at it for 2 days and it is now all a mish mash. I would really appreciate if someone can please help me!!
Now I'm getting this. Is that as you require?
I think facebook was picking up an old version of your page.
The text it picked up were from the OG and description meta tags on your home page.
If you run your page through their debugging tool, that forces it to scrape the latest version of your page. Plus you might get some useful info too. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

How to find jsp filename for a UI element on a webpage

Hi and thanks for the help,
I am trying to add a button on my company's intranet site, but dang if there aren't 1000 jsp files obscuring my effort.
How do I find out which file contains a specific UI element?.
Here is what FireBug shows me:
<div class="TabContent TitleTabContainer">
<a class="TabTitle" role="tab" onclick="return !1;"href="javascript:void(null);" title="Documents" style="width: auto;">Documents</a>
Thank you,

Facebook share button is scraping a different page's info

I have this code for a Facebook custom share button:
function fbs_click() {
return false;
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=<;url>" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank" class="fb_share_link">
<img src="../../../../../image/photography/pics/fb-share.png" alt="Share this!" width="57" height="21" border="0">
This is supposed to scrape info from the page but for some reason it doesn't and it gets redirected to the site's main index.html.
I've tried adding facebook og tags and the extra code in the but to no avail.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Having been told that the share function has been deprecated, I tried to do this with the feed dialog:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?link=http://www.travel2italy.com/Travel/Italy/Company/photography/index.html&picture=http://www.travel2italy.com/image/photography/pics/homepage/florence1-home.jpg&name=travel2italy.com&caption=Photo%20Gallery&description=A%20Beautiful%20photo%20of%20Florence&redirect_uri=http://www.travelive.com" target="_blank">
<img src="../../../../../image/photography/pics/fb-share.png" alt="Tweet this!" width="57" height="21" border="0">
but when i click on the link it takes me to facebook and says an error occured, wth?!:(
I wasn't aware that the app_id argument is needed, signed up for an app and it works now, but it strips away the #section I have at the end of the link (i want it to link to a specific slide in a slideshow)
Now some of the share buttons using the sharer do seem to work but don't pull all the photos off the page for me to choose the one i want, this is insane-o, could it just be a caching issue?

Facebook Like Button For Email

Ok, so I've looked around a number of different websites but seem to get mixed information. Does anyone have any advice for implementing a Facebook Like button in an HTML email campaign?
I have already tried this article but for some reason, clicking the like opens a blank page with another like button. http://emailexpert.org/adding-a-facebook-like-button-to-your-email-template/
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is how you can add a Facebook Like button, Share Button, and Tweet Buttons. Please Note: Where it says my-campaign-url.com is the webpage of the email newsletter. Replace img src with your own image for the button. Also I am not sure you need everything in the Facebook button but you can clean it up with some testing =>
Facebook Like
<a title="Like this on Facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.
<img src="/Images/network_icons/fblike-button-small.png" style="border:
0 none;" alt="Like This on Facebook"></a>
Facebook Share
<a title="Share this on Facebook" href='http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://my-campaign-url.com'><img src='/Images/network_icons/fb-share.png' alt='Share my campaign' /></a>
Tweet Button
<a title="Share Via Twitter" href="http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?
url=http://my-campaign-url&text=My%20Text%20-%20&via=My Name&">
<img src="/Images/network_icons/tweet-button-small.png"
style="border:0 none;" alt="Share Via Twitter"></a>
Another (possibly easier) option.
Use the AddThis Service for E-Mail Marketing. See AddThis site for more info. Example Code Follows:
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<!-- Facebook -->
<a href="http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/facebook/offer?pco=tbx32nj-1.0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-site.com%2Fnewsletter&pubid=ra-[Your AddThis ID for Analytics]" target="_blank" ><img src="http://cache.addthiscdn.com/icons/v1/thumbs/32x32/facebook.png" border="0" alt="Facebook" /></a>
<!-- Twitter -->
<a href="http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/twitter/offer?pco=tbx32nj-1.0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-site.com%2Fnewsletter&pubid=ra-[Your AddThis ID for Analytics]" target="_blank" ><img src="http://cache.addthiscdn.com/icons/v1/thumbs/32x32/twitter.png" border="0" alt="Twitter" /></a>
<!-- Rest of AddThis Services-->
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?source=tbx32nj-1.0&=250&pubid=ra-[Your AddThis ID for Analytics]&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-site.com%2Fnewsletter " target="_blank" ><img src="http://cache.addthiscdn.com/icons/v1/thumbs/32x32/more.png" border="0" alt="More..." /></a>
I had this problem also. But the answers above, and elsewhere, didn't help me too much.
It seemed like often the solution being offered was creating a way to allow people to like the EMAIL CAMPAIGN itself. That's definitely not what I want... I want it to make it so that people can click to like MY ORGANIZATION'S FACEBOOK PAGE.
Fortunately, I am a mailChimp user, and for those of you that use MailChimp, this is the article that explains it very easily: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/how-can-i-add-a-become-a-fan-on-facebook-button-to-my-campaigns
this allows you to simply put a special tag and to specify the URL of your FB page... awesome. And it works. Sure, you do have to confirm with a second click, but that is OK.