add new viewController in xCode 6 - viewcontroller

I need to add a new viewController (new file h. and m.) using xCode 6 beta. After I go to File > New > File I do not get the option to add an "Object-C class" as I used to do in xCode 5. Doing that I normally got a new h. and m. file appearing in the Navigation area.
Any one can help pls?
PS - I am a beginner trying to learn basics of "storyboard" :)

If you choose objective-c File in your screenshot , you will get a .m file and a .h file written in Objective-C
If you choose Cocoa Touch File , you will have a option of Objective-C and Swift File which can be subclasses of other cocoa touch classes such as UIViewController or UITableViewCell.
IF you choose Swift File , you will get a single empty Swift file.
Since you are a beginner writing code with Objective-C , you'd better choose Objective-c File directly

Right click on the group (folder) in the navigation area in which you want to add the new viewController. Select New File, and then select Cocoa Touch Class.


use swift file into Objective-C project

Can anyone tell me how can I use swift file into my objective-C project?
I have a swift file which inherits from UIViewController instead of NSObject. I am trying to use the swift file but I am not able to figure out how.
When I add my swift file into objective-C project, it usually asks to create a bridging header.
In that header file I am importing my swift file as -
#import "SlideController.swift"
and my bridging file name is objcToSwift-Bridging-Header.h
I read many answers which asks to import file
#import "MyProductModuleName-Swift.h"
into the .m file, but I can't find any such file in my project.
I also changed the defines module = YES as shown in another answer.
But still I am not able to access swift file.
What am I missing? Please tell me the right steps to figure it out.
After you created Bridging header.
Go to Build Setting =>Search for "Objective-C Bridging Header"
Just below you will find ""Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" file
and import That file in your view controller.
ex.In my case: "Dauble-Swift.h"

How to reuse UIControl from iPhone xib to iPad xib

I am converting my application into Universal, So I have created iPad xib with ~ipad.xib extension. Now I want to use all the old UIControls used in iPhone.xib in iPad.xib without recreating and connecting, Is there any way to reuse it? I have checked in one SO question he mentioned copied and used it in iPad. How to do it?
First take back up of your application.GO to your app target section and right click there u will get three option like Duplicate, Delete, Project Editor Help....Now Select Duplicate it will show alert like below image. Now select "Duplicate and Transition to iPad".Xcode will generate all xib's for iPad with connections.Copy all xibs of iPad to original application.
just select all controls make copy & paste in new .Xib .

Universal App Loading Different Views

Trying to make an existing app having two different set of .h .m and .xib files for each view. Now for a single view am using only one .h & .m file and two .xib file.
ViewController.h, ViewController.m, ViewController~iphone.xib, ViewController~ipad.xib
Problem: At compile time i get errors for the files in my code i have not set their target for iphone and ipad both.
Go to Project -> Targets -> Build Settings -> Targeted Device Family . Set it to iPhone/iPad.
Enjoy Programming!!
Better solution is add target device for existing class

Adding iPad XIB to a View Based Application Template Application in XCode 4

I've created a View Based Application in XCode4; when creating the application I selected iPhone as the Device Family:
The application was created with the following files:
I designed the UI on the TestushViewController.xib file and without adding any code in the Delegate files, the application is uploading immediately to the TestushViewController.xib view and I'm very happy about it.
Now I want to add an iPad xib. How do I do that?
(I knew how to do it in XCode 3, but I used some code in the Delegate file, and now if I try to use the same code it doesn't work because the template default implementation works differently - Apple uses #class TestushViewController and self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController and it goes directly to the iPhone.xib. I don't know how to go around it without changing the entire thing to the way it was done in XCode3)
You'll need to structure your code in a similar way that the Window Template does. The file structure that template uses when the "Universal" option is ticked at creation is:
App Name/
The iPhone and iPad AppDelegates are simply subclasses of the AppNameAppDelegate
#interface YourAppNameAppDelegate_iPhone : YourAppNameAppDelegate {}
In your target summary you can set what .xib file is initially loaded for each device. It is called the "Main Interface" and has a pulldown menu.
Quite frankly, if you're wanting to do a universal app (iPhone + iPad) it's probably easier just to start with the Window Template and add in your view controllers instead of starting with the View template and trying to change it up.

iPhone SDK : How to localize a Class?

I am trying to localize a class (.h & .m files) in my application. I made the same operation as when I localized my interface (xib -> Get info -> make file localizable). I created a second .h and a second .m file, and I made the modifications I needed for the new location. Great !
But it just doesn't work...
I get the error:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_
Does anyone have a clue ? Thanks a lot !
you are just on the wrong path..
For localization you need not create separate .m & .h files.Only Xibs are to be created.
Other than that you have to create separate Localizable.strings file for each localization.
For more understanding just chk out this link
It contains the link for downloading the sample code also.