How to Support Facebook SDK for Unity on Mobile Platforms, Without having Facebook Canvas? - facebook

I am using Facebook-unity-sdk to for getting list of users friends.
but i am not being able to get any data.
i also tried open graph explorer to fire graph API
the results were as follows
Is there a way i could use some Graph API endpoint other then "invitable_friends" to retrieve list of all friends of user?

No, you can not. there is no other endpoint.
well.. as far as i understood your question you can do one thing.
Just add a platform(app on facebook) in your app settings, and when it asks you about "Canvas URL" just put any random website URL and save settings.
now check if the "invitable_friends" is working or not.
You don't have to run by the rules every time. :)


Share existing post to Facebook app by id/url using Graph API

So in my app I display some Facebook posts from a predefined page. I get the posts from my server (the server gets them from Facebook directly) and this way I avoid using the Facebook SDK.
For each post, I have both the id and the URL and whenever a user presses on a post I open the Facebook app on that given post.
Now I'd like to add the possibility for users to share these posts to their profile pages, but when a user opens a post (on the Facebook app) it doesn't appear any option to share it (only like and comment). Other option would be to use the standard android sharing feature (ACTION_SEND), but whenever I share a post's URL this way the app only shares a picture from that post, not the actual post.
Any help would be much appreciated,
There is currently no way to mimic the "share" behavior that exists on the website using graph API. The closest thing would be to use the link field that you mentioned.

Having issue sharing my Websites post to Facebook's timeline

We want users to be able to post to their Facebook if they want to. We have it kind of working with the older Facebook profile but not with the new Timeline.
We want it to be like Tumblr where you can post/share to your Facebook account as much as you want.
Is there a limit of post that we can have a day per users or the via entire API in general?
We are using FB connect already of course!
The documentation for Facebook's Open Graph is probably the best place to start. Take a look at their best practices page, as well:
If your application is making too many calls, the API server might rate limit you automatically, returning an "API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS" error.

How to invite friends using facebook?

Note: dont think it as repeat of any other similar questions.
We have options to display the 'Invite Friends' dialog using Legacy FBML and javascript (it also uses FBML) and they are working fine.
As facebook states that these FBML are going to be deprecated, is there any other better to way to Invite/ send requests to friends to join an application ..
I'm in the initial phase of my db app development and dont want to use the to be deprecated stuffs.. Is there any option using GRAPH Api?
Edit: I'm using PHP SDK for this app development and is there any function we could use from that?
The requests dialog is currently the only non-deprecated method of inviting your friends to a Facebook application. I doubt there will be a graph api method to create them as it would seem to be too easy to abuse, but getting, clearing and deleting them are available with the graph api.

Facebook Graph API

Can I use the Facebook Graph API without the creation of my Facebook Application? As I understand it, for each operation I need to use the OAuth key. And I can only get user OAuth key if they authorize my Facebook application. Am I right?
I need to get user feed, and post to it.
Facebook Graph Api needs your APP ID which you can only get from your Facebook application. So i think its not possible to post data on facebook without having Application ID.
You can use this tool to dynamically generate an access_token for testing:
Also, check out RapidAPI here. I've specifically linked you to the FacebookGraphAPI block. Here you can instantaneously connect to numerous Facebook endpoints. The platform will generate a code snippet that you can directly insert into your code.
Depends on what you want to do, for most tasks you have to have an app id... but If you want to get the amount of shares for a certain page, for example, you can do it with no app ID.
I think there is FBML (facebooks mark up language) which you can embed on your site which can handle some basic tasks like commenting or liking.
No, You can't do that as Facebook Graph API needs access token which u can get only by authorising your logged-in user by your (Created) App in Facebook.

Get application liker via graph api

How can i get all the facebook user id whose like my application via a graph api.
Please give any suggestion.
Like facebook fan page showing application liker randomly. I also want to access my application liker list and want to save in database.
Please tell me if any possibility? Need your suggestion...
Sorry, I don't think that's possible for privacy reasons Facebook doesn't allow it. You need to get people who like you application to install and authenticate it before you can find out more about them. However, I do remember someone managing to scrape the fans of a page before so maybe that's possible for applications as well...